2015-12-25 35 views

我有两个反转链接列表的实现。第一个定义为Node * Reverse(Node * head,int k)方法。此方法反转链接列表的每k个备用子组。逆向链接列表的每个k个节点

Example: Inputs: 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->NULL and k = 3 
Output: 3->2->1->6->5->4->8->7->NULL 

其他实现定义为kAltReverse(Node * head,int k)。该函数反转每个k节点,然后跳过下一个k节点,并为下一个k节点执行相同的操作。

Example Input: 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->NULL and k = 3 
Output: 3->2->1->4->5->6->9->8->7->NULL 


// This is the definition of node structure 
typedef struct container{ 
    int data; 
    struct container *next; 
} Node; 

Node *reverse(Node *head, int k){ 
    Node *temp = head; 
    Node *curr = head; 
    Node *prev = NULL; 
    Node *next = NULL; 
    int count = 0; 

    // Reverses the first k nodes iteratively 
    while (curr != NULL && count < k){ 
      next = curr->next; 
      curr->next = prev; 
      prev = curr; 
      curr = next; 

    // Recursively linking the head of the list to next reversed list. 
    if (next != NULL) temp->next = reverse(next,k); 
    return prev; 

Node *kAltReverse(Node *head, int k){ 
    Node *temp = head; 
    Node *curr = head; 
    Node *prev = NULL; 
    Node *next = NULL; 
    int count = 0; 

    // Reverse the first k node of the linked list 
    while (curr != NULL && count < k){ 
      next = curr->next; 
      curr->next = prev; 
      prev = curr; 
      curr = next; 

    // Now head points to the kth node. So change next of head to (k+1)th node 
    if (head != NULL) temp->next = curr; 
    count = 0; 

    //Move the pointer node so as to skip next k nodes. 
    while(curr != NULL && count < k-1){ 
      curr = curr->next; 

    // Recursively call for the list starting from curr->next. 
    // And make rest of the list as next of first node. 
    if (curr != NULL) curr->next = kAltReverse(curr->next,k); 

    return prev; 

int main(){ 
    Node *head1 = NULL; 
    /* Insert function is a function for pushing the element in stack 
     like fashion on to the list*/ 
    insertFirst(&head1, 6); 
    insertFirst(&head1, 4); 
    insertFirst(&head1, 3); 
    insertFirst(&head1, 2); 
    insertFirst(&head1, 1); 
    insertFirst(&head1, 5); 
    // So the list will be 5->1->2->3->4->6->NULL 

    // Now when I call the functions Reverse and kAltReverse I get undesired 
    // output. 
    Node *Reverse = reverse(head1, 2); 
    Node *kAlt1 = kAltReverse(head1,2); 
    return 0; 


5 1 2 3 4 6 // This is the original list 

    1 5 3 2 6 4 // This is the output given by Reverse method 

    3 5 2 6 4 // This is the output given by kAltReverse method 


Output from reverse: 1 5 3 2 6 4 // This is correct 

Output form kAltReverse as: 1 5 2 3 6 4 // This is correct too. 




这两个函数*修改*列表,所以如果您第一次调用'reverse',当您调用'kAltReverse'时,您不再有原始列表。 –


但我只传递指针的值,即它是按值调用,而不是通过引用调用。在这两个代码头都没有触动,这些功能只是使用头部来获得地址,然后独立完成所有工作。但你是对的,他们正在修改列表,理由超出了我的理解范围。 –


C不支持_methods_,只有_functions_ – Olaf



你不要' t改变head,但你确实改变(重新排序)列表内的内部节点。拨打电话reverse后,尝试拨打printlist(head1),您会看到它。 –    一些程序员哥们

按值使用调用不会创建整个链接链表的副本。它只是在头节点的副本上工作。在函数reverse(head1, 2);的框架中,在函数的上下文中使用head1的副本,并且head1保持不变。让'称这个副本head1f。如果调用head1f.data=42,则head1.data不变。但是,如果使用head1f.next->data=42代替,则head1.next->data现在是42:head1f.nexthead1.next指向相同的Node。 –   francis
