2015-12-15 58 views

我想在Mac OS上运行的节点4.2.2,我不理解为什么我每次收到此错误信息:events.js:141 throw er; //未处理的“错误”事件

     throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event 
Error: spawn /Users/user/Documents/Projects/project-x/node_modules/gifsicle/vendor/gifsicle ENOENT 
    at exports._errnoException (util.js:874:11) 
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:178:32) 
    at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:344:16) 
    at doNTCallback2 (node.js:441:9) 
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:17) 
c12320:project-x user$ 

什么错? 如果我运行“一饮而尽打造”有这样的输出:

c12320:project-x user$ gulp build 
[15:13:41] Using gulpfile ~/Documents/Projects/project-x/gulpfile.js 
    [15:13:41] Starting 'clean'... 
    [15:13:41] Finished 'clean' after 160 μs 
    [15:13:41] Starting 'build'... 
    [15:13:41] Starting 'copy-assets'... 
    [15:13:41] Finished 'copy-assets' after 13 ms 
    [15:13:41] Starting 'minify-img'... 
    [15:13:41] Starting 'compile-css'... 
    [15:13:41] Starting 'compile-js'... 
    [15:13:41] Finished 'build' after 52 ms 
    [15:13:41] 'minify-img' errored after 468 ms 
    [15:13:41] Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/Users/user/Documents/Projects/project-x/public/assets/img/dummy' 
     at Error (native) 

     line 3 col 5 Missing "use strict" statement. 

     ✖ 1 error ⚠ 0 warning 

    [15:13:41] Plumber found unhandled error: 
    Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/user/Documents/Projects/project-x/public/assets/css/develop.css' 

     line 13 col 5 Missing "use strict" statement. 
     line 13 col 9 Expected an identifier and instead saw 'undefined' (a reserved word). 
     line 217 col 12 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 227 col 21 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 249 col 12 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 249 col 17 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 263 col 67 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 374 col 31 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 386 col 24 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 565 col 44 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 565 col 81 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 577 col 42 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 589 col 85 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 589 col 103 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 589 col 123 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 589 col 143 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 590 col 62 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 590 col 82 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 590 col 102 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 590 col 122 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 590 col 142 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 590 col 163 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 805 col 54 Unexpected use of '>>>'. 
     line 814 col 38 Missing '()' invoking a constructor. 
     line 995 col 33 Missing '()' invoking a constructor. 
     line 995 col 13 The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. 
     line 1037 col 42 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 1063 col 66 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 1208 col 72 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1208 col 95 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1226 col 36 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1229 col 40 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1229 col 59 Blocks are nested too deeply. (4) 
     line 1231 col 36 Blocks are nested too deeply. (4) 
     line 1278 col 26 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1291 col 26 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 1305 col 23 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 1323 col 66 Missing '()' invoking a constructor. 
     line 1340 col 42 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1355 col 32 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1400 col 44 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. 
     line 1416 col 27 'arrayEach' was used before it was defined. 
     line 1678 col 17 Bad line breaking before '?'. 
     line 1721 col 29 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1722 col 17 Bad line breaking before '?'. 
     line 1737 col 38 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1764 col 35 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. 
     line 1788 col 24 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1790 col 21 Bad line breaking before '?'. 
     line 1793 col 24 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 1793 col 24 Too many errors. (14% scanned). 

     ✖ 2 errors 
     ⚠ 49 warnings 

     line 2 col 12449 This character may get silently deleted by one or more browsers. 
     line 2 col 3272 Missing "use strict" statement. 
     line 2 col 3308 Missing semicolon. 
     line 2 col 3368 Expected '{' and instead saw 'if'. 
     line 2 col 3509 Expected '{' and instead saw 'for'. 
     line 2 col 3548 Blocks are nested too deeply. (4) 
     line 2 col 3548 Expected '{' and instead saw 'A'. 
     line 2 col 3615 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 3648 Expected '{' and instead saw 'o'. 
     line 2 col 3668 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 3772 Do not use Boolean as a constructor. 
     line 2 col 3845 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 3851 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 3863 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 3864 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. 
     line 2 col 3865 Missing semicolon. 
     line 2 col 3952 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4036 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4053 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4073 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4082 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4083 Missing semicolon. 
     line 2 col 4124 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4137 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4200 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. 
     line 2 col 4201 Missing semicolon. 
     line 2 col 4235 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4237 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 2 col 4246 Expected '{' and instead saw 'for'. 
     line 2 col 4261 Expected '{' and instead saw 'hasOwnProp'. 
     line 2 col 4292 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. 
     line 2 col 4246 The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. 
     line 2 col 4334 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4360 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 2 col 4393 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4395 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 2 col 4404 Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. 
     line 2 col 4433 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4435 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 2 col 4453 Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. 
     line 2 col 4551 Do not use Boolean as a constructor. 
     line 2 col 4625 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 2 col 4629 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4635 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4647 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4673 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. 
     line 2 col 4674 Missing semicolon. 
     line 2 col 4691 Missing semicolon. 
     line 2 col 4733 Strings must use singlequote. 
     line 2 col 4735 Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. 
     line 2 col 4735 Too many errors. (40% scanned). 

     ✖ 2 errors 
     ⚠ 49 warnings 

    [15:13:42] Plumber found unhandled error: 
    Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/user/Documents/Projects/project-x/public/assets/js/app-load.js' 
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event 

    Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/user/Documents/Projects/project-x/public/assets/font/text/125eafff-7b5a-4c56-8a3a-d3fe11d8c3cc.svg' 
     at Error (native) 
    c12320:project-x user$ 



没有足够的信息来帮助你。你想做什么?跑吞咽?什么任务? – Andy


正如@Andy所说,尽可能提供尽可能多的相关信息,以便您能够获得帮助。你有什么尝试?你写了什么代码? –


尝试'sudo chown -R $(whoami)/ Users/user/Documents/Projects/project-x'来修复您的EACCES错误。 – lxe






我已经安装了gifsicle或imagemin-gifsicle,但它不起作用。 –


你好吗?你是怎么安装饮料的?该文件夹的权限是什么? 'ls -l'会提供更多信息。 – Breedly


修复了这个问题。 资产的权限存在问题 - 如果吞噬不能获得所有资产。然后总是会显示一个错误。 我手动删除了资产。我认为我必须小心(出)“sudo” - 命令...







哦,是的,它解决了我的同样的问题 – yussan


它是什么端口? – dmr


它是你的本地端口,如果localhost:\\ 3000已经启动并运行,你不能在同一个端口上运行另一个应用程序。你会得到上述错误。 –



brew install imagemagick 





netstat -anp tcp | grep 3000 

对于OSX “酋长”,或者如果你的netstat不支持-p,使用lsof

lsof -i tcp:3000 


kill pid 


killall -9 node 

我在工作中同样的错误在我的Mac Pro的预订。没有解决方案修复它。我终于通过重新启动计算机来解决问题。我经常不会在晚上关闭计算机并将其置于睡眠模式,因此如果您的计算机运行了很长时间,请尝试重新启动计算机,看看它是否适用于您。


