2013-10-17 46 views





用这个例子来创建文档... HTTP://support.microsoft.com/kb/316383使用..这个例子todo word doc中的各种格式... http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/403d73a8-b9e4-4e67-976b-971ceaeb4533/vbnet-and-word-formatting-text ?forum = vbinterop – foxtrotZulu


用这个打开word文档... http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/7ea68bac-dbaf-4989-8eef-7d3586b2faa5/opening-word-and -excel-files-from-vbnet – foxtrotZulu


至于第一部分,创建一个stringbuilder或数组,添加包含新字的现有单词,将逗号分隔的字符串或枚举数组保存到xml文件中。当应用程序再次加载时,解析XML,加载字段。 – foxtrotZulu




#Region " [RichTextBox] FindNext RegEx " 

' [ FindNext RegEx ] 
' //By Elektro [email protected] 
' Examples : 
' RichTextBox1.Text = "Hello World!, Hello World!, Hello World!" 
' FindNext(RichTextBox1, "hello", FindDirection.Down, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, Color.LightBlue, Color.Black) 
' FindNext(RichTextBox1, "hello", FindDirection.Up, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, Color.Red, Color.Black) 
' Private Sub RichTextBox_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) ' Handles RichTextBox1.Enter 
' ' Restore Selection Colors before search next match. 
' sender.SelectionBackColor = DefaultBackColor 
' sender.SelectionColor = DefaultForeColor 
' End Sub 

Public Enum FindDirection As Short 
    Up = 0 
    Down = 1 
End Enum 

' FindNext 
Private Sub FindNext(ByVal [Control] As RichTextBox, _ 
          ByVal SearchText As String, _ 
          ByVal Direction As FindDirection, _ 
          Optional ByVal IgnoreCase As System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions = System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None, _ 
          Optional ByVal Highlight_BackColor As Color = Nothing, _ 
          Optional ByVal Highlight_ForeColor As Color = Nothing) 

    If [Control].TextLength = 0 Then Exit Sub 

    ' Start searching at 'SelectionStart'. 
    Dim Search_StartIndex As Integer = [Control].SelectionStart 

    ' Stores the MatchIndex count 
    Dim matchIndex As Integer = 0 

    ' Flag to check if it's first find call 
    Static First_Find As Boolean = True 

    ' Checks to don't ommit the selection of first match if match index is exactly at 0 start point. 
    If First_Find _ 
     AndAlso Search_StartIndex = 0 _ 
     AndAlso Direction = FindDirection.Down Then 
     Search_StartIndex = -1 
     First_Find = False 
    ElseIf Not First_Find _ 
     AndAlso Search_StartIndex = 0 _ 
     AndAlso Direction = FindDirection.Down Then 
     First_Find = False 
     Search_StartIndex = 0 
    End If 

    ' Store the matches 
    Dim matches As System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection = _ 
     System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches([Control].Text, _ 
                SearchText, _ 
                IgnoreCase Or If(Direction = FindDirection.Up, _ 
                     System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.RightToLeft, _ 

    If matches.Count = 0 Then First_Find = True : Exit Sub 

    ' Restore Highlight colors of previous selection 
    [Control].SelectionBackColor = [Control].BackColor 
    [Control].SelectionColor = [Control].ForeColor 

    ' Set next selection Highlight colors 
    If Highlight_BackColor = Nothing Then Highlight_BackColor = [Control].BackColor 
    If Highlight_ForeColor = Nothing Then Highlight_ForeColor = [Control].ForeColor 

    ' Set the match selection 
    For Each match As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match In matches 

     matchIndex += 1 

     Select Case Direction 

      Case FindDirection.Down 
       If match.Index > Search_StartIndex Then ' Select next match 
        [Control].Select(match.Index, match.Length) 
        Exit For 
       ElseIf match.Index <= Search_StartIndex _ 
       AndAlso matchIndex = matches.Count Then ' Select first match 
        [Control].Select(matches.Item(0).Index, matches.Item(0).Length) 
        Exit For 
       End If 

      Case FindDirection.Up 
       If match.Index < Search_StartIndex Then ' Select previous match 
        [Control].Select(match.Index, match.Length) 
        Exit For 
       ElseIf match.Index >= Search_StartIndex _ 
       AndAlso matchIndex = matches.Count Then ' Select last match 
        [Control].Select(matches.Item(0).Index, matches.Item(0).Length) 
        Exit For 
       End If 

     End Select 

    Next match 

    ' Set the current selection BackColor 
    [Control].SelectionBackColor = Highlight_BackColor 
    ' Set the current selection ForeColor 
    [Control].SelectionColor = Highlight_ForeColor 
    ' Scroll to Caret/Cursor selection position 

End Sub 

#End Region 
