2014-01-21 28 views



/* Features Area */ 
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这里是我的家盒子HTML ..

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     <h4>Control Panel</h4> 
     <!--<img src="css/images/home-box-image1.gif" alt="" class="right" />--> 
     <p>We use an ultra-sleak, clean control panel that is rarely used by other companies, it's fast and extremely easy to use, full of brand new features!</p> 
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     <h4>Powerful Hardware</h4> 
     <!--<img src="css/images/home-box-image2.gif" alt="" class="right" />--> 
     <p>Using powerful machines, nothing is a match for our hardware and we can provide you with fast and responsive customs at all times!</p> 
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     <h4>Server Mod Support</h4> 
     <!--<img src="css/images/home-box-image3.gif" alt="" class="right" />--> 
     <p><b>We support almost every server mod including Tekkit, Bukkit, Hexxit and much more. Need help installing them? Submit a ticket!</b></p> 
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     <h4>Specialized Support</h4> 
     <!--<img src="css/images/home-box-image1.gif" alt="" class="right" />--> 
     <p>We have a professional support team who are always happy to help, and are fast and caring about what they do. You can rely on us!</p> 
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     <h4>Migration Assistance</h4> 
     <!--<img src="css/images/home-box-image2.gif" alt="" class="right" />--> 
     <p>If you have a server elsewhere and want to move to us, we'll help you transfer all your files and data, apsolutely free of charge!</p> 
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     <h4>Hardware Specs</h4> 
     <!--<img src="css/images/home-box-image3.gif" alt="" class="right" />--> 
     <p>E3-1270v3<br />32GB DDR3 ECC Memory<br />240GB Solid-State Drives<br />1Gbps Uplink</p> 
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非常感谢,那个固定住家的箱子,欢呼声。 – user3218815


你有没有机会知道我如何在页脚上方放置一个空格,这样事物就不会重叠? – user3218815