2014-06-05 102 views

我已经安装了android sdk。 Xcode 5.1.1已安装。我不确定为什么通用安装程序不工作?感谢您的时间!Xamarin安装问题 - MAC

[2014-06-05 20:34:18.190] [Info] Installation ID: dd344913-5804-4125-bfe5-a09cc1b2c0ea 
[2014-06-05 20:34:18.195] [Info] Operating system: Mac OS X v10.9.3 (10.9.3; Mac OS X 10.9.3 (10.9.3 build version: 13D65)), 32-bit 
[2014-06-05 20:34:18.197] [Info] Installer product: Xamarin 
[2014-06-05 20:34:18.197] [Info] Installer version: (detached from 04514fb) (04514fb54a5884a2182d80bc299383c8d747ed76 on 23/05/2014 14:03:07) 
[2014-06-05 20:34:18.197] [Info] Status: in progress 
[2014-06-05 20:34:20.616] [Debug] Waiting for manifests to finish downloading. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:20.617] [Debug] Initial task executing (WaitingForActivation). Waiting for it to finish. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.424] [Info] Retrieving installation manifest. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.424] [Info] Downloading from 'http://xamarin.com/installer_assets/v3/Mac/Universal//InstallationManifest.xml'. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.426] [Debug] Setting download timeout for 'http://xamarin.com/installer_assets/v3/Mac/Universal//InstallationManifest.xml' to 60s 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.527] [Info] Retrieving installation size manifest. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.527] [Info] Downloading from 'http://xamarin.com/installer_assets/v3/Mac/Universal//InstallationSizes.xml'. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.528] [Debug] Setting download timeout for 'http://xamarin.com/installer_assets/v3/Mac/Universal//InstallationSizes.xml' to 60s 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.629] [Info] Installation size manifest not found online, using the bundled copy 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.629] [Info] Installation size manifest: reading from assembly. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.630] [Info] Determining list of software items to install. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.731] [Debug] Processing update nodes from the manifest. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.731] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Mono Framework' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.933] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Java SDK' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.933] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Android SDK' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.935] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Xamarin Studio' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.935] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Xamarin.Android' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.935] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Xamarin.iOS' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.935] [Debug] Detecting software item 'Mono Framework' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:21.935] [Info] Checking whether Mono needs update/installation 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.036] [Info] Mono runtime found in /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.4.0 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.037] [Info] Mono version 3.4.0 was found in /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.038] [Info] Status: successful 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Info] Component 'Mono Framework' v. 3.4.0 present 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Info] Software item 'Mono Framework': up to date 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Debug] Detecting software item 'Java SDK' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Info] Checking whether Mac JDK needs update/installation 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Info] Status: successful 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Info] Component 'Java SDK' v. 1.6.0 present 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Info] Software item 'Java SDK': up to date 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.039] [Debug] Detecting software item 'Android SDK' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.040] [Info] Checking if Android SDK needs to be updated/installed 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.040] [Info] Fetching Android SDK manifest. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.040] [Info] Manifest URL: http://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository-8.xml 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.040] [Info] Using default samples: 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.040] [Info] Downloading from 'http://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository-8.xml'. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.040] [Debug] Setting download timeout for 'http://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository-8.xml' to 25s 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.141] [Info] AVD 'MonoForAndroid API 15' needs to be created. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.141] [Info] AVD 'MonoForAndroid API 14' needs to be created. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.141] [Info] AVD 'MonoForAndroid API 12' needs to be created. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.141] [Info] AVD 'MonoForAndroid API 10' needs to be created. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Info] AVD 'MonoForAndroid API 8' needs to be created. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Info] AVD 'MonoForAndroid API 7' needs to be created. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Info] Status: failed. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] Failed to detect component 'Android SDK' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] at Xamarin.Web.Installer.Installer.AndroidSoftwareItem.Detect() [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] at Xamarin.Web.Installer.Installer.AndroidSoftwareItem.NeedsUpdate() [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] at Xamarin.Web.Installer.TasksManager.ComponentDetector (ISoftwareItem si) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Error] No selected SDK, cannot enqueue downloads 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Debug] Detecting software item 'Xamarin Studio' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Info] Checking whether Xamarin Studio needs installation/updating 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Info] Xamarin Studio installation check: app directory does not exist. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Info] Xamarin Studio not detected. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.143] [Info] Xamarin Studio 5.0.0 needs to be installed. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.143] [Info] Status: successful 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.143] [Info] Software item 'Xamarin Studio': not up to date 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.143] [Info] Component 'Xamarin Studio' v. 5.0.0 absent 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.244] [Debug] Detecting software item 'Xamarin.Android' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.245] [Info] Checking whether Xamarin.Android SDK needs installation/updating 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.246] [Info] Xamarin.Android build files not found. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.246] [Info] Base Xamarin.Android directory not found. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.247] [Info] Xamarin.Android SDK 4.12.4 requires installation. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.247] [Info] Status: successful 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.247] [Info] Software item 'Xamarin.Android': not up to date 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.247] [Info] Component 'Xamarin.Android' v. 4.12.4 absent 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.247] [Debug] Detecting software item 'Xamarin.iOS' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.247] [Info] Checking whether Xamarin.iOS needs update/installation 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] MonoTouch base directory not found. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] Xamarin.iOS needs to be installed. 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] Status: successful 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] Software item 'Xamarin.iOS': not up to date 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] Component 'Xamarin.iOS' v. 7.2.3 absent 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] Detection complete 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.248] [Info] Initial task completed successfully 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.249] [Debug] Detection complete on the introduction page, determining the next step. 

对于安装问题,您最好在forums.xamarin.com上询问 – Jason


谢谢,我会这么做的。 –


[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] Failed to detect component 'Android SDK' 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] at Xamarin.Web.Installer.Installer.AndroidSoftwareItem.Detect() [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] at Xamarin.Web.Installer.Installer.AndroidSoftwareItem.NeedsUpdate() [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[2014-06-05 20:34:22.142] [Exception] at Xamarin.Web.Installer.TasksManager.ComponentDetector (ISoftwareItem si) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


或者,您可以在尝试安装Xamarin SDK之前尝试安装Android SDK。您将在Android developer download页面找到下载器下的SDK Tools Only