2013-04-08 36 views


The players will be children of the following (partially defined) class: 

public abstract class Player implements Comparable{ 
    public String name; // name of player 
    public int id;  // identifier for the player 
    protected int wins; 
    protected int losses; 
    protected int ties; 

    public abstract String play(Player opponent); 
    // returns one of "rock", "paper", or "scissors" 

    public void update(String myGesture, 
         String opponentGesture, 
         Player opponent); 
    // this method will update the player's stats 
    // (wins, losses, ties) based on the gestures (inputs) 
    // for a recent game played against opponent (also input) 

    public Player(String name, int id){...} 
    // constructor that initializes player's name and id 
You will need to fill in the code for the constructor and the update methods for the Player class. You can add other "hidden" attributes and methods as you wish (Note: if you add things to Player, be sure it is something that ALL children classes will also use). You will also need to implement three classes that extend the Player class: 

public class SimplePlayer extends Player{...} 
// A SimplePlayer will always play the same 
// gesture (either rock, paper, or scissors) 
// in every game it plays, regardless 
// of who its opponent is. The gesture is 
// randomly chosen when the SimplePlayer is created. 

public class RandomPlayer extends Player{...} 
// A RandomPlayer will always play a random 
// gesture (rock, paper, or scissors) in 
// every game it plays, regardless of who 
// its opponent is. 

public class SmartPlayer extends Player{...} 
// A SmartPlayer will try to use past knowledge 
// of games played against a particular 
// opponent when playing them again. 
You can add any hidden attributes and methods to the children classes as you wish. 



该网站主要是为了代码。这听起来像你应该问你的老师。 – chris 2013-04-08 02:39:23


除非您有具体问题,否则我们无法为您提供帮助。这不是* Java翻译成简单英语的地方。例如,你知道'抽象类'是什么吗? – 2013-04-08 02:49:19









你能看到更新,并给我你的想法! – choloboy7 2013-04-08 16:00:24



  • play()返回玩家选择的任何手势。

  • update()决定谁赢了,并且根据手势添加+1到他们的胜利,损失或者 。

  • 播放器()初始化播放器的名称和ID

  • SimplePlayer()初始化要使用的手势。这将保持 不变

  • RandomPLayer()初始化一个手势,使其在每个游戏 上随机播放。

  • SmartPlayer()根据玩家通常使用的对手 的手势来选择手势。