2015-10-14 45 views


<span id="countdown"></span> 


// set the date we're counting down to 
var target_date = new Date("Jan 15, 2016").getTime(); 

// variables for time units 
var days, hours, minutes, seconds; 

// get tag element 
var countdown = document.getElementById("countdown"); 

// update the tag with id "countdown" every 1 second 
setInterval(function() { 

    // find the amount of "seconds" between now and target 
    var current_date = new Date().getTime(); 
    var seconds_left = (target_date - current_date)/1000; 

    // do some time calculations 
    days = parseInt(seconds_left/86400); 
    seconds_left = seconds_left % 86400; 

    hours = parseInt(seconds_left/3600); 
    seconds_left = seconds_left % 3600; 

    minutes = parseInt(seconds_left/60); 
    seconds = parseInt(seconds_left % 60); 

    // format countdown string + set tag value 
    countdown.innerHTML = days + "d, " + hours + "h, " 
    + minutes + "m, " + seconds + "s"; 

}, 1000); 


请首先纠正你的HTML标签,所以它有一个关闭'>'。另外,请让你的问题更清楚。你在哪里获得'0'的价值? – nameless


有问题吗? – gefei




// set the date we're counting down to 
var ex_target_date = new Date("Jan 15, 2016").getTime(); 
var target_date = new Date(2016 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 0 , 0).getTime();// <--- this is preferable 

document.write('<hr>ex_target_date : ' + ex_target_date + '<br>'); 
document.write('ex_target_date : ' + target_date + '<hr>'); 


// variables for time units 
var days, hours, minutes, seconds; 

// get tag element 
var countdown = document.getElementById("countdown"); 

// update the tag with id "countdown" every 1 second 
setInterval(function() { 

    // find the amount of "seconds" between now and target 
    var current_date = new Date().getTime(); 
    var seconds_left = (target_date - current_date)/1000; 

    // do some time calculations 
    days = parseInt(seconds_left/86400); 
    seconds_left = seconds_left % 86400; 

    hours = parseInt(seconds_left/3600); 
    seconds_left = seconds_left % 3600; 

    minutes = parseInt(seconds_left/60); 
    seconds = parseInt(seconds_left % 60); 

    // format countdown string + set tag value 
    countdown.innerHTML = days + "d, " + hours + "h, " 
    + minutes + "m, " + seconds + "s"; 

}, 1000);
<span id="countdown"></span>


我同意 - 可以在您的计算机上检查系统日期吗?你有没有改变到1月15日? – pherris


不,我不知道!我没有修改你的代码 – Anonymous0day


我同意你的答案Anonymous0day ...要求OP检查他们的系统时钟 – pherris
