2016-11-01 15 views


public class Hangman2 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    System.out.println("Welcome to HangMan Player 1, Please enter a word. Player 2, Please close your eyes: "); 
    Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 

    String secretWord = stdin.next(); 

    for (int x = 1; x <= 100; x++) 
     System.out.println(" "); 

    System.out.println("Clearing Screen"); 

    System.out.println("The current partial word is: "); 
    String initialWord = createPartialWord(secretWord); 
    System.out.println("The current hangman picture is: "); 


    public static String createPartialWord(String secretWord) 
     String newsecretWord = ""; 
     int wordLength = secretWord.length(); 

     while (wordLength > 0) 
       newsecretWord = newsecretWord + "-"; 
     return newsecretWord; 

    public static String replaceChar(String word, char c, int i) 

     if(0 < i && i < word.length()) 
      return word.substring(0, i) + c + word.substring(i + 1); 

     return word; 

    public static String updatePartialWord(String partial, String secret, char c) 
     for (int i = 0; i <= secret.length(); i++) 
      if (secret.charAt(i) == c) 

       return replaceChar(partial, c , i); 

     return partial; 


    public static void printHangman(int guessLeft) 
     String HEAD = " "; 
     String BODY = " "; 
     String LEGS = " "; 
     String LEFTARM = " "; 
     String RIGHTARM = " "; 

     System.out.println("| |"); 

     if (guessLeft < 6) 
      HEAD = "()"; 

     System.out.println("| " + HEAD); 
     if (guessLeft < 5) 
      BODY = "||"; 
     if (guessLeft < 4) 
      LEFTARM = "\\"; 
     if (guessLeft < 3) 
      RIGHTARM = "/"; 

     System.out.println("| " + LEFTARM + BODY + RIGHTARM); 
     if (guessLeft < 2) 
      LEGS = "/"; 
     if (guessLeft < 1) 
      LEGS += "\\"; 
     System.out.println("| " + LEGS); 


''我有所有的方法工作正常“ - - 你怎么知道,如果你没有能够实际*调用*方法? ''不知道如何在没有猜测计数的情况下调用它“ - 与Java中调用任何方法的方式相同。如果该方法需要一个'int',那么你必须给它一个'int'。这听起来像是你的游戏需要跟踪用户尝试了多少次猜测(以及潜在的关于所玩游戏的其他任何信息)。 – David


其他方法的工作原因是我打电话给他们,我还没有能够调用'printHangman',但知道它的工作原理,因为代码是由教授提供的。是的,我怎么跟踪'main()'中尝试的猜测? – MikeG


我真的想出了如何调用它......只需要一个猜测跟踪器 – MikeG




public static void main(String[] args) 
     System.out.println("Welcome to HangMan Player 1, Please enter a word. Player 2, Please close your eyes: "); 
     Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 

     String secretWord = stdin.next(); 

     int guessesLeft = /* Number of guesses at the start */; 
     String partialWord = createPartialWord(secretWord); 

     while (/* You have guesses remaining */) 
      for (int x = 1; x <= 100; x++) 
       System.out.println(" "); 

      System.out.println("Clearing Screen"); 

      System.out.println("The current partial word is: "); 
      System.out.println("The current hangman picture is: "); 


      // TODO: Obtain the next letter from the user 
      // TODO: Update the partial word with the letter 
      // TODO: Make it such that you have one less guess remaining 
