2015-02-11 45 views

我得到了这个Powershell脚本,它获取有关SQL Server是否安装在主机上并获取SQL Server版本和其他详细信息的信息。使用SMO从SQL Server收集数据非常慢


$data = New-Object ('System.Data.DataTable') 
$data.Columns.Add('Host name') | Out-Null 
$data.Columns.Add('Ip Address') | Out-Null 
$data.Columns.Add('SQL Server Product Name') | Out-Null 
$data.Columns.Add('SQL Server Edition') | Out-Null 
$data.Columns.Add('SQL Server Version') | Out-Null 
$data.Columns.Add('SQL Server Type') | Out-Null 
$data.Columns.Add('SQL Server Status') | Out-Null 

Get-Content .\servers.txt | ForEach { 
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | out-null 
    $row = $data.NewRow() 
    $row['Host name'] = $_ 
    try { 
     $row['Ip Address'] = [Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_).AddressList.IpAddressToString 
    catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] { 
     $row['Ip Address'] = 'Offline' 

    If ($row['Ip Address'] -eq 'Offline') { 
     $row['SQL Server Product Name'] = 'N/A' 
     $row['SQL Server Edition'] = 'N/A' 
     $row['SQL Server Version'] = 'N/A' 
     $row['SQL Server Type'] = 'N/A' 
     $row['SQL Server Status'] = 'N/A' 
    else { 
     $smo = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $_ 
     $row['SQL Server Product Name'] = $smo.Product + ' ' + $smo.ProductLevel 
     $row['SQL Server Edition'] = $smo.Edition 
     $row['SQL Server Version'] = $smo.VersionString 
     $row['SQL Server Type'] = $smo.ServerType 
     $row['SQL Server Status'] = $smo.Status 

$data | Format-Table -AutoSize 








To start a background job on a remote computer that returns the command 
results to the local computer, use the AsJob parameter of a cmdlet such 
as the Invoke-Command cmdlet. 

When you use the AsJob parameter, the job object is actually created on 
the local computer even though the job runs on the remote computer. When 
the job is completed, the results are returned to the local computer. 

You can use the cmdlets that contain the Job noun (the Job cmdlets) to 
manage any job created by any cmdlet. Many of the cmdlets that have 
AsJob parameters do not use Windows PowerShell remoting, so 
you can use them even on computers that are not configured for 
remoting and that do not meet the requirements for remoting.