2011-09-27 80 views

Possible Duplicate:
Why do I get a emulator-5554 disconnected message错误:仿真器-5554断开:


[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Android Launch! 
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] adb is running normally. 
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Performing com.android.blackjack.Setup activity launch 
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'yahoo' is not available. Launching new emulator. 
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'yahoo' 
[2011-09-27 12:49:52 - AndroidBlackjack] New emulator found: emulator-5554 
[2011-09-27 12:49:52 - AndroidBlackjack] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched... 
[2011-09-27 12:51:12 - AndroidBlackjack] emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.android.blackjack.Setup activity launch'! 

请帮我 我不明白这一点。


你检查过你的模拟器是否在运行?它必须在运行eclipse项目之前启动。 –


没有没有检查它。我将如何检查它? –



解决方案(Eclipse IDE中)

Select & Right Click on Android Project 
Run Configurations 
Go to tab Target 
Enable option Wipe User Data on Emulator launch parameters 
Run Application 



我已经启用擦除用户数据 –


重新启动模拟器..然后尝试.. – Hadi


hmmmmmmmmmmmmm好吧,我也会这样做 –



  1. 我没有清理项目 模拟器=>项目=>清洁
  2. 我在小字母书写的。主要manifest.xml错误
  3. 我还没有删除窗口的windows防火墙设置



Go to "Project"-> Properties-> Android. 
On the right pane see what line is checked in the Project build target. 
Remember the target platform number that appears in the selected line. 
Go to "Windows"-> AVD Manager. 
Check the list of existing Android Virtual Devices for a device that matches the Platform and API level that you have set for your project (see step #2 above). 
If there is no line that includes an AVD for your platform (as I suspect), add it using the "New" button. 
A "Create New Android Virtual Device" window will be opened. set a new device name. in the "Target" selection box choose the right platform for your project. 
