2016-09-29 23 views


#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> // Allows us to use cout and cin 
#include <cmath> // To allow us to calculate the BMI 
#include <iomanip> // Set specific decimal points(two) 
using namespace std; 

int main() 
double weight; 
cout << "What is your current weight?: "; // Using the cout() function, we get user input 
cin >> weight; 
double heightFeet; 
cout << "What is your height(in feet, just the first part(Example, if you're 5'11, put 5)"; 
cin >> heightFeet; 
double heightInches; 
cout << "What is your height in inches, just the second part(Example if you're 5'11, put 11)\n"; 
cin >> heightInches; 
double HeightConverter = 12 * heightFeet + heightInches; 
cout << "Your height in inches is: " << HeightConverter << "\n"; 
double BMICalc = (weight * 703)/(pow(HeightConverter, 2)); 
std::cout << std::fixed; 
std::cout << std::setprecision(2); 
std::cout << "Your current BMI is: " << BMICalc << "\n"; 
double GoalWeight; 
std::cout << "What is your goal weight change per week? (lb)\n"; 
cin >> GoalWeight; 
if (GoalWeight >= 0) { 
    int weeks; 
    cout << "How many weeks do you plan to continue this trend?\n"; 
    cin >> weeks; 
    double PosBMI = (weight + GoalWeight) * 703/(pow(HeightConverter, 2)); 
    cin >> PosBMI; 
    cout << "If you complete your plan for " << weeks << "weeks you will have a new BMI of: \n" << PosBMI; 

if (GoalWeight < 0) { 
    int weeks; 
    cout << "How many weeks do you plan to continue this trend?\n"; 
    cin >> weeks; 
    double NegBMI = (weight - GoalWeight) * 703/(pow(HeightConverter, 2)); 
    cin >> NegBMI; 
    cout << "If you complete your plan for " << weeks << "weeks you will have a new BMI of: \n" << NegBMI; 
return 0; 





PosBMI被声明和初始化,然后立即被std :: cin调用覆盖的大问题。类似的NegBMI问题。

double PosBMI = (weight + GoalWeight) * 703/(pow(HeightConverter, 2)); 
cin >> PosBMI; 




cout << "Enter your weight"; 
cin >> weight; 
cout << "Enter Goal" 
cin >> WeightGoal 

if (WeightGoal > weight) { 
} else { 
cout << "If you complete your plan for " << weeks << ..... 

我应该添加的每个的std :: CIN打电话到他们的尊重if语句?我会认为我仍然需要两个?或者我只需要一个cin语句? – Xor


weight实际上是声明的,它只是从OP中的代码中省略,它只是用于计算原始BMI,如果它是全局变量,它应该仍然可以在范围外访问,对吗? – Xor


我认为你只想问一次。我相信你的GoalWeight确实是“重量> GoalWeight”的情况,反之亦然。 –