2017-04-13 31 views

我正在计算基于2个栅格(输入ras)和“层”栅格的新栅格(输出ras)。 Stratum栅格值(1到4)指的是偏置和权重数据框中的行。 Strata值'4'用于填充Strata栅格中的任何'NA',否则该函数将崩溃。以下输入是必需的。优化栅格::计算函数 - 函数1 vs 2 - R

# load library 

# reproducing the bias and weight data.frames 
bias <- data.frame(
ras_1 = c(56,-7,-30,0), 
ras_2 = c(29,18,-52,0), 
ras_3 = c(44,4,-15,0) 
rownames(bias) <- c("Strat 1","Strat 2","Strat 3","Strat 4") 

weight <- data.frame(
ras_1 = c(0.56,0.66,0.23,0.33), 
ras_2 = c(0.03,0.18,0.5,0.33), 
ras_3 = c(0.41,0.16,0.22,0.34) 
rownames(weight) <- c("Strat 1","Strat 2","Strat 3","Strat 4") 



## Create raster data for input 

# create 2 rasters 
r1 <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10) 
r2 <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10) 
r1[] <- sample(seq(from = 1, to = 500, by = 1), size = 100, replace = TRUE) 
r2[] <- sample(seq(from = 1, to = 500, by = 1), size = 100, replace = TRUE) 
r2[1:2] <- NA # include NA in input maps for example purpose 

# Create strata raster (4 strata's) 
r3 <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10) 
r3[] <- sample(seq(from = 1, to = 4, by = 1), size = 100, replace = TRUE) 

Strata.n <- 4 # number of strata values in this example 

fusion <- function(x) { 
    result <- matrix(NA, dim(x)[1], 1) 
    for (n in 1:Strata.n) { 
    ok <- !is.na(x[,3]) & x[,3] == n 
    a <- x[ok,1] + bias[n,1] # add bias to first input raster value    
    b <- x[ok,2] + bias[n,2] # add bias to second input raster value 
    result[ok] <- a * weight[n,1] + b * weight[n,2] # Multiply values by weight 

s <- stack(r1,r2,r3) 
Fused.map <- calc(s, fun = fusion, progress = 'text') 


  • 它仅适用于2个栅格
  • 如果一个光栅具有NA,那么结果将是NA该小区

    is.na([email protected]@values) # check for NA in the fused map 


  • 即需要功能的任何输入栅格的数目
  • 它可以与NA值工作(忽略栅格NA值)
  • 重新调整“权重”,如果一个光栅具有NA值,从而使剩余的权重值加起来1



fusion2 <- function(x) { 
    m <- matrix(x, nrow= 1, ncol=3) # Create matrix per stack of cells 
    n <- m[,3] # get the stratum 
    g <- m[1:(Strata.n-1)] + as.matrix(bias[n,]) # add bias to raster values 
    g[g < 0] <- 0 # set values below 0 to 0 
    w <- weight[n,1:(Strata.n-1)] # get correct strata weight values 
    w[is.na(g)]<- NA # set weight to NA if (g) raster values are NA 
    p <- sum(w, na.rm = T) # calculate sum of weight values 
    pp <- w/p # divide weight values by sum to get the proportion to == 1 
    pp <- as.numeric(pp) 
    result <- as.integer(round(sum(pp*g, na.rm = T))) # return raster value 

Fused.map <- calc(s, fun = fusion2, progress = 'text') 


> sessionInfo() 
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) 
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) 
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)  




似乎有很多不必要的格式转换正在进行,使用最简单的数据结构是最快的。 calc参数是一个数字向量,因此您可以在任何地方使用数字向量。而且,舍入和转换为整数是多余的。

fusion3 <- function(x) { 
    n <- x[3] # get the stratum 
    g <- x[1:(Strata.n-1)] + as.numeric(bias[n,]) # add bias to raster values 
    g[g < 0] <- 0 # set values below 0 to 0 
    w <- as.numeric(weight[n,1:(Strata.n-1)]) # get correct strata weight values 
    w[is.na(g)]<- NA # set weight to NA if (g) raster values are NA 
    p <- sum(w, na.rm = T) # calculate sum of weight values 
    pp <- w/p # divide weight values by sum to get the proportion to == 1 
    result <- as.integer(sum(pp*g, na.rm = T)+0.5) # return raster value 


system.time(Fused.map <- calc(s, fun = fusion, progress = 'text')) 
    user system elapsed 
    0.015 0.000 0.015 
system.time(Fused.map <- calc(s, fun = fusion2, progress = 'text')) 
    user system elapsed 
    8.270 0.078 8.312 


system.time(Fused.map3 <- calc(s, fun = fusion3, progress = 'text')) 
    user system elapsed 
    1.970 0.026 1.987 


bias_matrix = as.matrix(bias) 
weight_matrix = as.matrix(weight) 

fusion3 <- function(x) { 
    n <- x[3] # get the stratum 
    g <- x[1:(Strata.n-1)] + bias_matrix[n,] # add bias to raster values 
    g[g < 0] <- 0 # set values below 0 to 0 
    w <- weight_matrix[n,1:(Strata.n-1)] # get correct strata weight values 
    w[is.na(g)]<- NA # set weight to NA if (g) raster values are NA 
    p <- sum(w, na.rm = T) # calculate sum of weight values 
    pp <- w/p # divide weight values by sum to get the proportion to == 1 
    result <- as.integer(sum(pp*g, na.rm = T)+0.5) # return raster value 


system.time(Fused.map3 <- calc(s, fun = fusion3, progress = 'text')) 
    user system elapsed 
0.312 0.008 0.318 


bias_matrix = as.matrix(bias) 
weight_matrix = as.matrix(weight) 
Strata.minus1 = 1:(Strata.n-1) 

fusion3 <- function(x) { 
    n <- x[3] # get the stratum 
    g <- x[Strata.minus1] + bias_matrix[n,] # add bias to raster values 
    g[g < 0] <- 0 # set values below 0 to 0 
    w <- weight_matrix[n,Strata.minus1] # get correct strata weight values 
    w[is.na(g)]<- NA # set weight to NA if (g) raster values are NA 
    p <- sum(w, na.rm = T) # calculate sum of weight values 
    pp <- w/p # divide weight values by sum to get the proportion to == 1 
    result <- as.integer(sum(pp*g, na.rm = T)+0.5) # return raster value 


system.time(Fused.map3 <- calc(s, fun = fusion3, progress = 'text')) 
    user system elapsed 
    0.252 0.011 0.262 




谢谢!稍作调整,对于我所要求的要求来说,效果很好!非常感激! – JSD