2016-02-13 155 views


let BaseErrorResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st) { 
    return { 
     "message": msg, 
     "response_type_id": rti, 
     "response_status_id": rsi, 
     "status": st 

let InvalidParamResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st, ip) { 
    return { 
     "message": msg, 
     "response_type_id": rti, 
     "response_status_id": rsi, 
     "status": st, 
     "invalid_params": ip 

let SuccessResponse = function(msg, rti, rsi, st, data) { 
    return { 
     "message": null, 
     "response_type_id": null, 
     "response_status_id": null, 
     "status": null, 
     "data": {} 

在'SuccessResponse',没你的意思' “数据”:数据'而不是''数据“:{}'?另外,为什么'null's? –


哦......我错过了!它只是一项正在进行的工作。我仍在完成...... – dearvivekkumar


MDN [继承和原型链](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain) – Roberto




class BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(mes, rti, rsi, st) { 
     this.message = msg; 
     this.response_type_id = rti; 
     this.response_status_id = rsi; 
     this.status = st; 

class InvalidParamResponse extends BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(mes, rti, rsi, st, ip) { 
     super(mes, rti, rsi, st); 
     this.invalid_params = ip; 

class SuccessResponse extends BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(msg, rti, rsi, st, data) { 
     super(null, null, null, null); // Why the nulls when you're passing 
             // those args in? 
     this.data = {};    // Didn't you mean = data here? 


class SuccessResponse extends BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(msg, rti, rsi, st, data) { 
     super(msg, rti, rsi, st); 
     this.data = data; 

你可以只merge objects

let BaseErrorResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st) { 
    return { 
     "message": msg, 
     "response_type_id": rti, 
     "response_status_id": rsi, 
     "status": st 

let InvalidParamResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st, ip) { 
    return Object.assign(BaseErrorResponse(mes, rti, rsi, st), { 
     "invalid_params": ip 

let SuccessResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st, data) { 
    return Object.assign(BaseErrorResponse(mes, rti, rsi, st), { 
     "data": {} 


function BaseErrorResponse(mes, rti, rsi, st) { 
    this.message = msg; 
    this.response_type_id = rti; 
    this.response_status_id = rsi; 
    this.status = st; 

function InvalidParamResponse(mes, rti, rsi, st, ip) { 
    BaseErrorResponse.call(this, mes, rti, rsi, st); 
    this.invalid_params = ip; 

InvalidParamResponse.prototype = Object.create(BaseErrorResponse.prototype); 
InvalidParamResponse.prototype.constructor = InvalidParamResponse; 

function SuccessResponse(mes, rti, rsi, st, data) { 
    BaseErrorResponse.call(this, mes, rti, rsi, st); 
    this.data = data; 

SuccessResponse.prototype = Object.create(BaseErrorResponse.prototype); 
SuccessResponse.prototype.constructor = SuccessResponse; 

请回答第二部分:由于OP使用ES2015(基于'let'),使用'class'糖更简单,而不是自己做管道。 (重要的第一部分:如果以普通对象结尾,绝对是一种很好的方法,因为OP的代码目前是这样做的,所以很有用/有用。) –



var BaseErrorResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st) { 
    return { mes, rti, rsi, st }; 

var InvalidParamResponse = function(mes, rti, rsi, st, ip) { 
    var response = BaseErrorResponse(mes, rti, rsi, st); 
    response.invalid_params = ip; 
    return response; 

var SuccessResponse = function() { 
    var response = BaseErrorResponse(null, null, null, null); 
    response.data = {}; 
    return response; 


'use strict'; 
class BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(msg, rti, rsi, st) { 
     this.message = msg; 
     this.response_type_id = rti; 
     this.response_status_id = rsi; 
     this.status = st; 

class InvalidParamResponse extends BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(mes, rti, rsi, st, ip) { 
     super(mes, rti, rsi, st); 
     this.invalid_params = ip; 

class SuccessResponse extends BaseErrorResponse { 
    constructor(msg, rti, rsi, st, data) { 
     super(msg, rti, rsi, st); // Why the nulls when you're passing 
             // those args in? 
     this.data = data;    // Didn't you mean = data here? 

(()=> { 
    let sr = new SuccessResponse('Message', 1, 2, 3, {name: 'vivek'}); 



node js-class-test.js 
SuccessResponse { 
    message: 'Message', 
    response_type_id: 1, 
    response_status_id: 2, 
    status: 3, 
    data: { name: 'vivek' } }