2015-10-19 33 views



例如,我在做非阻塞读取时的最佳尝试是timeout 1 $ hGetLine out,如果不存在要读取的行,则返回Just "some line"Nothing。然而,这对我来说似乎是一种破绽,所以我正在寻找更“标准”的方式。



你想要这个函数有什么语义?如果进程将字符“ABC”写入“out”,然后程序调用“hGetLineNonBlocking”,读取字符“ABC”,但由于尚未读取换行符而无法返回“Just”它不能阻止,直到有更多的字符像“hGetLine”(显然)。你扔掉那条线吗?这几乎肯定是错误的。我怀疑在这种情况下,你会阻止,等待剩下的线路。如果是这样,只需在用'hGetLine'读取之前检查句柄是否为'hReady'。 – user2407038


@ user2407038对不起,但我不明白你的评论,因为执行'timeout 1 $ hGetLine ...'总是返回'Just',如果有整行被读取,否则返回'Nothing'。 – mljrg


为了'hGetLine'读一行,它必须按顺序读取字符,直到它到达一个换行符,然后返回。但是,如果'hGetLine'读取了一堆字符,但没有换行符,那么这行就没有完成 - 所以hGetLine会阻塞,直到有更多的字符。如果你的函数是合理的,它不会读取缓冲区中的字符并丢弃它们,但它不能阻止 - 它对已经读取的字符有什么作用?它是否返回部分行,哪个*不是由换行符终止的? – user2407038




该程序与脚本./compute简单地读取从stdin线路中的形式和<x> <y>ÿ秒的延迟之后返回X + 1相互作用。更多详情,请致电this gist



以下是示例代码 - 请参阅样本调用结尾处的main例程。

import System.Environment 
import System.Timeout (timeout) 
import Control.Concurrent 
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay, killThread) 
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) 

import System.Process 
import System.IO 

-- blocking IO 
main1 cmd tmicros = do 
    r <- createProcess (proc "./compute" []) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe } 
    let (Just inp, Just outp, _, phandle) = r 

    hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering 
    hPutStrLn inp cmd  -- send a command 

    -- block until the response is received 
    contents <- hGetLine outp 
    putStrLn $ "got: " ++ contents 

    hClose inp   -- and close the pipe 
    putStrLn "waiting for process to terminate" 
    waitForProcess phandle 

-- non-blocking IO, send one line, wait the timeout period for a response 
main2 cmd tmicros = do 
    r <- createProcess (proc "./compute" []) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe } 
    let (Just inp, Just outp, _, phandle) = r 

    hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering 
    hPutStrLn inp cmd -- send a command, will respond after 4 seconds 

    mvar <- newEmptyMVar 
    tid <- forkIO $ hGetLine outp >>= putMVar mvar 

    -- wait the timeout period for the response 
    result <- timeout tmicros (takeMVar mvar) 
    killThread tid 

    case result of 
    Nothing -> putStrLn "timed out" 
    Just x -> putStrLn $ "got: " ++ x 

    hClose inp   -- and close the pipe 
    putStrLn "waiting for process to terminate" 
    waitForProcess phandle 

-- non-block IO, send one line, report progress every timeout period 
main3 cmd tmicros = do 
    r <- createProcess (proc "./compute" []) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe } 
    let (Just inp, Just outp, _, phandle) = r 

    hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering 
    hPutStrLn inp cmd -- send command 

    mvar <- newEmptyMVar 
    tid <- forkIO $ hGetLine outp >>= putMVar mvar 

    -- loop until response received; report progress every timeout period 
    let loop = do result <- timeout tmicros (takeMVar mvar) 
       case result of 
        Nothing -> putStrLn "still waiting..." >> loop 
        Just x -> return x 
    x <- loop 
    killThread tid 

    putStrLn $ "got: " ++ x 

    hClose inp   -- and close the pipe 
    putStrLn "waiting for process to terminate" 
    waitForProcess phandle 


Usage: ./prog which delay timeout 

    which = main routine to run: 1, 2 or 3 
    delay = delay in seconds to send to compute script 
    timeout = timeout in seconds to wait for response 


    ./prog 1 4 3 -- note: timeout is ignored for main1 
    ./prog 2 2 3 -- should timeout 
    ./prog 2 4 3 -- should get response 
    ./prog 3 4 1 -- should see "still waiting..." a couple of times 


main = do 
    (which : vtime : tout : _) <- fmap (map read) getArgs 
    let cmd = "10 " ++ show vtime 
     tmicros = 1000000*tout :: Int 
    case which of 
    1 -> main1 cmd tmicros 
    2 -> main2 cmd tmicros 
    3 -> main3 cmd tmicros 
    _ -> error "huh?" 

非常感谢您的全面回答:这是一个非常好的例子。只是几个问题:你不需要'关闭输出'?另外,你不是在执行'terminateProcess phandle',这是因为'hClose inp'预计会关闭外部进程吗?如果产生的进程挂起,你的解决方案将如何强制停止? – mljrg