2014-10-12 70 views



Option Explicit 

Sub Test() 

Dim SheetObject As Worksheet 
Dim SheetObject2 As Worksheet 

Set SheetObject = Sheet1 
Set SheetObject2 = Sheet3 

MsgBox (SheetObject.Name) 
MsgBox (SheetObject2.Name) 

End Sub 





您确定'Sheet3'是实际的表单代码名称吗?试着循环遍历每一张表格并打印真实的代码名称,看看它们是否匹配,如下所示:'For Each wks In Worksheets Debug.Print wks.CodeName Next wks'或者试试像这样使用名称:'Set SheetObject2 = Worksheets (“Sheet3”)' – 2014-10-12 02:44:06


试试这个:'For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Debug.Print“sheet name =”&Worksheets(i).Name&vbCr _ &“code name =”&Worksheets(i) .CodeName&vbCr Next' – ZAT 2014-10-12 06:02:08


'Set SheetObject = Sheets(1)',或'Set SheetObject = Sheets(“Sheet1”)',都可以,第一个是索引,第一个是它的名字。 – 2014-10-12 16:24:50





Debug.Assert WbookTgt.WsheetTgt.Range("A1").Value = "Date" 



宏1 - OpenWorkbook

组织,定期提供数据经常使用的名称类似:“XXXXX 1409.xlsx”和“XXXXX 1410.xlsx”为自己的数据的九月和十月的版本。例如,您可以每月更新宏以获取最新名称,或者可以将文件名更改为标准值。这两种可能性都是麻烦的,我会特别反对第二种想法,因为我喜欢将我所处理的所有工作簿存档。

OpenWorkbook()使用Dir语句来搜索文件夹,一个模板,如“XXXXX的* .xls *”相匹配的文件。如果单个文件与此模板匹配,宏将打开工作簿并返回对其的引用。

宏2 - CheckWorksheets


If CheckWorksheets(WbookTgt, WbookThis, “Name1”) then 
If CheckWorksheets(WbookTgt, WbookThis, “Name1”, “Name2”) then 
If CheckWorksheets(WbookTgt, WbookThis, “Name1”, “Name2”, “Name3”) then 

CheckWorksheets有三个参数。前两个是工作簿参考。第三个是ParamArray SheetName() As Variant。前两个之后的任何参数都放置在数组SheetName中,该数组的大小可以根据需要设置。这里所有的尾部参数都是字符串,但它们可以是任何类型。







Option Explicit 
Sub Demo1() 

    Dim Path As String 
    Dim WbookThis As Workbook 
    Dim WbookTgt As Workbook 

    ' Application.ThisWorkbook identifies the workbook containing this macro. 
    Set WbookThis = Application.ThisWorkbook 

    ' I find it convenient to place my target workbooks in the folder 
    ' holding the workbook containing the macro(s). 
    Path = WbookThis.Path 

    Set WbookTgt = OpenWorkbook(Path, "Combined*.xls*", WbookThis) 

    If WbookTgt Is Nothing Then 
    ' Detailed error message already recorded in "Errors" 
    Call MsgBox("Wokbook failed checks", vbOKOnly) 
    With WbookTgt 
     Debug.Print .Path & "\" & .Name & " opened." 
     .Close SaveChanges:=False 
    End With 
    End If 

End Sub 
Sub Demo2() 

    Dim Path As String 
    Dim WbookThis As Workbook 
    Dim WbookTgt As Workbook 

    ' Application.ThisWorkbook identifies the workbook containing this macro. 
    Set WbookThis = Application.ThisWorkbook 

    ' I find it convenient to place my target workbooks in the folder 
    ' holding the workbook containing the macro(s). 
    Path = WbookThis.Path 

    Set WbookTgt = OpenWorkbook(Path, "Combined 2.04.xls*", WbookThis) 

    If WbookTgt Is Nothing Then 
    ' Detailed error message already recorded in "Errors" 
    Call MsgBox("Wokbook failed checks", vbOKOnly) 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 
    With WbookTgt 
    If Not CheckWorksheets(WbookTgt, WbookThis, "Critical Path", "Dyn Dims") Then 
     Call MsgBox("Wokbook failed checks", vbOKOnly) 
     .Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    Debug.Print .Path & "\" & .Name & " contains worksheets Critical and Dym Dims" 
    .Close SaveChanges:=False 
    End With 

End Sub 
Function CheckWorksheets(ByRef WbookTgt As Workbook, ByRef WbookError As Workbook, _ 
         ParamArray SheetName() As Variant) As Boolean 

    ' * Return True if WbookTgt contains every specified worksheet. 

    ' * WbookTgt is the workbook to be checked 
    ' * WbookError identifies the workbook containing worksheet "Error" to which any 
    ' error message will be added. 
    ' * SheetName() is an array of worksheet names. 

    Dim ErrorMsg As String 
    Dim FoundError As Boolean 
    Dim FoundSheet() As Boolean 
    Dim FoundSheetsCount As Long 
    Dim InxName As Long 
    Dim InxWsheet As Long 
    Dim NotFoundSheetsCount As Long 
    Dim RowErrorNext As Long 
    Dim SheetNamesFound As String 

    ' Size FoundSheet to match SheetName. Array elements initialised to False 
    ReDim FoundSheet(LBound(SheetName) To UBound(SheetName)) 

    FoundSheetsCount = 0 
    NotFoundSheetsCount = 0 
    With WbookTgt 
    For InxName = LBound(SheetName) To UBound(SheetName) 
     NotFoundSheetsCount = NotFoundSheetsCount + 1 ' Assume not found until found 
     For InxWsheet = 1 To .Worksheets.Count 
     If SheetName(InxName) = .Worksheets(InxWsheet).Name Then 
      FoundSheet(InxName) = True 
      FoundSheetsCount = FoundSheetsCount + 1 
      NotFoundSheetsCount = NotFoundSheetsCount - 1 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    End With 

    If NotFoundSheetsCount = 0 Then 
    CheckWorksheets = True 
    Exit Function 
    End If 

    SheetNamesFound = "" 
    ErrorMsg = WbookTgt.Path & "\" & WbookTgt.Name & " does not contain " 
    If NotFoundSheetsCount = 1 Then 
    ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & "this expected worksheet:" 
    ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & "these expected worksheets:" 
    End If 
    For InxName = LBound(SheetName) To UBound(SheetName) 
    If Not FoundSheet(InxName) Then 
     ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & vbLf & " " & SheetName(InxName) 
     SheetNamesFound = SheetNamesFound & vbLf & " " & SheetName(InxName) 
    End If 
    If FoundSheetsCount = 0 Then 
    ' No need to add list of found sheet names 
    ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & vbLf & "but does contain " 
    If FoundSheetsCount = 1 Then 
     ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & "this expected worksheet:" 
     ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & "these expected worksheets:" 
    End If 
    ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & SheetNamesFound 
    End If 
    With WbookError 
    With .Worksheets("Errors") 
     RowErrorNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 
     With .Cells(RowErrorNext, "A") 
     .Value = Now() 
     .VerticalAlignment = xlTop 
     End With 
     .Cells(RowErrorNext, "B").Value = ErrorMsg 
    End With 
    End With 
    CheckWorksheets = False 

End Function 
Function OpenWorkbook(ByVal Path As String, ByVal FileTemplate As String, _ 
         ByRef WbookError As Workbook) As Workbook 

    ' * If Path & FileTemplate identifies a single workbook, open it and return 
    ' it as an object. If Path & FileTemplate does not represent a single 
    ' workbook, report the problem in worksheet Errors and return Nothing. 

    ' * WbookError identifies the workbook containing worksheet "Error". 
    ' * Path must be the name of the folder in which the required workbook is located 
    ' * FileTemplate can either be a specific filename or can contain wild cards 
    ' providing only one file matches the template. 
    ' * WbookError identifies the workbook containing worksheet "Error" to which any 
    ' error message will be added. 

    Dim ErrorMsg As String 
    Dim FileNameCrnt As String 
    Dim FileNameMatch As String 
    Dim RowErrorNext As Long 

    FileNameMatch = Dir$(Path & "\" & FileTemplate, vbNormal) 
    If FileNameMatch = "" Then 
    ' No matches found 
    ErrorMsg = "Template " & Path & "\" & FileTemplate & " does not match any file" 
    ' At least one match. 
    ' If only one match, its name is in FileNameMatch 
    Do While True 
     FileNameCrnt = Dir$ 
     If FileNameCrnt = "" Then 
     ' No more matches 
     Exit Do 
     End If 
     ' A second or subsequent match has been found. 
     If FileNameMatch <> "" Then 
     ' This is the second match. 
     ' Initialise error message and report name of first match 
     ErrorMsg = "Template " & Path & "\" & FileTemplate & " matches more than one file:" & _ 
        vbLf & " " & FileNameMatch 
     FileNameMatch = ""  ' No single match 
     End If 
     ' Add name of current match to error message 
     ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & vbLf & " " & FileNameCrnt 
    End If 

    If FileNameMatch = "" Then 
    ' No single match found. 
    ' ErrorMsg contains an appropriate error message 
    With WbookError 
     With .Worksheets("Errors") 
     RowErrorNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 
     With .Cells(RowErrorNext, "A") 
      .Value = Now() 
      .VerticalAlignment = xlTop 
     End With 
     .Cells(RowErrorNext, "B").Value = ErrorMsg 
     Set OpenWorkbook = Nothing 
     End With 
    End With 
    ' Single match found 
    Set OpenWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(Path & "\" & FileNameMatch) 
    End If 

End Function 






Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

我曾在一个宏,这意味着任何警报将显示,即使pogrammer没想到它的用户的关注开始看到有Application.DisplayAlerts = False代码。通过包围Delete,我确保只有我期望的警报被抑制。


Sub OpenFile() 
    Dim InputFileNum As Long 
    InputFileNum = FreeFile 
    Open "Dummy.txt" For Input As InputFileNum 
    Debug.Print "File successfully opened" 
    Close InputFileNum 
End Sub 

文件 “Dummy.txt” 不存在这样的宏将停止在Open声明。


Sub OpenFile() 

    Dim InputFileNum As Long 

    On Error GoTo ErrorCode 

    InputFileNum = FreeFile 
    Open "Dummy.txt" For Input As InputFileNum 
    Call MsgBox("File successfully opened", vbOKOnly) 
    Close InputFileNum 
    Exit Sub 

    Debug.Print "Unexpected error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description 

End Sub 



Sub OpenFile() 

    Dim FileSysObj As Object 
    Dim InputFileNum As Long 

    On Error GoTo ErrorCode 

    Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

    If Not FileSysObj.FileExists("Dummy.txt") Then 
    Call MsgBox("I am unable to find ""Dummy.txt"". List of helpful suggestions.", vbOKOnly) 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 

    InputFileNum = FreeFile 
    Open "Dummy.txt" For Input As InputFileNum 
    Call MsgBox("File successfully opened", vbOKOnly) 
    Close InputFileNum 
    Exit Sub 

    Debug.Print "Unexpected error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description 

End Sub 


有时你无法避免一个错误。为了测试下面的代码,我创建了文件Dummy.txt,但设置了“读访问被拒绝”标志。 (据我所知),VBA宏测试这个标志并不容易。我有一个处理意外错误的通用处理程序,但是我将它关闭以用于Open声明,以便我可以包含打开失败的特定代码。我已经删除了使用FileExists()来测试Dummy.txt是否存在的代码,因为将其与其他打开的文件错误测试结合使用会更容易。

Sub OpenFile() 

    Dim FileSysObj As Object 
    Dim InputFileNum As Long 

    On Error GoTo ErrorCode  ' General handler for unexpected errors 

    InputFileNum = FreeFile 
    On Error Resume Next   ' Record error in Err object and continue 
    Open "Dummy.txt" For Input As InputFileNum 
    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case 0 
     ' No error. 
    Case 53   ' File does not exist 
     Call MsgBox("I am unable to find ""Dummy.txt"". List of helpful suggestions.", vbOKOnly) 
     Exit Sub 
    Case 75   ' Path/File access error 
     Call MsgBox("It appears file ""Dummy.txt"" exists but I do not have permission to read it.", vbOKOnly) 
     Exit Sub 
    Case Else 
     Call MsgBox("My attempt to open ""Dummy.txt"" failed with an unexpected error condition" & vbLf & _ 
        " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly) 
     Exit Sub 
    End Select 

    On Error GoTo ErrorCode  ' Restore general handler for unexpected errors 

    Call MsgBox("File successfully opened", vbOKOnly) 
    Close InputFileNum 
    Exit Sub 

    Debug.Print "Unexpected error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description 

End Sub 



非常感谢Tony提供的这些示例,我通过它们进行了工作,并且我相信我对如何实现基于您的代码类型非常了不起,它可以满足我的特殊需求。在阅读完所有内容后,唯一的问题是:VBA中是否存在错误捕获代码?例如,VB.net使用Try ... Catch,在VBA中是否存在等价物或者是为错误编程捕捉错误的唯一方法?这可能超出了原始问题的范围,请随时将我指向另一个地方! – 2014-10-16 02:05:46


我不确定提问者是否被告知是否修改了答案。这个评论是为了确保你被告知。 – 2014-10-16 10:29:01


你在哪个时区?你的帖子在我的时间凌晨3点。 – 2014-10-16 10:30:23