2011-04-13 59 views

我已经安装了SQL Server 2008报告服务,我的电脑,但是当我尝试访问报表管理器URL无法访问报表管理器URL在Reporting Services配置管理器










一些额外的信息。在使用Business Intelligence Design Studio时,我可以部署数据源和报告,并且输出窗口报告成功。

更多信息: 我以管理员身份登录到我的计算机上。 我已经安装MS Sql Server 2008 RS(标准版)



StackOverflow上的此链接描述了我拥有的相同问题。但是它提出的解决方案还没有为我工作。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930947/administrator-cannot-administer-sql-server-reporting-services 这就是说我会说如果别人有类似的问题,那么上述链接似乎是最好的开始。 – 2011-04-14 09:19:05


我应该说明我已经在本地机器上安装了Reporting Services。 – 2013-03-22 17:47:50






,真正帮助过我的意见是一个由 'dana_working'。如果文章被删除,我已经完全重新制作了它。


I don't know if the OP solved his issue or not, but I had the same problem and 
after banging my head against my desk for two days thought I would share what 
worked for me. 
One caveat - I did try a number of things before hitting on what worked for me, 
and there may be something else I did along the way that was also necessary 
(though not sufficient). I did not make any registry or direct .config changes: 

System setup: Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium; AMD processor; SQL Server Express 2008 R2; 
just running this stuff on my machine for development purposes. 

Symptoms: Could not get the URLs in Report Services Configuration Manager to work, 
even though it was all working fine on a Vista system I set up a few months ago. 
I have administrator priveleges. I tried opening IE as administrator, authorizing 
my login in various ways through the configuration manager but just could not get in.  
It is not possible, btw, to manage the report server grough SSMS in the Express 
version. You need to find a way into Report Manager with the URL. 

Crux/Solution: Basically, my administrator account was not THE administrator 
account for the computer; THE administrator (which is hidden) is different than 
having administrator rights. So the following steps worked to fix the issue 
for me: 

I authorized the "hidden Administrator" account. In Home Premium edition I did 
this by opening a command prompt "as administrator" and entering net user 
administrator /active:yes 

From what I've read, this can be done through control panel with higher 
versions of Windows 7. 

Log off and voila there is another user now besides yourself. 
Logon now as Administrator 

Open IE "as administrator" and go to http://servername/Reports_SQLEXPRESS url. 
I was able to log in at this point. 

Once in Report Manager, I authorized my regular Windows account with all 
privileges. I did this in two locations - maybe someone can explain the 
difference between the two. 

Click upper right for "Site Settings"; "Security"; Add yourself as New 
Role as a Site Administrator - you can do this following the steps outlined 
in reply Jin Chen above. 

I also found I needed to go back to "Home"; "Folder Settings"; Add yourself 
as New Role with Content Manager as outlined above by MustafaH. 
Apply, save, etc.; log out; go back to your regular logon; 
open IE "as administrator" (not sure if that's necessary but I did it anyway) 
and go to the URL, log on with your id, saving credentials. 

You now can get into Report Manager just opening IE and going to the URL's; 
Deployment from Bus Intelligence Studio works now too. 

Good luck!! 

这对我有效。删除“int。”来自Daniel的网址,否则您将收到证书错误。然而,Dana_Working的帖子是在钱上。我还有一个额外的步骤,即向我的管理员帐户添加密码,否则无法登录到ReportManager页面(使用空白密码)。修改它,然后您可以登录,然后将主帐户添加到Site Security并作为内容管理器添加到文件夹属性下。为什么这样的日常任务变得如此困难呢?微软? – 2012-09-04 00:21:55


嗨迈克,谢谢你提到链接的问题。我编辑了我的帖子并现在更新了它。很高兴这有助于你。 – 2012-09-07 13:38:54


向答复者致敬,详细说明工作的答案和注意事项。这对我有效。让我补充一点,这仍然是SSRS在SQL Server 2016 ctp 2中的问题。我相信这是由于在工作组上运行SSRS而不是加入域的计算机;对于前者,BUILTIN/Administrators的任何成员都可以毫不费力地工作,但在工作组YMMV上工作。 – BobHy 2015-08-22 17:22:15






我在本地机器上安装了Reporting Services,因此我认为我的帐户已经是管理员。 – 2013-10-21 15:20:50


我以前有过同样的问题,我也被卡住了。我不是专家,但只是SSRS的初学者,但想分享我的经验。这里如果它可以帮助某人。在我的情况下,问题是我没有为Hom Page(ROOT)的特定登录设置权限,从而导致登录最终给出空白页面。如果您不提供从应该调用这些报告的登录访问权限,则赋予报告权限和子目录权限将不起作用。



感谢您的评论。我希望它能帮助别人。这不会解决我曾经遇到的问题。这是最初在我的机器上设置的。 – 2013-05-19 06:31:46