2017-02-06 139 views


<div class="produtos2"> 
    <table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="4" CELLSPACING="80"> 
      <td align="center" valign="center"> 
       <img src="images/h_calcas/ola.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
       <br /> 
       Caption text centered under the image. 

      <td align="center" valign="center"> 
       <img src="images/h_calcas/ola1.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
       <br /> 
       Caption text centered under the image. 

      <td align="center" valign="center"> 
       <img src="images/h_calcas/ola2.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
       <br /> 
       Caption text centered under the image. 

      <td align="center" valign="center"> 
       <img src="images/h_calcas/ola3.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
       <br /> 
       Caption text centered under the image. 

       <td align="center" valign="center"> 
        <img src="images/h_calcas/ola4.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
        <br /> 
        Caption text centered under the image. 

       <td align="center" valign="center"> 
        <img src="images/h_calcas/ola5.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
        <br /> 
        Caption text centered under the image. 

       <td align="center" valign="center"> 
        <img src="images/h_calcas/ola6.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
        <br /> 
        Caption text centered under the image. 

       <td align="center" valign="center"> 
        <img src="images/h_calcas/ola7.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="description here" /> 
        <br /> 
        Caption text centered under the image.</td> </tr> 


    width: 100%; 
    height: auto; 
    background: gray; 

    margin: auto; 

table img{ 
    display: inline-block; 

HTML文件的文件夹是 “WWW”,并在其中有文件夹 “图像”与里面的图像。但图像从不出现。我认为这可能是关于显示器的东西,所以我试过display:block;display:inline-block;,但它仍然没有工作。


enter image description here


它与表格无关。检查你的图像路径。从我们那里获得帮助。告诉我们你的文件夹结构。 –


你的网站的完整网址是什么?小提琴不能没有它,但你的实际网页应该工作,如果你正确地指定路径 –


你有你的路径问题。这里是占位符图像的小提琴:https://jsfiddle.net/no7zco1f/1/ – K3v1n



路径不正确。 Image n s by @LordNeo