2013-07-18 33 views


我使用了SQL Express,所以服务器\ SQLEXPRESS


Sub ParameterQueryExample() 
'---creates a ListObject-QueryTable on Sheet1 that uses the value in 
'  Cell Z1 as the ProductID Parameter for an SQL Query 
'  Once created, the query will refresh upon changes to Z1. 

Dim sSQL As String 
Dim qt As QueryTable 
Dim rDest As Range 

'--build connection string-must use ODBC to allow parameters 
Const sConnect = "ODBC;" & _ 
    "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};" & _ 
    "Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;" & _ 
    "Database=TSQL2012;" & _ 

'--build SQL statement 
sSQL = "SELECT *" & _ 
     " FROM TSQL2012.Production.Products Products" & _ 
     " WHERE Products.productid = ?;" 

'--create ListObject and get QueryTable 
Set rDest = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") 
rDest.CurrentRegion.Clear 'optional- delete existing table 

Set qt = rDest.Parent.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=xlSrcExternal, _ 
    Source:=Array(sConnect), Destination:=rDest).QueryTable 

'--add Parameter to QueryTable-use Cell Z1 as parameter 
With qt.Parameters.Add("ProductID", xlParamTypeVarChar) 
    .SetParam xlRange, Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Z1") 
    .RefreshOnChange = True 
End With 

'--populate QueryTable 
With qt 
    .CommandText = sSQL 
    .CommandType = xlCmdSql 
    .AdjustColumnWidth = True 'add any other table properties here 
    .BackgroundQuery = False 
End With 

Set qt = Nothing 
Set rDest = Nothing 
End Sub 

任何帮助或建议将不胜感激! –


复制[使用VBA查询Excel中的SQL Server表](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17656331/using-vba-to-query-a-sql-server-table-in-excel)? – jpw


我使用的是excel的2013版本 –



打开控制面板\系统和安全\管理工具中的ODBC数据源管理程序,并检查您在代码"Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};"中指定的驱动程序是否与驱动程序选项卡下的驱动程序匹配。不匹配会导致此错误。