2012-07-20 99 views



while True: 
    ln = p.stdout.readline() 
    if '' == ln: 
    #do stuff here with ln 


TrnIq: Thread on CPU 37 
TrnIq: Thread on CPU 37 but will be moved to CPU 44 
IP-Thread on CPU 33 
FANOUT Thread on CPU 37 
Filter-Thread on CPU 38 but will be moved to CPU 51 
TRN TMR Test 2 Supervisor Thread on CPU 34 
HomographyWarp Traking Thread[0] on CPU 26 

我想捕捉“TrnIq:线程”和“37”作为两个独立的变量:一个字符串和一个数字从输出“TrnIq :在CPU上线程37" 。

对于其他行,例如捕获“HomographyWarp Traking Thread [0] on”和#“26”,来自“在CPU 26上的HomographyWarp Traking Thread [0]”,它相当不错。

唯一真正的挑战是这样的行:“在CPU 38上的过滤器线程,但将被移动到CPU 51”,我需要“Filer-Thread”和#“51”不是第一个#“ 38" 。




“Thanks”for unaccaptance ... – 2012-07-24 20:15:10



正则表达式在这里似乎有点小题大做了我。 [免责声明:我不喜欢正则表达式,但喜欢使用Python,所以尽可能用Python编写,不要写正则表达式。出于我从未完全理解的原因,这被认为是令人惊讶的。]

s = """TrnIq: Thread on CPU 37 
TrnIq: Thread on CPU 37 but will be moved to CPU 44 
IP-Thread on CPU 33 
FANOUT Thread on CPU 37 
Filter-Thread on CPU 38 but will be moved to CPU 51 
TRN TMR Test 2 Supervisor Thread on CPU 34 
HomographyWarp Traking Thread[0] on CPU 26""" 

for line in s.splitlines(): 
    words = line.split() 
    if not ("CPU" in words and "on" in words): continue # skip uninteresting lines 
    prefix_words = words[:words.index("on")+1] 
    prefix = ' '.join(prefix_words) 
    cpu = int(words[-1]) 
    print (prefix, cpu) 

('TrnIq: Thread on', 37) 
('TrnIq: Thread on', 44) 
('IP-Thread on', 33) 
('FANOUT Thread on', 37) 
('Filter-Thread on', 51) 
('TRN TMR Test 2 Supervisor Thread on', 34) 
('HomographyWarp Traking Thread[0] on', 26) 



是的!即使只是看着它,我也能理解!比正则表达式简单得多!但你认为哪种方式更有效? – 2012-07-20 17:22:30


什么是效率?我认为它是一种总体时间 - 写作,时间调试,时间运行,修改时间来处理我没有预测的情况 - 来获得我需要的输出。正则表达式通常会(并非总是)在性能上获胜。我认为他们只在代码方面赢得我很少发现自己的用例 - 对于基本工具来说有点太复杂,并且不够复杂,无法证明使用真正的解析器是正确的 - 但意见和情况各不相同。 – DSM 2012-07-20 17:36:55


我不断收到“on”上的错误未找到? – 2012-07-20 17:47:40



match = re.match(r'(.*?)(?: on CPU.*)?(?: (?:on|to) CPU)(.*)', ln).groups() 
if match: 
    proc, cpu = match.groups() 
    cpu = int(cpu) 


>>> import re 
>>> for ln in lines: 
...  print re.match(r'(.*?)(?: on CPU.*)?(?: (?:on|to) CPU)(.*)', ln).groups() 
('TrnIq: Thread', '37') 
('TrnIq: Thread', '44') 
('IP-Thread', '33') 
('FANOUT Thread', '37') 
('Filter-Thread', '51') 
('TRN TMR Test 2 Supervisor Thread', '34') 
('HomographyWarp Traking Thread[0]', '26') 


(.*?)   # capture zero or more characters at the start of the string, 
       # as few characters as possible 
(?: on CPU.*)? # optionally match ' on CPU' followed by any number of characters, 
       # do not capture this 
(?: (?:on|to) CPU) # match ' on CPU ' or ' to CPU ', but don't capture 
(.*)   # capture the rest of the line 



因此,这将返回一个包含每行2个字符串的元组?如果我想将#s转换为字符串,python是否有strToNum函数? – 2012-07-20 17:07:35


@NASAIntern - 您可以将'。*'结尾改为'\ d +',这样您就可以不用抓取剩下的行,而只需要抓取数字。然后你可以使用'int()'内置函数将字符串转换为数字。 – 2012-07-20 17:13:26


为什么downvote? – 2012-07-20 17:27:19



import sys 
import re 

for ln in sys.stdin: 
    m = re.match(r'^(.*?)\s+on\s+CPU.*(?<=\sCPU)\s+(\d+)\s*$', ln); 
    if m is not None: 
    print m.groups(); 



我想我应该澄清的事实,这些只是我感兴趣的输出线。有成千上万的其他行: _process_trn_ip_rslts:切换到TRN_FILTER_PROPAGATING状态。 trn_filter:total_update_timer = 0.057454秒。 trn_ib-> trn_ib_state.ip_part = 1个 DISPOSITION ACCEPT VALUE = 2 -a * _000004.pgm 配置ACCEPT发送到插座6 TrnIb框架4:发送图像ID =(1003080551,750074,framecnt 4)经由插口IP = IB。 open_sock/bind OK,sock = 79 create_cmd_sock/listen OK,erc = 0 trn_filter,instance 3:socket_from_cmd:35_ – 2012-07-20 18:18:19


@NASAIntern - 如果您需要打印整行,只需将'print m.groups();'替换为'print ln;' - Ωmega5分钟前 – 2012-07-20 18:39:44



# Test program 
import re 

lns = [ 
    "TrnIq: Thread on CPU 37", 
    "TrnIq: Thread on CPU 37 but will be moved to CPU 44", 
    "IP-Thread on CPU 33", 
    "FANOUT Thread on CPU 37", 
    "Filter-Thread on CPU 38 but will be moved to CPU 51", 
    "TRN TMR Test 2 Supervisor Thread on CPU 34", 
    "HomographyWarp Traking Thread[0] on CPU 26" 

for ln in lns: 
    test = re.search("(?P<process>.*Thread\S* on).* CPU (?P<cpu>\d+)$", ln) 
    print "%s: '%s' on CPU #%s" % (ln, test.group('process'), test.group('cpu')) 


# This search recognizes lines of the form "...Thread on CPU so-and-so", and 
# also lines that add "...but will be moved to CPU some-other-cpu". 
test = re.search("(?P<process>.* Thread) on CPU (?P<cpu1>\d+)(but will be moved to CPU (?P<cpu2>\d+))*", ln) 
if test: 
    # Here we capture Process Thread, both moved and non moved 
    if test.group('cpu2'): 
     # We have process, cpu1 and cpu2: moved thread 
     # Nonmoved task, we have test.group('process') and cpu1. 
    # No match, try some other regexp. For example processes with a thread number 
    # between square brackets: "Thread[0]", which are not captured by the regex above. 
    test = re.search("(?P<process>.*) Thread[(?P<thread>\d+)] on CPU (?P<cpu1>)", ln) 
    if test: 
     # Here we have Homography Traking in process, 0 in thread, 26 in cpu1 



我不确定我是否理解了第二部分“你可以用几个re.search()来做到这一点,例如:”我会用什么? – 2012-07-20 18:07:09


我想我应该澄清的事实,这些只是我感兴趣的输出线。有成千上万的其他行:_process_trn_ip_rslts:切换到TRN_FILTER_PROPAGATING状态。 trn_filter:total_update_timer = 0.057454 seconds.trn_ib-> trn_ib_state.ip_part = 1配置接受值= 2 -a * _000004.pgm处理发送到套接字6的ACCEPT帧4 TrnIb:将图像id =(1003080551,750074,framecnt 4)发送到IP通过套接字= 8从IB。 OK,sock = 79 create_cmd_sock/listen OK,erc = 0 trn_filter,instance 3:socket_from_cmd:35_ – 2012-07-20 18:23:33


好吧,那么对于你读的每一个,你都会使用re.search()检查它对几个正则表达式之一。我提供的第一个.search会识别“......线程......在...... CPU”之类的行。其他搜索更有针对性,效率更高。如果你有一条你不感兴趣的非常普通的线路,你也可以尝试识别它,以便丢弃它并保存后续的比较。 – LSerni 2012-07-20 21:42:27



import re 

while True: 
    ln = p.stdout.readline() 
    if '' == ln: 

    start_match = re.search(r'^(.*?) on', ln) 
    end_match = re.search(r'(\d+)$', ln) 
    process = start_match and start_match.group(0) 
    process_number = end_match and end_match.group(0) 

你能提供一些细节吗?我仍然习惯于这种有点东西的Python语法? – 2012-07-20 17:05:14


您可以阅读Python的正则表达式模块文档:http://docs.python.org/library/re.html – mVChr 2012-07-20 17:20:10


我得到正则表达式,而不是“and”和match.group()函数。 matchgroup()返回一个字符串吧? – 2012-07-20 17:32:42
