2009-01-23 53 views



  • 列1 - 的静态编号,从不改变,位置1-10
  • 列2 - 动态帕拉姆填充在运行时为四分之一/年,11-位置13
  • 柱3 - SSN,没有连字符或空格, 从柱的填充,位置14-22
  • 柱4 - 姓,从 ç填充olumn B,在10截断,左 对齐&填补空白,位置 23-32
  • 柱5 - 名字,从C, 截断为8,左填充对齐&填充 用空格,位置33-40 6
  • 柱 - 总工资总额/区,从 填充d,去除所有的格式, 右对齐零填充,位置 41-49
  • 柱7 - 一种静态代码,从未 变化,位置50-51
  • 第8栏 - 空格键,有填空, 位置52-80


  1. VBA
  2. .NET
  3. SQL







优秀的问题和答案。 – 2009-01-27 01:53:03






Sub ProduceStatePayrollReportFile(rngPayrollData As Range, strCompanyNo As String, _ 
    strQuarterYear As String, strRecordCode As String, strOutputFile As String) 


' Store the file handle for the output file 
Dim fnOutPayrollReport As Integer 
' Store each line of the output file 
Dim strPayrollReportLine As String 
' Use to work through each row in the range 
Dim indexRow As Integer 


' Store the raw SSN, last name, first name and wages data 
Dim strRawSSN As String 
Dim strRawLastName As String 
Dim strRawFirstName As String 
Dim strRawWages As String 
Dim currencyRawWages As Currency 

' Store the corrected SSN, last name, first name and wages data 
Dim strCleanSSN As String 
Dim strCleanLastName As String 
Dim strCleanFirstName As String 
Dim strCleanWages As String 


' Open up the output file 
fnOutPayrollReport = FreeFile() 
Open strOutputFile For Output As #fnOutPayrollReport 


' Work through each row in the range 
For indexRow = 1 To rngPayrollData.Rows.Count 
    ' Reset the output report line to be empty 
    strPayrollReportLine = "" 
    ' Add the company number to the report line (assumption: already correctly formatted) 
    strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strCompanyNo 
    ' Add in the quarter/year (assumption: already correctly formatted) 
    strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strQuarterYear 


' Get the raw SSN data, clean it and append to the report line 
strRawSSN = rngPayrollData.Cells(indexRow, 1) 
strCleanSSN = cleanFromRawSSN(strRawSSN) 
strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strCleanSSN 

.Cells(indexRow, 1)部分只是表示indexRow指定的行范围中最左边的一列。如果范围在A列开始(这并不一定是这种情况),那么这也就意味着A.我们需要写cleanFromRawSSN功能以后自己

' Get the raw last and first names, clean them and append them 
strRawLastName = rngPayrollData.Cells(indexRow, 2) 
strCleanLastName = Format(Left$(strRawLastName, 10), "[email protected]@@@@@@@@@") 
strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strCleanLastName 

strRawFirstName = rngPayrollData.Cells(indexRow, 3) 
strCleanFirstName = Format(Left$(strRawFirstName, 8), "[email protected]@@@@@@@") 
strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strCleanFirstName 

Left$(string, length)截断字符串指定的长度。该格式图片[email protected]@@@@@@@@@格式的字符串作为正好十个字符,左对齐(的!表示左对齐),并用空格填充

' Read in the wages data, convert to numeric data, lose the decimal, clean it and append it 
strRawWages = rngPayrollData.Cells(indexRow, 4) 
currencyRawWages = CCur(strRawWages) 
currencyRawWages = currencyRawWages * 100 
strCleanWages = Format(currencyRawWages, "000000000") 
strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strCleanWages 


' Append the fixed code for column 7 and the spaces for column 8 
strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & strRecordCode 
strPayrollReportLine = strPayrollReportLine & CStr(String(29, " ")) 

' Output the line to the file 
Print #fnOutPayrollReport, strPayrollReportLine 

String(number, char)功能0产生变体,与指定的charnumber的序列。 CStr将Variant变成一个字符串。该Print #声明输出到文件,无需任何额外的格式

Next indexRow 

' Close the file 
Close #fnOutPayrollReport 

End Sub 


Function cleanFromRawSSN(strRawSSN As String) As String 

' Used to index the raw SSN so we can process it one character at a time 
Dim indexRawChar As Integer 

' Set the return string to be empty 
cleanFromRawSSN = "" 

' Loop through the raw data and extract the correct characters 
For indexRawChar = 1 To Len(strRawSSN) 
    ' Check for hyphen 
    If (Mid$(strRawSSN, indexRawChar, 1) = "-") Then 
     ' do nothing 
    ' Check for space 
    ElseIf (Mid$(strRawSSN, indexRawChar, 1) = " ") Then 
     ' do nothing 
     ' Output character 
     cleanFromRawSSN = cleanFromRawSSN & Mid$(strRawSSN, indexRawChar, 1) 
    End If 
Next indexRawChar 

' Check for correct length and return empty string if incorrect 
If (Len(cleanFromRawSSN) <> 9) Then 
    cleanFromRawSSN = "" 
End If 

End Function 

Len返回字符串和从stringMid$(string, start, length)返回length字符在start开始的长度。此功能可以改善,因为它目前不检查非数字数据


Sub CallPayrollReport() 

ProduceStatePayrollReportFile Application.Selection, "1234560007", "109", "01", "C:\payroll109.txt" 

End Sub 







感谢您的回答。我相信我很困惑。你指的是什么文件的“格式”?我试图在我的文章中概述这一点。其次,通过将我的xls变成csv可以获得什么? 再次感谢! – 2009-01-23 20:06:29






作为最后的笔记。我通过Jeff Atwood的博客找到了这个地方,我对这个想法感到非常兴奋。作为一个独立商店中缺乏经验的新开发者,我一直希望有一个地方可以转向指导。书籍和文章让你明白,但没有什么等于某人完成了它或曾经在那里的建议。到目前为止,StackOverflow已经交付。




    Sub StateANSIIExport() 
    Dim Sizes As Variant 
    Dim arr As Variant 
    Dim aRow As Long, aCol As Long 
    Dim rowLimit As Integer, colLimit As Integer 
    Dim SpacesPerCell As Integer 
    Dim fso As Object 
    Dim ts As Object 
    Dim TheLine As String 
    Dim TestStr As String 

    arr = ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
    rowLimit = UBound(arr, 1) 
    'colLimit = UBound(arr, 2) 
    colLimit = 8 
    SpacesPerCell = 20  'Set export text "column" width here 

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set ts = fso.CreateTextFile(GetDesktopPath() & "EXCELTEXT.txt", True) 

    ' Loop thru the rows 
    For aRow = 1 To rowLimit 
     TheLine = Space(colLimit * SpacesPerCell)  ' your fixed-width output 
     ' Loop thru the columns 
     For aCol = 1 To colLimit 
      Select Case aCol 
       Case 1 ' Employer UI Account # 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = "6979430002" 
       Case 2 ' Reporting Period (QYY) 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = "109" 
       Case 3 ' SSN 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = Cells(aRow, "A") 
       Case 4 ' Last Name 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = Cells(aRow, "B") 
       Case 5 ' First Name 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = Cells(aRow, "C") 
       Case 6 ' Employee Quartly Gross Wages 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = Cells(aRow, "D") 
       Case 7 ' Record Code 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = "01" 
       Case 8 ' BLANK 
        Mid(TheLine, aCol * SpacesPerCell - SpacesPerCell + 1, SpacesPerCell) = "        " 
      End Select 
     Next aCol 
     ' Write the line to the file 
     ts.WriteLine TheLine 
    Next aRow 


    Set ts = Nothing 
    Set fso = Nothing 

    MsgBox "Done" 
End Sub 

    Sub MacroToRunTwo() 
    Dim S As String 
    S = "Hello World From Two:" & vbCrLf & _ 
     "This Add-In File Name: " & ThisWorkbook.FullName 
    MsgBox S 
End Sub 

Function GetDesktopPath() As String 
'Return the current user's desktop path 
GetDesktopPath = "C:\Users\patrick\Desktop\" 
'GetDesktopPath = Environ("HOMEDRIVE") & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\Desktop\" 
End Function 


    Private Const C_TAG = "Refracted Solutions" ' C_TAG should be a string unique to this add-in. 
Private Const C_TOOLS_MENU_ID As Long = 30007& 

Private Sub Workbook_Open() 
' Workbook_Open 
' Create a submenu on the Tools menu. The 
' submenu has two controls on it. 
Dim ToolsMenu As Office.CommandBarControl 
Dim ToolsMenuItem As Office.CommandBarControl 
Dim ToolsMenuControl As Office.CommandBarControl 

' First delete any of our controls that 
' may not have been properly deleted previously. 

' Get a reference to the Tools menu. 
Set ToolsMenu = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=C_TOOLS_MENU_ID) 
If ToolsMenu Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Unable to access Tools menu.", vbOKOnly 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

' Create a item on the Tools menu. 
Set ToolsMenuItem = ToolsMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) 
If ToolsMenuItem Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Unable to add item to the Tools menu.", vbOKOnly 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

With ToolsMenuItem 
    .Caption = "&WWCares" 
    .BeginGroup = True 
    .Tag = C_TAG 
End With 

' Create the first control on the new item 
' in the Tools menu. 
Set ToolsMenuControl = ToolsMenuItem.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, temporary:=True) 
If ToolsMenuControl Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Unable to add item to Tools menu item.", vbOKOnly 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

With ToolsMenuControl 
    ' Set the display caption and the 
    ' procedure to run when clicked. 
    .Caption = "State ANSII E&xport" 
    .OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!StateANSIIExport" 
    .Tag = C_TAG 
End With 

' Create the second control on the new item 
' in the Tools menu. 
'Set ToolsMenuControl = ToolsMenuItem.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, temporary:=True) 
'If ToolsMenuControl Is Nothing Then 
' MsgBox "Unable to add item to Tools menu item.", vbOKOnly 
' Exit Sub 
'End If 

'With ToolsMenuControl 
    ' Set the display caption and the 
    ' procedure to run when clicked. 
' .Caption = "Click Me &Two" 
' .OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!MacroToRunTwo" 
' .Tag = C_TAG 
'End With 

End Sub 

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) 
' Workbook_BeforeClose 
' Before closing the add-in, clean up our controls. 
End Sub 

Private Sub DeleteControls() 
' Delete controls whose Tag is 
' equal to C_TAG. 
Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl 

On Error Resume Next 
Set Ctrl = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(Tag:=C_TAG) 

Do Until Ctrl Is Nothing 
    Set Ctrl = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(Tag:=C_TAG) 

End Sub 



我将其添加到工具栏菜单中以便于调用,并将保存部分更改为自动在此处找到桌面并保存文件。追加通过已过滤的输入框输入的Quarter YEar变量的值。

我想尝试摆脱他们不得不选择活动区域,但根据所涉及的工作,这可能不值得我花时间进行投资。 (Solo店和所有)沿着同样的路线,它会很高兴有更多的错误捕捉,因为它是目前相当脆弱,但唉....

