2015-01-08 72 views

我一直在这个项目上花费了几个小时。我一直在搜索JSON,观看YouTube视频,并在这里寻找答案,但仍然无法弄清楚。我试图使用javascript对象将数据发布到表中。当将较小的数据发布到表中时,我可以这样做,但不知道为什么我无法处理嵌套的多个对象。发布大型数据表格Angular JS

编辑: 目前的问题是,当提交按钮时,它不会将提交表单中的数据发布到表格中。我希望能够向表中添加多个条目,然后再添加引号和提议。


如果你能解释它为什么不起作用,并让我知道这是否是尝试它的事件的正确方法。 http://codepen.io/ddavisgraphics/pen/LExGNB?editors=101链接到codepen。


(function() { 

    // start the app 
    var app = angular.module('app', []); 

    app.controller("CustomerCtrl", function() { 
     // Pull in the Customers 
     this.customers = customerArray; 
     // Create New Customers 
     this.newCustomer = {}; 

     this.AddCustomer = function(newCust) { 
       customer: newCust.customer, 
       phone: newCust.phone, 
       email: newCust.email, 
       // start address strings 
       address: { 
        line1: newCust.line1, 
        city: newCust.city, 
        state: newCust.state, 
        zip: newCust.zip, 


    var customerArray = [ 
    // Start Customer 
     customer: "John Franklin", 
     phone: "555.555.5551", 
     email: "[email protected]", 
     // start address strings 
     address: { 
      line1: "Road or Po Box", 
      city: "Glenvilles", 
      state: "West Carolina", 
      zip: 45648, 
     proposals: [{ 
      project_title: "Project Title", 
      type: "Graphic Design", 
      deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015", 
      delivery_type: "files", 
      problem: "The problem is that the customer has too much crap.", 
      notes: "Wants to keep the neon pink color scheme" 
     }, { 
      project_title: "Project Title II", 
      type: "Web Design", 
      deadline: "Jan. 22, 2015", 
      delivery_type: "online", 
      problem: "Another prject", 
      notes: "Wants neon green with the neon pink on a digital screen" 
     quotes: [{ 
      quote_num: 002, 
      project_title: "Project Title", 
      type: "Graphic Design", 
      deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015", 
      billable_hrs: 11, 
      hourly_rate: 42.50, 
      external_cost: 33.99, 
      tax: .6, 
     }, ], 
    }, // End Customer 
    // Start Customer 
     customer: "John Franklin", 
     phone: "555.555.5551", 
     email: "[email protected]", 
     // start address strings 
     address: { 
      line1: "Road or Po Box", 
      city: "Glenvilles", 
      state: "West Carolina", 
      zip: 45648, 
     proposals: [{ 
      project_title: "Project Title", 
      type: "Graphic Design", 
      deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015", 
      delivery_type: "files", 
      problem: "The problem is that the customer has too much crap.", 
      notes: "Wants to keep the neon pink color scheme" 
     }, { 
      project_title: "Project Title II", 
      type: "Web Design", 
      deadline: "Jan. 22, 2015", 
      delivery_type: "online", 
      problem: "Another prject", 
      notes: "Wants neon green with the neon pink on a digital screen" 
     quotes: [{ 
      quote_num: 001, 
      project_title: "Project Title - Quote", 
      type: "Graphic Design", 
      deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015", 
      billable_hrs: 11, 
      hourly_rate: 42.50, 
      external_cost: 33.99, 
      tax: .6, 
     }, ]; 
    }, // End Customer 



<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="CustomerCtrl as cust" > 
    <h2> Customers </h2> 
     <tr ng-repeat="customer in cust.customers"> 
      <td> {{customer.customer}}</td> 
      <td> {{customer.phone}} </td> 
       <ul class="address"> 
       <li> {{customer.address.line1}} </li> 
       <li> {{customer.address.city}}, {{customer.address.state }} , {{customer.address.zip}}</li> 
      <ul > 
       <li ng-repeat="prop in customer.proposals">{{prop.project_title}}</li> 
      <ul > 
       <li ng-repeat="quote in customer.quotes ">{{quote.quote_num}}</li> 

    <form novalidate class="simple-form" ng-submit="cust.AddCustomer(new)"> 
    <h2> Add A Customer</h2> 
    <label> Customer Name:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="customer" /><br /> 
    <label>Customer Email:</label> <input type="email" ng-model="email" /><br /> 
    <label>Customer Phone:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="phone" /><br /> 
    <label>Customer Address:</label> 
    <input type="text" ng-model="line1" placeholder="Address/ PO Box"/><br /> 
    <input type="text" ng-model="city"placeholder="City" /><br /> 
    <input type="text" ng-model="state" placeholder="State"/><br /> 
    <input type="text" ng-model="zip" placeholder="Zip" /><br /><br/> 
    <button type="submit"> Submit </button> 

    <div class="newCustomerData"> 
    <h2> The Customer Your Adding: </h2> 
    <div><strong>Name:</strong> {{customer}} </div> 
    <div><strong>Email:</strong> {{email}} </div> 
    <div><strong>Phone:</strong> {{phone}} </div> 
    <div><strong>Address:</strong> {{line1}}<br/> {{city}}, {{state}} {{zip}} </div> 


我编辑了问题。请让我知道如果有帮助,如果没有,我会尽我所能添加更多。谢谢你的时间。 @PSL –


当然。现在看起来很好。检查控制台是否有错误。您在ng模型绑定中缺少'new.'。 http://codepen.io/anon/pen/Bypzve – PSL



您传递的AddCustomer(新),但您的表单不会将输入收集到“新”对象中。 尝试调整你的ng模型在“新”对象上有一个点:

<label> Customer Name:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="new.customer" /><br /> 
<label>Customer Email:</label> <input type="email" ng-model="new.email" /><br /> 
<label>Customer Phone:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="new.phone" /><br /> 
<label>Customer Address:</label> 
<input type="text" ng-model="new.line1" placeholder="Address/ PO Box"/><br /> 
<input type="text" ng-model="new.city"placeholder="City" /><br /> 
<input type="text" ng-model="new.state" placeholder="State"/><br /> 
<input type="text" ng-model="new.zip" placeholder="Zip" /><br /><br/> 

这就是它。这里是一个演示。 http://codepen.io/anon/pen/Bypzve +1 – PSL


你在表单上输入绑定范围级JavaScript不属于那里,你正试图从NEWCUST得到的数据对象对象 添加newcust。在表单中的NG-模型


<input type="email" ng-model="newcust.email" /> 


<input type="email" ng-model="email" /> 


<input type="text" ng-model="newcust.address.line1" placeholder="Address/ PO Box"/><br />