2011-08-31 102 views

我试图在Excel中为我的计划创建树遍历。我处于每个1006个单元长的2个列表。第一个是前辈,第二个是继任者。我正在尝试使用一组函数来显示多个结果。例如,如果我输入3,我希望任务3的所有后继者都被列出。到目前为止,我已经拿出代码:EXCEL - 在列表中查找一个值并返回多个相应的值





可以添加表头和很少有示例数据行来说明您的问题 - 谢谢! – MikeD





Option Explicit 

Sub Proc_ListPre() 
Dim rData As Range, lLastrow As Long, i As Integer 
Dim aValues() As Variant 
Dim sFilter As String, sRes As String 

'Ask for the value to filter to the user 
sFilter = InputBox("Which predecessor do you want to analyse?", "Please type the predecessor you want") 
If Len(sFilter) = 0 Then Exit Sub 

'Define the range 
'either use UsedRange (if only columns A and B are used) 
'Set rData = ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
'or use End(xlUp) if not 
lLastrow = ActiveSheet.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row 
Set rData = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B" & lLastrow) 
'Filter the predecessor with the criteria given in arg 
rData.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=sFilter 

'Find the last row of the filtered data 
lLastrow = ActiveSheet.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row 
aValues = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:B" & lLastrow).Value 
'Join the 2nd column of the array 
'Join(WorksheetFunction.Index(aValues, 0, 2), ";") 'note that this doesn't work because index returns a 2D array 
'Workaround to join the 2nd column 
For i = 1 To UBound(aValues, 1) 
    If Len(CStr(aValues(i, 2))) > 0 Then 
     sRes = sRes & aValues(i, 2) & ";" 
    End If 
sRes = Left(sRes, Len(sRes) - 1) 
MsgBox sRes 

ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False 
End Sub 


Function ListPre(ByVal sFilter As String) 
Dim rData As Range, lLastrow As Long, i As Integer 
Dim aValues() As Variant 
Dim sRes As String 

'Define the range 
'either use UsedRange (if only columns A and B are used) 
'Set rData = ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
'or use End(xlUp) if not 
lLastrow = ActiveSheet.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row 
Set rData = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B" & lLastrow) 
aValues = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:B" & lLastrow).Value 

'Join the 2nd column of the array 
'Join(WorksheetFunction.Index(aValues, 0, 2), ";") 'note that this doesn't work because it returns a 2D array 
'Workaround to join the 2nd column 
For i = 1 To UBound(aValues, 1) 
    If Len(CStr(aValues(i, 2))) > 0 And CStr(aValues(i, 1)) = sFilter Then 
     sRes = sRes & aValues(i, 2) & ";" 
    End If 
sRes = Left(sRes, Len(sRes) - 1) 
ListPre = sRes 
End Function 