2016-04-01 117 views

我在为旅行推销员问题正确打印2D数组时遇到问题。我使用输入重定向从文本文件获取输入。该文件包含城市和城市之间的距离的弧线。这是一个小例子。2D Array错误地打印

c 1 
c 2 
a 1 2 1400 


0  1  2  3  4  5 

    1  0  1400 1800 4000 3500 

    2  1  0  0  3400 3600 

    3  1800 1200 0  2300 0 

    4  4000 3400 2300 0  2100 

    5  3500 3600 0  2100 0 


0  1  2  3  4  5 

    1  0  1400 1800 4000 3500 

    2  1400 0  1200 3400 3600 

    3  1800 1200 0  2300 2700 

    4  4000 3400 2300 0  2100 

    5  3500 3600 2700 2100 0 


// Sets up the array 
int CityArray [6][6] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} 

int main(void) // Takes in a variable number of arguments 
    // Sets a string input for the city 
    char Cbuffer[32]; 
    char *b = Cbuffer; 
    size_t cbufsize = 32; 
    size_t cinput; 

    // Other vairables 
    int x = 1; // used to go through the array 
    int n1, n2, n3, n4, cost; // variables to store the value pulled the cost from the arc 

    // Reads in the city and sets the prices for each arc 
    while((cinput = getline(&b, &cbufsize, stdin)) != -1) 
     if (Cbuffer[0] == 'c') 
      // Stores the last element as a digit to CityArray 
      if (Cbuffer[2] >= '0' && Cbuffer[2] <= '9') 
       CityArray[x][0] = Cbuffer[2] - '0'; 
       int z = CityArray[x][0]; 
       // Flips it 
       CityArray[0][x] = Cbuffer[2] - '0'; 
       z = CityArray[0][x]; 
       // printf("CityArray[%d] is '%d' \n", x, z); 
     else if (Cbuffer[0] == 'a') 
      int y = 1; 
      // I know this looks ugly but it's the only way I could think of getting the prices 
      if ((Cbuffer[6] >= '0' && Cbuffer[6] <= '9') && (Cbuffer[7] >= '0' && Cbuffer[7] <= '9') && 
        (Cbuffer[8] >= '0' && Cbuffer[8] <= '9') && (Cbuffer[9] >= '0' && Cbuffer[9] <= '9')) 
       for (x = 1; x < 6; x++) 
        for (y; y < 6; y++) 
        { // converts the char to a int 
         n1 = CityArray[x][6] = Cbuffer[6] - '0'; 
         n2 = CityArray[x][7] = Cbuffer[7] - '0'; 
         n3 = CityArray[x][8] = Cbuffer[8] - '0'; 
         n4 = CityArray[x][9] = Cbuffer[9] - '0'; 
       } // sets all converted ints to = cost 
       cost = (n1 * 1000) + (n2 * 100) + (n3 * 10) + (n4 * 1); 
      // Checks where the arc is located and plots the distance of the trip 
      if (Cbuffer[2] == '1') 
       if (Cbuffer[4] == '2') 
        CityArray[1][2] = cost; 
        CityArray[2][1] = cost; 
       else if (Cbuffer[4] == '3') 
        CityArray[1][3] = cost; 
        CityArray[3][1] = cost; 
       else if (Cbuffer[4] == '4') 
        CityArray[1][4] = cost; 
        CityArray[4][1] = cost; 
       else if (Cbuffer[4] == '5') 
        CityArray[1][5] = cost; 
        CityArray[5][1] = cost; 
      else if (Cbuffer[2] == '2') 
       if (Cbuffer[4] == '3') 
        CityArray[2][3] = cost; 
        CityArray[3][2] = cost; 
       else if (Cbuffer[4] == '4') 
        CityArray[2][4] = cost; 
        CityArray[4][2] = cost; 
       else if (Cbuffer[4] == '5') 
        CityArray[2][5] = cost; 
        CityArray[5][2] = cost; 
      else if (Cbuffer[2] == '3') 
       if (Cbuffer[4] == '4') 
        CityArray[3][4] = cost; 
        CityArray[4][3] = cost; 
      else if (Cbuffer[4] == '5') 
        CityArray[4][5] = cost; 
        CityArray[5][4] = cost; 
      else if (Cbuffer[2] == '4') 
       if (Cbuffer[4] == '5') 
        CityArray[4][5] = cost; 
        CityArray[5][4] = cost; 

    // Prints the array 
    int i, j; 
    printf("\n\nThe cost list is:\n\n"); 
    for(i = 0; i < 6;i ++) 
     for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) 
      printf("\t%d", CityArray[i][j]); 

    return 0; 

“但它看起来像这样。” - 你也可以解释你期望它看起来如何 –


会让我编辑我的问题! – Cheezdue


如果缓冲区不够大,getline将释放现有的缓冲区并分配一个新的缓冲区并返回。所以你不应该通过'Cbuffer',因为这是一个错误来释放它;你不应该测试'Cbuffer [0] =='c''等等,因为该行可能已经被重新分配。相反,你可以设置'b = NULL'来启动,并使用'b [0]'等等(或者避免大量输入,摆脱'b'并使用'char * Cbuffer = NULL;')。 [可能与你的问题没有关系,因为你的文件行数都小于32,但是这是一个滴答作响的时间炸弹] –




  for (x = 1; x < 6; x++) 
       for (y; y < 6; y++) 
       { // converts the char to a int 
        n1 = CityArray[x][6] = Cbuffer[6] - '0'; 
        n2 = CityArray[x][7] = Cbuffer[7] - '0'; 
        n3 = CityArray[x][8] = Cbuffer[8] - '0'; 
        n4 = CityArray[x][9] = Cbuffer[9] - '0'; 
      } // sets all converted ints to = cost 
      cost = (n1 * 1000) + (n2 * 100) + (n3 * 10) + (n4 * 1); 

首先,你并不需要在这里循环;在这里循环意味着你会多次进行转换。 (更糟糕的是,因为你没有初始化y,你可能根本不会做这个转换,如果你激活了警告,你会得到一些独立的y的“声明无效”)

其次,您将转换后的数字存储在CityArray[x][6 ... 9]中,但指数为6以及超出范围。这是未定义的行为。实际上,您会覆盖下一个城市的数据。

第三,您不应该使用x作为循环变量和变量来保存城市的数量。该循环将覆盖数据。 (但是,问题消失了,当你删除环。)


  n1 = Cbuffer[6] - '0'; 
      n2 = Cbuffer[7] - '0'; 
      n3 = Cbuffer[8] - '0'; 
      n4 = Cbuffer[9] - '0'; 

      cost = (n1 * 1000) + (n2 * 100) + (n3 * 10) + (n4 * 1); 



 int from = Cbuffer[2] - '0'; 
     int dest = Cbuffer[4] - '0'; 

     CityArray[from][dest] = cost; 
     CityArray[dest][from] = cost; 


您还应该考虑使用标准方法来解析输入。 getline结合scanf可能是一个好方法。



#define _GNU_SOURCE 

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

#define MAX 10 

int find(int array[], int n, int x) 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
     if (array[i] == x) return i; 

    return -1; 

int main(void) 
    int cost[10][10] = {{0}};  // cost matrix 
    int id[MAX];     // city id; can be any character 
    int ncity = 0;     // number of cities 

    char *line = NULL; 
    size_t nline = 0; 
    int error = 0; 

    while (getline(&line, &nline, stdin) != -1) { 
     char c1, c2; 
     int c; 

     if (sscanf(line, " c %c", &c1) == 1) { 
      if (find(id, ncity, c1) != -1) { 
       fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate city id %c.\n", c1); 
       error = 1; 
      } else if (ncity >= MAX) { 
       fprintf(stderr, "Maximum number of cities exceeded\n"); 
       error = 1; 
      } else { 
       id[ncity++] = c1; 

     if (sscanf(line, " a %c %c %d\n", &c1, &c2, &c) == 3) { 
      int from = find(id, ncity, c1); 
      int dest = find(id, ncity, c2); 

      if (from < 0) { 
       fprintf(stderr, "Unknown city id %c.\n", c1); 
       error = 1; 

      if (dest < 0) { 
       fprintf(stderr, "Unknown city id %c.\n", c2); 
       error = 1; 

      cost[from][dest] = c; 
      cost[dest][from] = c; 


     if (sscanf(line, " %c", &c1) == 1 && c1 != '#') { 
      fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command: %s", line); 
      error = 1; 


    if (error) { 
     fprintf(stderr, "Errors in input. Aborting.\n"); 

    printf("%8s", ""); 
    for (int j = 0; j < ncity; j++) { 
     printf("%8c", id[j]); 

    for(int i = 0; i < ncity; i ++) 
     printf("%8c", id[i]); 
     for (int j = 0; j < ncity; j++) { 
      printf("%8d", cost[i][j]); 

    return 0; 

谢谢,你的建议奏效了!最初我在想我的问题在我的代码的那一部分撒谎,但我没有意识到为什么它会导致我的问题。我知道我在城市阅读的方法非常有限,但我找不出一个更好的方法。您提供的代码是在城市阅读的好方法! – Cheezdue