2017-03-17 38 views
var a = window.document.createElement('a'); 
      a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([excel_content], {type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'})); 
      a.download = 'REPORT'+'.xlsx'; 
      // Append anchor to body. 

上述代码在LibreOffice(Linux)中打开下载的文件时起作用,但在Windows MS-Office中不起作用。 我的文件的内容是xml元素,我试图将它保存为xlsx格式。 但只有微软Office显示以下错误从JavaScript创建的Xlsx文件在Windows中不打开MS-Office

The file you're trying to open is a different format as specified bythe file extension" 






function JSONToCSVConvertor(JSONData, ReportTitle, ShowLabel) { 
//If JSONData is not an object then JSON.parse will parse the JSON string in an Object 
var arrData = typeof JSONData != 'object' ? JSON.parse(JSONData) : JSONData; 

var CSV = ''; 
//Set Report title in first row or line 

CSV += ReportTitle + '\r\n\n'; 

//This condition will generate the Label/Header 
if (ShowLabel) { 
    var row = ""; 

    //This loop will extract the label from 1st index of on array 
    for (var index in arrData[0]) { 

     //Now convert each value to string and comma-seprated 
     row += index + ','; 

    row = row.slice(0, -1); 

    //append Label row with line break 
    CSV += row + '\r\n'; 

//1st loop is to extract each row 
for (var i = 0; i < arrData.length; i++) { 
    var row = ""; 

    //2nd loop will extract each column and convert it in string comma-seprated 
    for (var index in arrData[i]) { 
     if (index == 'Date_Time') { 
      var dateString = arrData[i][index].substr(6); 
      var currentTime = new Date(parseInt(dateString)); 
      var hours = ('0' + (currentTime.getHours())).slice(-2) 
      var min = ('0' + (currentTime.getMinutes())).slice(-2) 
      var sec = ('0' + (currentTime.getSeconds())).slice(-2) 
      var date = currentTime.toDateString() + " " + hours + ":" + min + ":" + sec; 
      row += '"' + date + '",'; 
     } else { 
      row += '"' + arrData[i][index] + '",'; 

    row.slice(0, row.length - 1); 

    //add a line break after each row 
    CSV += row + '\r\n'; 

if (CSV == '') { 
    alert("Invalid data"); 

//Generate a file name 
var fileName = "MyReport_"; 
//this will remove the blank-spaces from the title and replace it with an underscore 
fileName += ReportTitle.replace(/ /g, "_"); 

//Initialize file format you want csv or xls 
var uri = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(CSV); 

// Now the little tricky part. 
// you can use either>> window.open(uri); 
// but this will not work in some browsers 
// or you will not get the correct file extension  

//this trick will generate a temp <a /> tag 
var link = document.createElement("a"); 
link.href = uri; 

//set the visibility hidden so it will not effect on your web-layout 
link.style = "visibility:hidden"; 
link.download = fileName + ".csv"; 

//this part will append the anchor tag and remove it after automatic click 

感谢您回复,我使用xml的概念创建一个xlsx文件。由于在xml中,我们可以将任何样式设置为将反映在xlsx中的任何单元格,并且这是我的要求。而我只是将我的整个xml字符串的格式更改为xlsx。 我没有问题,使用任何其他库,但我不能设计Excel根据我的客户的要求与该图书馆 –
