2015-11-08 24 views

我正在使用Visual Studio for C#应用程序。我有一台64位机器。我安装了最新版本的Nuget和Stylecop。当我建立,我得到警告作为处理器体系结构不匹配 - Visual Studio,Nuget,Stylecop

There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project 
being built "MSIL" and the processor architecture of the reference 
NuGet.VisualStudio", "x86". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please 
consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project 
through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures 
between your project and references, or take a dependency on references with 
a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of 
your project." 




我想到了 - 我去了配置管理器,并将该项目的平台设置为x64。诀窍!


我对这个问题有两种可行的解决方案: 第一变化从项目目标框架>属性>生成标签>目标平台到x64 如果上述方案不能在大多数情况下工作,然后与另一其工作,每次尝试为了我。 转到项目源代码文件夹> obj> x64>调试并删除那里的所有文件 现在尝试从Visual Studio发布您的解决方案,它将工作。 一些截图,以更好地理解这种

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