2017-09-26 52 views


Option Explicit 

Sub readArray() 
Dim CoGrade() As Variant 
Dim LastRow As Integer 
Dim NPSeQuedan() As Variant 
Dim SeQuedanRng As Range 

'erases information from arrays if there was any 
Erase CoGrade 

Erase NPSeQuedan 

'find the last row on the data i want to read 
LastRow = Range("b10000").End(xlUp).Row 
'the relevant data starts on row 34 
ArrayRows = LastRow - 34 + 1 
'redifines the variables with the total numbers of stocks in the portfolio 
ReDim CoGrade(ArrayRows, 1) 
ReDim NPSeQuedan(ArrayRows, 1) 

'reads each relevant number into its proper variable 
CoGrade = Range(Cells(34, 2), Cells(LastRow, 2)) 

'' test 
Set SeQuedanRng = Range(Cells(34, 13), Cells(34 + ArrayRows - 1, 
For a = 1 To ArrayRows 
    NPSeQuedan(a, 1) = CoGrade(a, 1) 
SeQuedanRng.Value = NPSeQuedan 
end sub 

请给出[mcve]。你有许多未申报的和显然未初始化的变量(本身不是很好的编程习惯)以及其内容未被描述的电子表格。要弄清楚这里发生的事情是不可能的。 –


谢谢约翰,对不起,我懒洋洋的抄袭整个事情,而且(惊喜)我不是自己的编码员,所以我必须拥有世界上所有不好的编码习惯。 – Frank


您不需要复制所有内容 - 只需提供一个*自包含的* sub来说明问题。作为猜测,这个问题与你如何声明和初始化变量有关 - 这正是你没有显示的东西。 –




Sub readArray() 
    Dim CoGrade As Variant 'Don't bother with() 
    Dim LastRow As Long 'Integer risks overflow 
    Dim A As Long, ArrayRows As Long 'you use these -- so declare it 
    Dim NPSeQuedan As Variant 'etc. 
    Dim SeQuedanRng As Range 

    'erases information from arrays if there was any 
    'Erase CoGrade -- VBA is garbage collected and these have just been declared, so 100% pointless 

    'Erase NPSeQuedan 

    'find the last row on the data i want to read 
    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row 'why hard-wire in 10000? 

    'the relevant data starts on row 34 
    ArrayRows = LastRow - 34 + 1 
    'redifines the variables with the total numbers of stocks in the portfolio 
    'ReDim CoGrade(ArrayRows, 1) -- pointless 

    ReDim NPSeQuedan(1 To ArrayRows, 1 To 1) 'this is important for what you are doing 

    'reads each relevant number into its proper variable 

    CoGrade = Range(Cells(34, 2), Cells(LastRow, 2)).Value 

    '' test 
    Set SeQuedanRng = Range(Cells(34, 13), Cells(34 + ArrayRows - 1, 13)) 

    For A = 1 To ArrayRows 
     NPSeQuedan(A, 1) = CoGrade(A, 1) 

    SeQuedanRng.Value = NPSeQuedan 'works now! 

End Sub 

你可以这样做,它包含了John Coleman提出的几条评论。

Sub readArray() 

Dim CoGrade As Variant 
Dim LastRow As Long, ArrayRows as Long, a as Long 
Dim NPSeQuedan() As Variant 
Dim SeQuedanRng As Range 

'find the last row on the data i want to read 
LastRow = Range("b10000").End(xlUp).Row 
'the relevant data starts on row 34 
ArrayRows = LastRow - 34 + 1 
'redifines the variables with the total numbers of stocks in the portfolio 
ReDim NPSeQuedan(1 To ArrayRows) 

'reads each relevant number into its proper variable 
CoGrade = Range(Cells(34, 2), Cells(LastRow, 2)) 
Set SeQuedanRng = Range(Cells(34, 13), Cells(34 + ArrayRows - 1, 13)) 

For a = 1 To ArrayRows 
    NPSeQuedan(a) = CoGrade(a, 1) 

SeQuedanRng.Value = Application.Transpose(NPSeQuedan) 

End Sub 