2010-07-27 23 views



<title>anchor scroll test</title> 

<meta name="viewport" content="width=320; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"/> 
<meta http-equiv="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 
<meta name="author" content="Andy Cheeseman"> 


<a name='top'></a> 
<div id='page_title'>iPhone Optimised Site</div> 

<div id='note'>Presently, iPhones and iPods can't display fully featured flash websites. But you can however browse the websites content below.</div> 

<a href='#1' class='menu'>Link to Section 1</a><br/> 
<a href='#2' class='menu'>Link to Section 2</a><br/> 

<a name='1'></a> 
<div id='title'>Section 1</div> 
<div id='content'>This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one!</div> 

<a name='2'></a> 
<div id='title'>Section 2</div> 
<div id='content'>This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! </div> 

<a href='#top' class='back_to_top'>Back to Top</a> 





我想一个解决方案是使用一些JavaScript来替换每次点击时“回到顶部”链接的目标。 '#top'和'#top2'之间。




<script type="text/javascript" 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(document).ready(function() { 

     switch_top = function(e) { 
     var link = $(e.target); 
     var href = link.attr('href'); 
     if(href.search('a') != -1) 
      href = href.replace('a','b'); 
      href = href.replace('b','a'); 


     var counter = 0; 
     $('a[href="#top"]').each(function(index, value) { 
     link = $(value); 
      attr('href', '#top' + (counter++) + 'a') 


你能告诉我一些这个例子的java脚本吗? – 2010-07-29 12:32:17


......并且可能值得一提的是,我计划在每个部分之后都有一个“返回顶部”按钮。 – 2010-07-29 12:33:03