2016-11-26 75 views


  1. 我有菜单当你点击一个父里,它会显示其子菜单,当你点击另一位家长里或其他地方的页面,它会隐藏。






//Show Submenus when clicking on Parent/Hide Submenus when clicking other parent/elsewhere 

function hide_sub_navs() { 
     $('.parent ul').hide().removeClass("shown"); 

     $(function() { 
     $(".parent").click(function(event) { 
      var clicked = this; 
      var sub_menu = $(clicked).find("ul"); 
      if (sub_menu.hasClass("shown")) { 
      } else { 
      $(".parent").each(function() { 
       var next_li = this; 
       if (next_li != clicked) { 
/** NAV MENU **/ 
div#nav-bar { 
    float: right; 
    display: inline-block; 
    height: 34px; 
    width: 40%; 
    clear: right; 
    padding: 0px 20px; 
    background-color: #FFF; 
    overflow: hidden; 


/** Main Menu **/ 
div#nav-bar ul { 
    position: absolute; 
    right: 0px; 
    top: 0; 
    bottom: 0; 
    padding: 0px auto; 
    margin-top: 7px; 
    margin-bottom: 0; 
    margin-right: 10px; 
    margin-left: auto; 
    text-align: center; 
    width: auto; 
    height: 25px; 
    list-style-type: none; 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    background-color: #FFF; 
    display: block; 


/** Titles **/ 
div#nav-bar ul li.title, li.parent { 
    display: inline-block; 
    height: 28px; 
    width: auto; 
    line-height: 28px; 
    padding: 0px 5px; 
    margin: 0px 5px; 
    position: relative; 
    border-radius: 3px; 
    font-weight: 800; 
    color: #005D96; 
    font-size: 14px; 


/*Change Main Menu li background when hovering*/ 
div#nav-bar ul li:hover { 
    background-color: rgba(0, 184, 227, 0.1); 

div#nav-bar ul li div#register li:hover { 
    background-color: inherit; 

div#nav-bar ul#mainmenu li a#home { 
    display: inline-block; 
    text-decoration: none; 
    color: inherit; 
    width: auto; 
    height: 28px; 
    margin: 0px 5px; 
    padding: 0px 5px; 
    font-weight: 800; 
    color: #005D96; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    line-height: 28px; 
    position: relative; 
    border-radius: 3px; 


/** Submenus **/ 
div#nav-bar ul ul { 
    height: 0 auto; 
    width: 0 auto; 
    position: absolute; 
    z-index: 1000; 
    background-color: #004469; 
    margin-top: 28px; 
    margin-right: 0px; 
    margin-left: 0px; 
    padding: 0px 10px; 
    border-radius: 3px; 
    display: none; 

div#nav-bar ul ul li.child-element { 
    background-color: transparent; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    font-size: 12.5px; 
    color: #FFF; 
    display: inline-block; 
    float: left; 
    height: 25px; 
    width: auto; 
    text-align: left; 
    line-height: 30px; 
    margin-top: 5px; 
    margin-bottom: 0; 
    margin-right: auto; 
    margin-left: auto; 
    padding: 0px 10px; 
    border-radius: 3px; 

div#nav-bar ul ul li a { 
    display: inline-block; 
    text-decoration: none; 
    color: inherit; 
    height: 27px; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    color: #FFF; 
    font-size: 12.5px; 
    border-radius: 3px; 


/** Submenu 1 - Account **/ 
div#nav-bar ul ul#submenu1 { 
    width: 190px; 
    height: 240px; 

form { 
    border: none; 
    font-weight: lighter; 

form p { 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    color: #FFF; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    font-size: 0.9em; 
    text-align: center; 
    line-height: 20px; 
    height: 15px; 
    float: center; 
    margin-top: 10px; 

form label b { 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    color: #FFF; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    font-size: 0.8em; 
    line-height: 20px; 
    height: 15px; 
    float: left; 

input[type=text], input[type=password] { 
    width: 100%; 
    margin: 0px 0; 
    display: inline-block; 
    border: 1px solid #ccc; 
    box-sizing: border-box; 

button { 
    background-color: rgba(0, 208, 244, 1); 
    color: white; 
    font-size: 0.8em; 
    padding: 5px 5px; 
    margin-top: 10px; 
    margin-bottom: 0px; 
    border: none; 
    cursor: pointer; 
    width: 30%; 
    float: right; 

div#rememberme { 
    font-size: 0.8em; 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    color: #FFF; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    float: left; 
    padding: 0 10px; 
    margin: 8px 0; 

div#forgotpsw p { 
    height: 20px; 
    width: auto; 
    position: relative; 
    top: -10px; 
    float: right; 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    font-size: 0.8em; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    color: #FFF; 
    line-height: 15px; 

div#forgotpsw p a.forgot { 
    display: inline-block; 
    height: auto; 
    text-decoration: underline; 
    width: auto; 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    font-size: 1em; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    padding: 0px 2px; 

div#register { 
    display: inline-block; 
    margin-top: -10px; 
    width: 210px; 
    height: 50px; 
    position: relative; 
    left: -10px; 
    border-radius: 3px; 
    background-color: #00598A; 
    font-weight: lighter; 

div#register li p.register { 
    font-size: 0.85em; 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    color: #FFF; 
    font-weight: lighter; 
    margin: 0px 10px;; 
    height: 50px; 
    line-height: 25px; 
    text-align: center; 

div#register li p a.register { 
    display: inline-block; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    text-decoration: underline; 
    text-decoration-color: #FFF; 
    font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; 
    font-size: 1em; 

.container { 
    padding: 0; 
    padding-bottom: 10px; 
    height: 170px; 

span.psw { 
    float: right; 
    padding-top: 16px; 

/* Change styles for span and cancel button on extra small screens */ 
@media screen and (max-width: 300px) { 
    span.psw { 
     display: block; 
     float: none; 


/** Submenu 2 - Manage Bookings **/ 
div#nav-bar ul ul#submenu2 { 
    width: 170px; 
    height: 130px; 


/** Submenu 3 - Support **/ 
div#nav-bar ul ul#submenu3 { 
    width: 140px; 
    height: 70px; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 


<div id="nav-bar"> 
    <ul id="mainmenu"> 
    <li class="title"><a href="index.html" id="home" >Home</a></li> 
    <li class="parent">Account 
     <ul id="submenu1"> 
      <!--Login Form--> 
      <div class="container"> 
       <p>Log-in to Access your Account</p> 
       <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" name="uname" required> 
       <input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" name="psw" required> 
       <button type="submit">Login</button> 
       <div id="rememberme"> 
       <input type="checkbox" checked="checked ">Remember me 
       <!--Forgot Password--> 
       <div id="forgotpsw"> 
       <li class="forgot"> 
        <p>Forgot <a class="forgot" href="forgot.html">Password</a> ?</p> 
      <div id="register"> 
       <p class="register">Don't have an account yet? Click 
       <a class="register" href="register.html">here</a> to Register.</p> 
     <li class="parent">Manage Bookings 
      <ul id="submenu2"> 
       <li class="child-element"><a href="itineraries.html">Itineraries</a></li> 
       <li class="child-element"><a href="flights.html">Manage my Flights</a></li> 
       <li class="child-element"><a href="hotelbookings.html">Manage Hotel Bookings</a></li> 
       <li class="child-element"><a href="travel-documents.html">Travel Documents</a></li> 
      <li class="parent">Support 
      <ul id="submenu3"> 
       <li class="child-element"><a href="support.html">Customer Service</a></li> 
       <li class="child-element"><a href="feedback.html">Feedback</a></li> 


编辑您的问题,并按CTRL + M并粘贴所有的代码到代码段框 – mlegg



好吧,我想出了这个代码,它将很好地工作?它在Boostrap Studio上为我工作。

改变的HTML li.parent元素:

<li id="account" class="parent">Account 
<li id="bookings" class="parent"> 
<li id="support" class="parent">Support 



$('html, .parent').click(function() { 

$('#mainmenu, #submenu1').click(function(event) { 

$('#account').click(function(event) { 

$('html, .parent').click(function() { 

$('#mainmenu, #submenu2').click(function(event) { 

$('#bookings').click(function(event) { 

$('html, .parent').click(function() { 

$('#mainmenu, #submenu3').click(function(event) { 

$('#support').click(function(event) { 