2015-09-05 94 views

我的环境是Visual Stuido 2013,VC12,Boost 1.59。 下面的代码(真正的代码,最小的摄制):Boost可选Boost线程编译问题

#include "boost/thread.hpp" 
#include "boost/optional.hpp" 

class MyClass 

    template <typename T> 
    operator const T&() const; 


boost::optional<MyClass> foo() 
    boost::optional<MyClass> res; 
    return res; 

int main(int argc) 


    1>------ Build started: Project: TestBoostOptional, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 
    1> main.cpp 
    1>c:\workspace\third_party\boost_1_59_0\boost/optional/optional.hpp(297): error C2664: 'void boost::optional_detail::optional_base::construct(MyClass &&)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'boost::detail::thread_move_t' to 'const MyClass &' 
    1>   with 
    1>   [ 
    1>    T=MyClass 
    1>   ] 
    1>   Reason: cannot convert from 'boost::detail::thread_move_t' to 'const MyClass' 
    1>   with 
    1>   [ 
    1>    T=MyClass 
    1>   ] 
    1>   No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called 
    1>   c:\workspace\third_party\boost_1_59_0\boost/optional/optional.hpp(292) : while compiling class template member function 'boost::optional_detail::optional_base::optional_base(boost::optional_detail::optional_base &&)' 
    1>   with 
    1>   [ 
    1>    T=MyClass 
    1>   ] 
    1>   c:\workspace\third_party\boost_1_59_0\boost/optional/optional.hpp(873) : see reference to function template instantiation 'boost::optional_detail::optional_base::optional_base(boost::optional_detail::optional_base &&)' being compiled 
    1>   with 
    1>   [ 
    1>    T=MyClass 
    1>   ] 
    1>   c:\workspace\third_party\boost_1_59_0\boost/optional/optional.hpp(766) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::optional_detail::optional_base' being compiled 
    1>   with 
    1>   [ 
    1>    T=MyClass 
    1>   ] 
    1>   main.cpp(14) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::optional' being compiled 

注意#include "boost/thread.hpp"。删除代码时包括代码编译。任何可以解决的办法?






In order to implement Movable classes, move parameters and return types Boost.Thread uses the rvalue reference when the compiler support it. On compilers not supporting it Boost.Thread uses either the emulation provided by Boost.Move or the emulation provided by the previous versions of Boost.Thread depending whether BOOST_THREAD_USES_MOVE is defined or not. This macros is unset by default when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION is 2. Since BOOST_THREAD_VERSION 3, BOOST_THREAD_USES_MOVE is defined.


Boost.Thread uses by default an internal move semantic implementation. Since version 3.0.0 you can use the move emulation emulation provided by Boost.Move.

When BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==2 define BOOST_THREAD_USES_MOVE if you want to use Boost.Move interface. When BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==3 define BOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_MOVE if you don't want to use Boost.Move interface.


令人印象深刻的回答。我不知道的东西。并有有用的文档报价和链接。我们还可以要求什么:) – sehe


接受这个,另一个选择是'#define BOOST_THREAD_VERSION 3'。然而这并不能解释为什么会发生这种情况 –