2013-03-25 60 views


这是我迄今为止的非工作代码。我想即时搞乱我正在使用哪些寄存器。 Iv尝试将beq行上使用的这些寄存器更改为$ a2和$ a0,但该功能也无效。有什么建议么? Idk如果关闭或离开。我有一个困难的时间以下寄存器=/

promptFirst:  .asciiz "Enter Your Starting Balance: \n" 
promptSecond:  .asciiz "Enter the Interst Rate: \n" 
promptThird:  .asciiz "Enter Your Target Balance \n" 

promptNow:   .asciiz "\nYour Balance After A Iteration:\n" 
.globl main 


    # Prints the first prompt 
    li $v0, 4    # syscall number 4 will print string whose address is in $a0  
    la $a0, promptFirst  # "load address" of the string 
    syscall     # actually print the string 

    # Reads in the first operand 
    li $v0, 5    # syscall number 5 will read an int 
    syscall     # actually read the int 
    move $s0, $v0   # save result in $s0 for later 

    # Prints the second prompt 
    li $v0, 4    # syscall number 4 will print string whose address is in $a0 
    la $a0, promptSecond # "load address" of the string 
    syscall     # actually print the string  

    # Reads in the second operand 
    li $v0, 5    # syscall number 5 will read an int 
    syscall     # actually read the int 
    move $s1, $v0   # save result in $s1 for later 

    # Prints the third prompt 
    li $v0, 4    # syscall number 4 will print string whose address is in $a0 
    la $a0, promptThird # "load address" of the string 
    syscall     # actually print the string  

    # Reads in the third operand 
    li $v0, 5    # syscall number 5 will read an int 
    syscall     # actually read the int 
    move $s2, $v0   # save result in $s2 for later 

jal LOOP 



    la $a0, $s0 # load the address of the principal 
    la $a1, $s1 # load the address of the interest 
    la $a2, $s2 # load the address of the goal principal 

    lwc1 $f2, ($a0)  # load the principal 
    lwc1 $f4, ($a1)  # load the interest rate  
    lwc1 $f6 ($a2) 

    mul.s $f12, $f4, $f2 # calculate the balance 
    swc1 $f12, ($a0) 

    li $v0, 4    # syscall number 4 will print  string whose address is in $a0 
    la $a0, promptNow  # "load address" of the string 
    syscall     # actually print the string 
    li $v0, 2    # system call #2  

    addi $sp,$sp,-4  # push the current return address 
    sw $ra,($sp)  
    beq $f12, $f6, LOOPRET 

    beq $f12, $f6, ENDLOOP 

    jal LOOP 


    lw $ra,($sp)  # pop the saved return address 
    addi $sp,$sp,4  
    jr $ra 

jr $ra 



la $a0, $s0 # load the address of the principal 

这是否甚至编译? la的目的是为[L]添加标签的[A]地址。你不能取寄存器的地址。

lwc1 $f2, ($a0)  # load the principal 



mtc1 $s0,$f2  # move $s0 to floating point register $f2 
cvt.s.w $f2,$f2 # convert the integer in $f2 to a float 
# ..similarly for the rest of your values 

谢谢,我真的新汇编编程。我使用la指令的原因是因为我正在加载一个.float变量,我声明为PRINCIPAL = 100.我使用了(la $ a0,PRINCIPAL)。当我设置它来让递归工作时,我做了那部分。我猜想我认为PRINCIPAL部分只是一个存储位置,它保存了100位。所以我的思考过程将其替换为用户归属委托人的存储位置。但我想我错了。 = S很混乱。它在这里迟到了。明天我会检查你的解决方案。我真的很感激你的回应。谢谢! – user2206189 2013-03-25 06:38:54


我试过你修复。我通过了那个编译错误。但是现在,我得到了一个编译错误的beq函数调用。有浮点beq吗? – user2206189 2013-03-25 18:56:32


请参阅http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/lab/secondyear/spim/node20.html – Michael 2013-03-25 20:17:12