2014-10-09 49 views



您可以通过构建自定义HTML助手来完成此操作。我已经在GitHub上提供answered this question并提供working demo project,但我在这里复制以供参考。


private static ISiteMapNode GetNextNode(ISiteMapNode startingNode, IDictionary<string, object> sourceMetadata) 
    ISiteMapNode nextNode = null; 
    if (startingNode.HasChildNodes) 
     // Get the first child node 
     nextNode = startingNode.ChildNodes[0]; 
    else if (startingNode.ParentNode != null) 
     // Get the next sibling node 
     nextNode = startingNode.NextSibling; 
     if (nextNode == null) 
      // If there are no more siblings, the next position 
      // should be the parent's next sibling 
      var parent = startingNode.ParentNode; 
      if (parent != null) 
       nextNode = parent.NextSibling; 

    // If the node is not visible or accessible, run the operation recursively until a visible node is found 
    if (nextNode != null && !(nextNode.IsVisible(sourceMetadata) || nextNode.IsAccessibleToUser())) 
     nextNode = GetNextNode(nextNode, sourceMetadata); 

    return nextNode; 

private static ISiteMapNode GetPreviousNode(ISiteMapNode startingNode, IDictionary<string, object> sourceMetadata) 
    ISiteMapNode previousNode = null; 

    // Get the previous sibling 
    var previousSibling = startingNode.PreviousSibling; 
    if (previousSibling != null) 
     // If there are any children, go to the last descendant 
     if (previousSibling.HasChildNodes) 
      previousNode = previousSibling.Descendants.Last(); 
      // If there are no children, return the sibling. 
      previousNode = previousSibling; 
     // If there are no more siblings before this one, go to the parent node 
     previousNode = startingNode.ParentNode; 

    // If the node is not visible or accessible, run the operation recursively until a visible node is found 
    if (previousNode != null && !(previousNode.IsVisible(sourceMetadata) || previousNode.IsAccessibleToUser())) 
     previousNode = GetPreviousNode(previousNode, sourceMetadata); 

    return previousNode; 