2016-06-27 76 views



function Test-IsWritable(){ 
     Command tests if a file is present and writable. 
     Command to test if a file is writeable. Returns true if file can be opened for write access. 
     Test-IsWritable -path $foo 
     Test if file $foo is accesible for write access. 
     $bar | Test-IsWriteable 
     Test if each file object in $bar is accesible for write access. 
    .Parameter Path 
     Psobject containing the path or object of the file to test for write access. 

     Write-Host "Test if file $path is writeable" 
     if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Any){ 
      $target = Get-Item $path -Force 
       $writestream = $target.Openwrite() 
       $writestream.Close() | Out-Null   
       Remove-Variable -Name writestream 
       Write-Host "File is writable" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen 
       Write-Output $true 
       Write-Host "File is not writable" -ForegroundColor DarkRed 
       Write-Output $false 
      Remove-Variable -Name target 
      Write-Host "File $path does not exist or is a directory" -ForegroundColor Red 
      Write-Output $false 

write-host "WARNING: If checking deep folders (where the full path is longer than 248 characters) please " -foregroundcolor Yellow -NoNewline 
Write-Host "MAP THE DRIVE " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline 
Write-Host "in order to keep the names as short as possible" -ForegroundColor Yellow 
$basefolder = Read-Host -Prompt 'What is the folder or files you want to get permissions of?' 

write-host "WARNING: if permissions.csv already exists, it will be overwritten!" -foregroundcolor Yellow 
Write-Host 'Export results to CSV? (y/n): ' -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline 
$export = Read-Host 

if ($export -like "y") 
     Write-Host "Name the file (ex: permissions.csv): " -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline 
     $FileName = Read-Host 

     $Outfile = “$PSScriptRoot\$FileName” 

     write-host "Will write results to $PSScriptRoot\$FileName" -ForegroundColor Green 

     write-host "User did not type 'y', continuing" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow 

$files = get-childitem $basefolder -recurse -File 

Write-Host $files 
Write-Host "=========================" -ForegroundColor Black 

#$subfiles = Get-ChildItem $folders -Recurse -File 

#Write-Host $folders 
#Write-Host "=========================" -ForegroundColor Black 
#Write-Host $subfiles 

$results = foreach($folder in $files) { 

      New-Object psobject -Property @{ 
       File = $folder; 
       Access = "$basefolder\$folder" | Test-IsWritable 
      Write-Host $folder 


#$subresults = foreach($subfile in $subfiles) { 

    #   New-Object psobject -Property @{ 
    #    File = $subfiles; 
    #    Access = $subfile | Test-IsWritable; 
    #   } 


Write-Host $results 
Write-Host "Finished combo loop, exporting..." -ForegroundColor Green 

$results | Export-Csv $Outfile -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" 

Write-Host "Converting delimited CSV to Column Excel Spreadsheet" 
$outputXLSX = $PSScriptRoot + "\$Filename.xlsx" 
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application 
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add(1) 
$worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1) 
$TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $Outfile) 
$Connector = $worksheet.QueryTables.add($TxtConnector,$worksheet.Range("A1")) 
$query = $worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name) 
$query.TextFileOtherDelimiter = ';' 
$query.TextFileParseType = 1 
$query.TextFileColumnDataTypes = ,2 * $worksheet.Cells.Columns.Count 
$query.AdjustColumnWidth = 1 

Remove-Item $Outfile 
Write-Host "See $PSScriptRoot\$Filename.xlsx for results" -ForegroundColor Green 


Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE1.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ FILE2.TXT Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar Z:\ testfolder \ file3.rar 指定的路径,文件名或二者都太长 长。完全限定的文件名必须少于260个字符, 和目录名称必须少于248个字符。


的FileAccess FullControl FullControl FullControl 修改,同步 ReadAndExecute,同步 修改,同步 修改,同步 FullControl FullControl FullControl 修改,同步 ... 规格ified路径,文件名或两者太长。完整 限定文件名必须少于260个字符,并且 目录名称必须少于248个字符。






$i = 0 

$results = foreach($acl in $acls) { 
    $folder = (Convert-Path $acl.pspath) 
    Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Security" -Status "checking $folder" -PercentComplete ($i/$folders.Count * 100) 

    foreach($access in $acl.GetAccessRules($true, $true, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])) { 
     New-Object psobject -Property @{ 
      Folder = $folder; 
      User = $acl.Owner; 
      Mode = $access.AccessControlType; 
      FileAcess = $access.FileSystemRights; 

Write-Host "Reached End, exporting..." -ForegroundColor Green 
$results | Export-Csv $Outfile -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" 

感谢您的快速回答,虽然当我这样做时,我只在CSV中获得一个条目,因为我基本上替换了以前的迭代CSV文件。我现在使用'Add-Content',它显示的很好,但没有内置的分隔符。有任何想法吗? – Austin


是的,我编辑了我的答案来解决这个问题。 – sodawillow


再次感谢您,我做了一些操作并更新了上面的代码,感谢您的代码,我使用分隔的CSV文件制作了一个柱状的电子表格。最后一个问题是为什么当我测试文件和文件夹时,我获得了单个文件的多个权限,如上所示 – Austin