2016-02-03 32 views

我可以通过在LocalSettings.php中使用$ wgDefaultSkin来设置mediawiki中所有页面的默认外观。但是,我想要做的是更改特定单个页面的皮肤。为mediawiki中的单个页面设置默认外观





默认情况下,这是不可能的。 MediaWiki支持为所有页面设置默认外观。此外,任何用户都可以更改首选项中所有页面的外观。用不同的外观不同的页面听起来对用户来说非常混乱,顺便说一句。

但是,您可以使用SkinPerPage extension以维基可配置方式实现此目的;或者SkinPerNamespace extension,它的功能相同,但每个名称空间(如名称所示;))。此外,通过一些开发时间,您可以在wiki-sysadmin(使用LocalSettings.php设置)可配置方式(因此用户无法使用解析器函数更改皮肤首选项)中实现此目的。例如。你可以使用RequestContextCreateSkin hookcreate an extension根据给定的标题更改皮肤。例如: -

* RequestContextCreateSkin handler. Used to change the skin, based on the given title. 
* @param IContextSource $context The context, in which this hook was called. 
* @param Skin|null|string $skin The Skin object or the skin name, if a skin was 
* created already, null if not. 
public static function onRequestContextCreateSkin($context, &$skin) { 
    // get the Config object of your extension to get the configuration we need 
    $config = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeConfig('your-extension-config'); 
    // that's the Title object of the request, from which this hook was called, mostly the Title 
    // of the page requested by the user. getPrefixedText() returns the full text of the title, including 
    // the namespace but without the fragment hash (e.g. Category:TestTitle) 
    $title = $context->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(); 

    // get the configuration variable $wgFakeExtensionSkinTitleMap, which should be an array map of 
    // titles to skin names in the following format: 
    // array(
    // 'TestTitle' => 'chick', 
    // 'TestTitle2' => 'monobook', 
    $skinTitleMap = $config->get('FakeExtensionSkinTitleMap'); 
    if (!is_array($skinTitleMap)) { 
     // if the map isn't an array, throw an exception. You could also just log a debug message or do anything else, 
     // for this example the exception is good enough 
     throw new InvalidArgumentException(
      '$wgFakeExtensionSkinTitleMap needs to be an array, ' . gettype($skinTitleMap) . ' given.'); 

    // check, if the current title is configured in our map, which would indicate, that we use our own skin for it 
    if (isset($skinTitleMap[$title])) { 
     // set the skin. You could handle the skin object creation here, too, but if you return a string, the caller 
     // of the RequestContextCreateSkin will handle the creation. Probably it's wise to run Skin::normalizeKey() 
     // to be sure, that the skin name can be loaded, see the docs for it: 
     // https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/classSkin.html#af36919e77cfd51eb35767eb311155077 
     $skin = $skinTitleMap[$title]; 

