2017-04-12 52 views


Public Structure sliced 
    Public P1, P2 As Vector2d 
    Public ID As Integer 
End Structure 

Dim slicedPoint(30000) As sliced 


For i = 0 To SPcount - 2 
    slicedPoint(i).ID = groupID 

    'Assign starting Point of the loop 
    If initialFlag = False Then   'This is done once 
     Pstart = slicedPoint(i).P1 
     initialFlag = True 
    End If 

    If slicedPoint(i).P2 <> Pstart Then 
     For k = i + 1 To SPcount - 1 
      If slicedPoint(i).P2 = slicedPoint(k).P1 Then 
       'Normal order points 
       bufferPoint = slicedPoint(i + 1)   
       slicedPoint(i + 1) = slicedPoint(k)  
       slicedPoint(k) = bufferPoint    
       Exit For 
      End If 
      If slicedPoint(i).P2 = slicedPoint(k).P2 Then 
       'Inverted points 
       bufferPoint.P1 = slicedPoint(k).P2 
       bufferPoint.P2 = slicedPoint(k).P1 
       slicedPoint(k) = bufferPoint 
       bufferPoint = slicedPoint(i + 1) 
       slicedPoint(i + 1) = slicedPoint(k) 
       slicedPoint(k) = bufferPoint 
       Exit For 
      End If 

      If k = SPcount - 1 Then 
       My.Application.Log.WriteEntry("Not Found") 
      End If 
     'Closed Contour found, Increment group count 
     groupID += 1   'next group starting point refers here 
     Pstart = slicedPoint(i + 1).P1 
    End If 

在上面的代码,i指数是基准,并且k是搜索索引。 SPCount是可用分段的最大数量。该代码通过参考slicedPoint(i).P2搜索下一对线段。如果slicedPoint(i).P2等于slicedPoint(k).P1,那么这是下一个分段。有时,下一个分段存储为反转分段,与slicedPoint(i).P2 = slicedPoint(k).P2一样。点k索引将在P1P2之间交换以修复反转段。这个算法可以工作,但是经过几次迭代后,即使手动检查剩余的段,搜索算法也找不到下一个段,我可以找到下一个段。下面是输出:

DefaultSource Information: 0 : Intersecting Facet: 104 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : Slicing Point: 104 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : SliceZ: 1 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 0 0 (-57.1428571428571, -10) (-50, -10) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 1 0 (-50, -10) (-49.7306428571429, -9.49302657142857) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 2 0 (-49.7306428571429, -9.49302657142857) (-49.68575, -9.408531) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 3 0 (-49.68575, -9.408531) (-49.3656414285714, -8.93196814285714) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 4 0 (-49.3656414285714, -8.93196814285714) (-49.31229, -8.852541) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 5 0 (-49.31229, -8.852541) (-48.94485, -8.41144757142857) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 6 0 (-48.94485, -8.41144757142857) (-48.88361, -8.337932) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 7 0 (-48.88361, -8.337932) (-48.47273, -7.93699142857143) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 8 0 (-48.47273, -7.93699142857143) (-48.40425, -7.870168) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 9 0 (-48.40425, -7.870168) (-47.9542928571429, -7.51363771428571) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 10 0 (-47.9542928571429, -7.51363771428571) (-47.8793, -7.454216) 


DefaultSource Information: 0 : 22 0 (-44.2059442857143, -6.25492957142857) (-44.11039, -6.25) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 23 0 (-44.11039, -6.25) (31.5074214285714, -6.25) 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : Not Found 
DefaultSource Information: 0 : 24 0 (-49.6323985714286, 9.32910385714286) (-49.31229, 8.852541) 

,但24日实际对P2 (31.5074214285714, -6.25)可以位于67

DefaultSource Information: 0 : 67 0 (44.11039, -6.25) (31.5074214285714, -6.25) 

其满足报表时slicedPoint(i).P2 = slicedPoint(k).P2 这很混乱。我的编码有错误吗?或者这只是一个不好的方法来处理struct数组?


