2011-09-07 43 views

编程新手/甚至更新。在小程序中遇到问题 - 不会编译未定义的变量错误。验证码:go编译错误:undefined变量

package main 

import (

const file = "readfile.txt" 
var s string 

func lookup(string) (string, string, string) { 
    artist := s 
    album := s 
    year := s 

    return artist, album, year 

func enterdisk() (string, string, string) { 
    var artist string 
    var album string 
    var year string 

    println("enter artist:") 
    fmt.Scanf("%s", &artist) 

    println("enter album:") 
    fmt.Scanf("%s", &album) 

    println("enter year:") 
    fmt.Scanf("%s", &year) 

    return artist, album, year 

func main() { 

    println("enter UPC or [manual] to enter information manually:") 
    fmt.Scanf("%s", &s) 

    s := s 
    switch s { 
     case "manual\n": artist, album, year := enterdisk() 
     default: artist, album, year := lookup(s) 

    f,_ := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_APPEND|os.O_RDWR, 0666) 
    io.WriteString(f, (artist + ", \"" + album + "\" - " + year + "\n")) 

    println("wrote data to file") 


catalog.go:49: undefined: artist 
catalog.go:49: undefined: album 
catalog.go:49: undefined: year 



catalog.go:49: artist declared and not used 
catalog.go:49: album declared and not used 
catalog.go:49: year declared and not used 




阅读关于blocksdeclarations and scopeGo

Each clause in a switch or select statement acts as an implicit block.

Blocks nest and influence scoping.

The scope of a declared identifier is the extent of source text in which the identifier denotes the specified constant, type, variable, function, or package.

The scope of a constant or variable identifier declared inside a function begins at the end of the ConstSpec or VarSpec (ShortVarDecl for short variable declarations) and ends at the end of the innermost containing block.

switch s { 
    case "manual\n": artist, album, year := enterdisk() 
    default: artist, album, year := lookup(s) 
. . . 
io.WriteString(f, (artist + ", \"" + album + "\" - " + year + "\n")) 

artistalbum,和year变量的short variable declarationsswitchcasedefault情况下条款的范围开始,并且每个子句(含最内块)内结束。 artist,albumyear变量不再存在并且对WriteString()语句不可见。


var artist, album, year string 
switch s { 
case "manual\n": 
    artist, album, year = enterdisk() 
    artist, album, year = lookup(s) 
. . . 
io.WriteString(f, (artist + ", \"" + album + "\" - " + year + "\n")) 

Unlike regular variable declarations, a short variable declaration may redeclare variables provided they were originally declared in the same block with the same type, and at least one of the non-blank variables is new. As a consequence, redeclaration can only appear in a multi-variable short declaration.

因此,artistalbum,和year变量使用short variable declarations开关壳体子句内部,因为这会隐藏变量声明不再声明(和分配)在外部块中,它们仅被分配。


这工作完美,谢谢。此外,感谢您对文档的全面解释和参考! – rick



switch s { 
    case "manual\n": artist, album, year := enterdisk() 
    default: artist, album, year := lookup(s) 


var artist, album, year string 

switch s { 
    case "manual\n": artist, album, year = enterdisk() 
    default: artist, album, year = lookup(s) 

