2016-10-06 54 views



str.split('\n').forEach((item) => { 
    if (item) { 
     // TODO: split also each line into sentences 

     let  data  = { 
        type : 'item', 
        content: [{ 
         content : item, 
         timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now()/1000) 

     // Save `data` to DB 

但现在我还需要每一行分成句子。我对此的困难是正确分割它。因此我会使用.(点和空格)来分割线条。 但也有缩略语的数组,不应分割线:

cont abbr = ['vs.', 'min.', 'max.']; // Just an example; there are 70 abbrevations in that array 


  1. 任何数量和网点或单个字母和点也应该被忽略,因为分割字符串:1.2.30.A.b.
  2. 大写和小写应该被忽略:Max. Lorem ipsum不应被分裂。 Lorem max. ipsum

const str = 'Just some examples:\nThis example has min. 2 lines. Max. 10 lines. There are some words: 1. Foo and 2. bar.'; 


{ type: 'item', content: [{ content: 'Just some examples:', timestamp: 123 }] } 
{ type: 'item', content: [{ content: 'This example has min. 2 lines.', timestamp: 123 }] } 
{ type: 'item', content: [{ content: 'Max. 10 lines.', timestamp: 123 }] } 
{ type: 'item', content: [{ content: 'There are some words: 1. Foo and 2. bar.', timestamp: 123 }] } 

你可能,可能的话,可以用一个正则表达式来做到这一点(我做不到,但并不意味着这是不可能的),但它会写一个野兽并保持。我建议使用一个非常宽松的正则表达式来扫描字符串中的潜在匹配,然后在上下文中对照像您所描述的一组规则对它们进行评估。它仍然很复杂,但至少应该更易于阅读和排除故障。另外,如果你正在分裂自然语言文本,不要忽视''你好,我是Sue,“她说。 “这是一个字符串?”她问。 “这是。”'和'我喜欢'字符串'这样的单位。' – Palpatim





var i, j, strRegex, regex, abbrParts; 
const DOT = "_DOT_"; 
const abbr = ["p.o.", "s.v.p.", "vs.", "min.", "max."]; 

var str = 'Just some examples:\nThis example s.v.p. has min. 2 lines. Max. 10 lines. There are some words: 1. Foo and 2. bar. And also A. p.o. professional letters.'; 

console.log("String: " + str); 

// Replace dot in abbreviations found in string 
for (i = 0; i < abbr.length; i++) { 
    abbrParts = abbr[i].split("."); 
    strRegex = "(\\W*" + abbrParts[0] + ")"; 
    for (j = 1; j < abbrParts.length - 1; j++) { 
     strRegex += "(\\.)(" + abbrParts[j] + ")"; 
    strRegex += "(\\.)(" + abbrParts[abbrParts.length - 1] + "\\W*)"; 
    regex = new RegExp(strRegex, "gi"); 
    str = str.replace(regex, function() { 
     var groups = arguments; 
     var result = groups[1]; 
     for (j = 2; j < groups.length; j += 2) { 
      result += (groups[j] === "." ? DOT + groups[j+1] : ""); 
     return result; 

// Replace dot in numbers found in string 
str = str.replace(/(\W*\d+)(\.)/gi, "$1" + DOT); 

// Replace dot in letter numbering found in string 
str = str.replace(/(\W+[a-zA-Z])(\.)/gi, "$1" + DOT); 

// Split the string at dots 
var parts = str.split("."); 

// Restore dots in sentences 
var sentences = []; 
regex = new RegExp(DOT, "gi"); 
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { 
    if (parts[i].trim().length > 0) { 
     sentences.push(parts[i].replace(regex, ".").trim() + "."); 
     console.log("Sentence " + (i + 1) + ": " + sentences[i]); 


我忘记了一种缩写:它们可以有两个点,比如'p.o.'。这将为你的代码创建一个字符串'professional',一个新的字符串'p_DOT_ofession' - 不应该。我该如何改进你的代码? – user3142695


今天晚些时候(下班后)我会回复你的。 – ConnorsFan


'new RegExp(“(\ W *”+ abbrParts [0] +“)(\。)(”+ abbrParts [1] +“\ W *)”,“gi”)包含反斜杠的常见错误。 '“\。”是一个无效的转义序列。 –