2015-09-28 43 views




B)秒的量可活。 b将基于平均寿命秒数(avgLifeSpan = 250000000000l. So secondsLeft = avgLifeSpan - totalAgeInSecs)




import java.util.*; 

public class AgeInSeconds { 

    static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in); 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     int totalNumDays, daysInMonth, daysToHours; 
     int yrsToDays,minsInHr, secsInMin; 

     long timeRemaining, avgLifeSecs; 

     System.out.println("Enter your age in years months and days: "); 

     System.out.print("Years: "); 
     int years = kbd.nextInt(); 

     System.out.print("Months: "); 
     int months = kbd.nextInt(); 

     System.out.print("Days: "); 
     int days = kbd.nextInt(); 

     yrsToDays = years * 365; 
     avgLifeSecs = 2500000000l; 

     switch (months){ 
     case 1: 
      daysInMonth = 31; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);   
     case 2: 
      daysInMonth = 59; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin;  

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 
     case 3: 
      daysInMonth = 90; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 
     case 4: 
      daysInMonth = 120; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 
     case 5: 
      daysInMonth = 151; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 
     case 6: 
      daysInMonth = 181; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 
      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);   
     case 7: 
      daysInMonth = 212; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 
      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);  
     case 8: 
      daysInMonth = 243; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 
      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 


     case 9: 
      daysInMonth = 273; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 
      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);   
     case 10: 
      daysInMonth = 304; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 
      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);   
     case 11: 
      daysInMonth = 334; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 
      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 
     case 12: 
      daysInMonth = 365; 
      totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
      daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
      minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
      secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

      timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 






这是当输出:年= 24个月= 5天= 8

Enter your age in years months and days: 
Years: 24 
Months: 5 
Days: 8 
You have been alive for 770,601,600 seconds. 
The average human life is 2,500,000,000 seconds. 
You have 1,729,398,400 seconds. 

这是一个应该调用方法并将整个代码放入其中的情况。 – SomeJavaGuy


闰年呢?顺便说一下,从统计的角度来看,程序的结果是不正确的。如果我100岁,该怎么办?我有负秒数?那没有意义。 –


这确实重复了很多代码。另外还有一个叫闰年的东西。 – laune



你的整数daysInMonth将转移过去switch语句。因此,您可以在 switch语句后利用重复代码


import java.util.*; 

public class AgeInSeconds { 

static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in); 
public static void main(String[] args) { 

    int totalNumDays, daysInMonth, daysToHours; 
    int yrsToDays,minsInHr, secsInMin; 

    long timeRemaining, avgLifeSecs; 

    System.out.println("Enter your age in years months and days: "); 

    System.out.print("Years: "); 
    int years = kbd.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Months: "); 
    int months = kbd.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Days: "); 
    int days = kbd.nextInt(); 

    yrsToDays = years * 365; 
    avgLifeSecs = 2500000000l; 

    switch (months){ 
    case 1: 
     daysInMonth = 31; 
    case 2: 
     daysInMonth = 59; 
    case 3: 
     daysInMonth = 90; 
    case 4: 
     daysInMonth = 120; 
    case 5: 
     daysInMonth = 151; 
    case 6: 
     daysInMonth = 181; 
    case 7: 
     daysInMonth = 212; 
    case 8: 
     daysInMonth = 243; 

    case 9: 
     daysInMonth = 273; 
    case 10: 
     daysInMonth = 304; 
    case 11: 
     daysInMonth = 334; 
    case 12: 
     daysInMonth = 365; 
     daysInMonth = 0; 
    totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
    daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
    minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
    secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

    timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

    System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
    System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
    System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);   






import java.util.*; 

public class AgeInSeconds { 

static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in); 
public static void main(String[] args) { 

    int totalNumDays, daysInMonth, daysToHours; 
    int yrsToDays,minsInHr, secsInMin; 

    long timeRemaining, avgLifeSecs; 

    System.out.println("Enter your age in years months and days: "); 

    System.out.print("Years: "); 
    int years = kbd.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Months: "); 
    int months = kbd.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Days: "); 
    int days = kbd.nextInt(); 

    yrsToDays = years * 365; 
    avgLifeSecs = 2500000000l; 
    /** predifine with 0 so we always have a value **/ 
    daysInMonth = 0; 
    /** Our months here. Please consider using calendar **/ 
    int[] legaldays = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; 
    /** Looping through all months **/ 
    for(i=0;i<legaldays.length;i++) { 
     /** check if we didn't pass our max limit **/ 
     if(i+1 > daysInMonth) { 
     /** add the days to our tally **/ 
     daysInMonth += legaldays[i]; 
    totalNumDays = yrsToDays + daysInMonth + days; 
    daysToHours = totalNumDays * 24; 
    minsInHr = daysToHours * 60; 
    secsInMin = minsInHr * 60; 

    timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - secsInMin; 

    System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", secsInMin); 
    System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
    System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining);   



查看评论,了解我是如何改进它的。通过循环,您可以摆脱头痛的难题,即必须对月份的值进行硬编码,并为您提供了一定的灵活性。 为了更可靠的一天数而不是硬编码,我建议你看看Number of days in a month of a particular year,这样你就可以灵活地用闰年等等。



曾经使用过一个数组来存储基于1..12(或0..11)的值吗? – laune


我认为,但他无效输入的情况。再加上我仍在编辑一些最佳做法。 – Tschallacka


还要考虑OP提出的方法是无稽之谈。如果我今天是x年和5个月,那么第二个月肯定没有28天。 – laune



  • 用户1个月大,当前日期为2015年9月28日,因此用户出生于2015年8月28日,他已经31天。
  • 用户为1个月大,当前日期为2015年3月2日,因此用户出生于2015年2月2日,他的年龄为28岁。

之后,您可以计算以秒为单位的差异。 Java API中有准备好的类和方法来完成这些步骤。最简单的是使用Java 8时间API:

import java.time.LocalDateTime; 
import java.time.Period; 
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

public class AgeInSeconds { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     try (Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in)) { 

      System.out.println("Enter your age in years months and days: "); 

      System.out.print("Years: "); 
      int years = kbd.nextInt(); 

      System.out.print("Months: "); 
      int months = kbd.nextInt(); 

      System.out.print("Days: "); 
      int days = kbd.nextInt(); 

      Period period = Period.of(years, months, days); 
      LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now(); 
      LocalDateTime birthDate = now.minus(period); 
      long seconds = birthDate.until(now, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); 
      long avgLifeSecs = 2500000000l; 
      long timeRemaining = avgLifeSecs - seconds; 

      System.out.printf("You have been alive for %,d seconds.\n", seconds); 
      System.out.printf("The average human life is %,d seconds.\n", avgLifeSecs); 
      System.out.printf("You have %,d seconds.\n", timeRemaining); 



我想你可能会超过OP的头。我认为他在第一章或第二章中学习如何编码;-)但答案很好,+1 – Tschallacka