2017-02-16 78 views

我做了一个小应用程序,其中有一个原始字符串和一个编辑过的字符串。原始字符串被称为“one”,我编辑的字符串被称为“two”。我想浏览每个字符串并对字符串进行编辑,并将原始字符串中的编辑字词以大写形式添加,例如Original "This is original"edited "This is edited"输出("This is original EDITED")。我希望它通过一个字符串找到匹配的字符串,一旦它发生变化,停止并更改它的大写字母并将该单词添加到原始字符串的那个位置。这是我迄今为止在字符串中找到所有编辑过的单词。我的问题是加入字符串。预计输出"This This THIS is a new value VALUES"匹配2个字符串的序列


string one = "This is a new value"; 
     string two = "This This is a new values"; 
     int index = 0; 
     var coll = two.Split(' ').Select(p => one.Contains(p) ? p : p.ToUpperInvariant()); 

     var col2 = two.Split(' '); 
     var col1 = one.Split(' '); 

     for (int i = 0; i < col1.Length; i++) 
      var a = two.IndexOf(col2[i].ToString(), index); 
      if (col2[index].ToString()==col1[i].ToString()) 

       two.Insert(index, col1[i].ToString().ToUpper()); 


      if (index==col2.Length) 

     Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", two)); 

这与您在前两天看到的看似相同的问题有何不同? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42210366/matching-2-strings-in-c-sharp – PaulF


@PaulF我问这个问题的另一种方式,再加上我试图编写一个不同的方式更好的方式,考虑到如果该字符串包含2个相同的单词等 –


我的一个原始问题是当没有共同的单词时输出是预期的:string1 =“这是一个新值”; string2 =“abc def ghi jkl mno”;应该是“这个ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO是一个新值”或者“这个ABC是DEF GHI新KLM值MNO”还是别的。 – PaulF



您解决Edit Distance问题。你有一系列的项目 - 你的案例中的单词 - 并且你正试图对第一个序列进行第二个序列的最小改变数目。



private static string CalculateMinimumEdit(string[] original, string[] final) 
    int[,] costs = new int[original.Length + 1, final.Length + 1]; 

    // =, +, - or * for equal words, inserted, deleted or modified word 
    char[,] resultOf = new char[original.Length + 1, final.Length + 1]; 

    // Set all costs to invalid values (mark all positions not reached) 

    // Empty sequences are equal and their edit costs is 0 
    // This is setting the initial state for the following calculation 
    resultOf[0, 0] = '='; 
    costs[0, 0] = 0; 

    for (int originalIndex = 0; originalIndex < original.Length + 1; originalIndex++) 
     for (int finalIndex = 0; finalIndex < final.Length + 1; finalIndex++) 
      SetDeleteCost(costs, resultOf, originalIndex, finalIndex); 
      SetInsertCost(costs, resultOf, originalIndex, finalIndex); 
      SetModifiedCost(costs, resultOf, originalIndex, finalIndex); 
      SetEqualCost(costs, resultOf, originalIndex, finalIndex, original, final); 

    return ReconstructEdit(costs, resultOf, original, final); 

private static void InitializeInvalidCosts(int[,] costs) 
    // Set all costs to negative values 
    // That will indicate that none of the positions 
    // in the costs matrix has been analyzed yet 
    for (int i = 0; i < costs.GetLength(0); i++) 
     for (int j = 0; j < costs.GetLength(1); j++) 
      costs[i, j] = -1; 

private static void SetInsertCost(int[,] costs, char[,] resultOf, 
            int originalIndex, int finalIndex) 
    // You can always assume that the new word was inserted 
    // Position in original sequence remains the same 
    // Position in final sequence moves by one and that is the new word 
    // Cost of this change is 1 
    SetCostIfBetter(costs, resultOf, originalIndex, finalIndex + 1, 
        costs[originalIndex, finalIndex] + 1, '+'); 

private static void SetDeleteCost(int[,] costs, char[,] resultOf, 
            int originalIndex, int finalIndex) 
    // You can always assume that one word was deleted from original sequence 
    // Position in original sequence moves by one and that is the deleted word 
    // Position in final sequence remains the same 
    // Cost of this change is 1 
    SetCostIfBetter(costs, resultOf, originalIndex + 1, finalIndex, 
        costs[originalIndex, finalIndex] + 1, '-'); 

private static void SetModifiedCost(int[,] costs, char[,] resultOf, 
            int originalIndex, int finalIndex) 
    // You can always assume that one word was replaced with another 
    // Both positions in original and final sequences move by one 
    // That means that one word from input was consumed 
    // and it was replaced by a new word from the final sequence 
    // Cost of this change is 1 
    SetCostIfBetter(costs, resultOf, originalIndex + 1, finalIndex + 1, 
        costs[originalIndex, finalIndex] + 1, '*'); 

private static void SetEqualCost(int[,] costs, char[,] resultOf, 
            int originalIndex, int finalIndex, 
            string[] original, string[] final) 
    // If incoming words in original and final sequence are the same 
    // then you can take advantage and move to the next position 
    // at no cost 
    // Position in original sequence moves by 1 
    // Position in final sequence moves by 1 
    // Cost of this change is 0 
    if (originalIndex < original.Length && 
     finalIndex < final.Length && 
     original[originalIndex] == final[finalIndex]) 
     // Attempt to set new cost only if incoming words are equal 
     SetCostIfBetter(costs, resultOf, originalIndex + 1, finalIndex + 1, 
         costs[originalIndex, finalIndex], '='); 

private static void SetCostIfBetter(int[,] costs, char[,] resultOf, 
            int originalIndex, int finalIndex, 
            int cost, char operation) 
    // If destination cost is not set (i.e. it is negative) 
    // or destination cost is non-negative but new cost is lower than that 
    // then the cost can be set to new value and 
    // new operation which has caused the change can be indicated 
    if (IsBetterCost(costs, originalIndex, finalIndex, cost)) 
     costs[originalIndex, finalIndex] = cost; 
     resultOf[originalIndex, finalIndex] = operation; 

private static bool IsBetterCost(int[,] costs, int originalIndex, 
            int finalIndex, int cost) 
    // New cost is better than existing cost if 
    // either existing cost is negative (not set), 
    // or new cost is lower 
     originalIndex < costs.GetLength(0) && 
     finalIndex < costs.GetLength(1) && 
     (costs[originalIndex, finalIndex] < 0 || 
      cost < costs[originalIndex, finalIndex]); 

private static string ReconstructEdit(int[,] costs, char[,] resultOf, 
             string[] original, string[] final) 
    string edit = string.Empty; 

    int originalIndex = original.Length; 
    int finalIndex = final.Length; 

    string space = string.Empty; 

    while (originalIndex > 0 || finalIndex > 0) 
     edit = space + edit; 
     space = " "; 

     char operation = resultOf[originalIndex, finalIndex]; 

     switch (operation) 
      case '=': 
       originalIndex -= 1; 
       finalIndex -= 1; 
       edit = original[originalIndex] + edit; 
      case '*': 
       originalIndex -= 1; 
       finalIndex -= 1; 
       edit = final[finalIndex].ToUpper() + edit; 
      case '+': 
       finalIndex -= 1; 
       edit = final[finalIndex].ToUpper() + edit; 
      case '-': 
       originalIndex -= 1; 
       edit = "[" + original[originalIndex] + "]" + edit; 

    return edit; 

感谢您的链接。你是对的它确实看起来很可怕:P –


我是一个新手程序员,请你帮我解决这个问题。 –


这真的很简单。制作一个矩阵,其中(i,j)处的元素表示将第一个序列的第一个i元素转换为第二个序列的前j个元素的代价。 (i,j)和(i + 1,j),(i,j + 1)和(i + 1,j + 1)之间的数字关系 - 这是大开眼界的想法 - 然后迭代填充矩阵。最后,请阅读导致(n,m)的最佳路径,这是您的最佳编辑顺序。 :) –