2016-04-18 20 views

我知道在创建相等高度的列时,有人问过类似的问题,但我没有使用表格,而只是在CSS中工作。我在flexbox上做了大量的研究,但是我的代码不工作。 我试图将文章放入两个或三个等宽的列使用媒体查询。有了这段代码,他们留在一列中。我试图这样做的方式是为容器设置最大宽度,然后将文章包装起来,但我无法使其工作。Flexbox为响应式设计创建相等高度的列(纯CSS)

<div id="content"><!-- Start content --> 
     <div id="slide">    <img src="imgs/slide.jpg" alt="The University of Arizona " /> 
     <section id="recent"> 
       <a href="#"><img src="imgs/recent1.jpg" alt="OSIRIS-REx: Tapping Asteroid RQ36" /></a> 
       <h1><a href="#">OSIRIS-REx: Tapping Asteroid RQ36</a></h1> 
       <p>Asteroid 1999 RQ36 is 575 meters around and passes near Earth every six years. Not only does it potentially house organic compounds that may have been the precursors to life; it could impact us in 2182. The OSIRIS-REx mission, sponsored by NASA and led by Dante Lauretta, Ph.D., professor in the Lunar and Planetary Sciences Laboratory, aims to pay RQ36 a visit to learn more - and bring a sample back to Earth.</p> 
       <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
       <a href="#"><img src="imgs/recent2.jpg" alt="Ethics and the Bottom Line" /></a> 
       <h1><a href="#">Ethics and the Bottom Line</a></h1> 
       <p>With media so focused on corporate wrongdoing, it's good to know that the Eller College of Management is taking a proactive route to turn things around. The College's Center for Leadership Ethics has initiated High School Ethics Forums that provide teen participants hands-on experiences for dealing with personal and professional ethical dilemmas. The goal? Ensure ethics are integral part of the next generation's corporate culture.</p> 
       <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
       <a href="#"><img src="imgs/recent3.jpg" alt="From Fields to Fuel" /></a> 
       <h1><a href="#">From Fields to Fuel</a></h1> 
       <p>Developing alternative, sustainable energy sources is essential to the future of Arizona, the nation and the world. At the UA, researchers in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are studying how to optimize sweet sorghum as a bio-fuel crop. The work brings together students and professors, government and industry, and represents an education for all involved.</p> 
       <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
       <a href="#"><img src="imgs/recent4.jpg" alt="Rodriguez Era Begins" /></a> 
       <h1><a href="#">Rodriguez Era Begins</a></h1> 
       <p>On November 22, 2011, Richard Rodriguez, most recently serving as head coach for Michigan from 2008 to 2010 and an analyst for CBS Sports, became the 30th head coach of the Arizona Wildcats football team. "I'm eager to get back to coaching and look forward to becoming part of the Arizona family," he says. "I believe that outstanding success is on the horizon for Arizona Football."</p> 
       <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 


/*Keep header image large*/ 
#slide img 
    max-width: 400px; 

#recent { 

#content { 

/*articles into two columns*/ 
#recent article, img 
    display: -webkit-flex; 
    display: flex; 


#recent article { 

你能否更详细地介绍了目标? –


我补充说我试图让文章分成两列或三列。 –


柔性等高高度栏功能仅适用于柔性兄弟项目*。所以如果你想'article'元素的高度相等,那么应用'display:flex'到他们的父元素('#recent'),这使得它成为一个flex容器。然后从'article'元素中删除'height:600px',因为这会覆盖相同高度的列。更多详细信息:http://stackoverflow.com/a/33815389/3597276 –






  1. 您在父元素,#recentdisplay: flex;,不#recent article, img
  2. align-items: stretch;是什么套柱的高度是一样的。特别是它应该从顶部到底部,除非有包装。
  3. flex-basis: 33.3%;指定在分配任何剩余空间之前元素的默认大小。在你的情况下,你可以想象它只是指定一列的大小。
  4. 删除flex-direction: column,因为这实际上意味着您希望它们堆叠在另一个之上。
  5. 删除了CSS列项目,因为使用flexbox不需要这些属性。

/*Keep header image large*/ 

#slide img { 
    max-width: 400px; 
    padding-top: 5%; 

#content { 
    margin: 5%; 
/*articles into two columns*/ 

#recent { 
    overflow: auto; 
    display: flex; 
    align-items: stretch; 
    flex-wrap: wrap; 
#recent article { 
    flex-basis: 33.3%; 

#recent article img { 
    margin: 2% auto; 
<div id="content"> 
    <!-- Start content --> 
    <div id="slide"> 
    <img src="imgs/slide.jpg" alt="The University of Arizona " /> 
    <section id="recent"> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent1.jpg" alt="OSIRIS-REx: Tapping Asteroid RQ36" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">OSIRIS-REx: Tapping Asteroid RQ36</a></h1> 
     <p>Asteroid 1999 RQ36 is 575 meters around and passes near Earth every six years. Not only does it potentially house organic compounds that may have been the precursors to life; it could impact us in 2182. The OSIRIS-REx mission, sponsored by NASA 
     and led by Dante Lauretta, Ph.D., professor in the Lunar and Planetary Sciences Laboratory, aims to pay RQ36 a visit to learn more - and bring a sample back to Earth.</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent2.jpg" alt="Ethics and the Bottom Line" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">Ethics and the Bottom Line</a></h1> 
     <p>With media so focused on corporate wrongdoing, it's good to know that the Eller College of Management is taking a proactive route to turn things around. The College's Center for Leadership Ethics has initiated High School Ethics Forums that provide 
     teen participants hands-on experiences for dealing with personal and professional ethical dilemmas. The goal? Ensure ethics are integral part of the next generation's corporate culture.</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent3.jpg" alt="From Fields to Fuel" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">From Fields to Fuel</a></h1> 
     <p>Developing alternative, sustainable energy sources is essential to the future of Arizona, the nation and the world. At the UA, researchers in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are studying how to optimize sweet sorghum as a bio-fuel crop. 
     The work brings together students and professors, government and industry, and represents an education for all involved.</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent4.jpg" alt="Rodriguez Era Begins" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">Rodriguez Era Begins</a></h1> 
     <p>On November 22, 2011, Richard Rodriguez, most recently serving as head coach for Michigan from 2008 to 2010 and an analyst for CBS Sports, became the 30th head coach of the Arizona Wildcats football team. "I'm eager to get back to coaching and look 
     forward to becoming part of the Arizona family," he says. "I believe that outstanding success is on the horizon for Arizona Football."</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent4.jpg" alt="Rodriguez Era Begins" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">Rodriguez Era Begins</a></h1> 
     <p>On November 22, 2011, Richard Rodriguez, most recently serving as head coach for Michigan from 2008 to 2010 and an analyst for CBS Sports, became the 30th head coach of the Arizona Wildcats football team. "I'm eager to get back to coaching and look 
     forward to becoming part of the Arizona family," he says. "I believe that outstanding success is on the horizon for Arizona Football."</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent4.jpg" alt="Rodriguez Era Begins" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">Rodriguez Era Begins</a></h1> 
     <p>On November 22, 2011, Richard Rodriguez, most recently serving as head coach for Michigan from 2008 to 2010 and an analyst for CBS Sports, became the 30th head coach of the Arizona Wildcats football team. "I'm eager to get back to coaching and look 
     forward to becoming part of the Arizona family," he says. "I believe that outstanding success is on the horizon for Arizona Football."</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 




/*Keep header image large*/ 

#slide img { 
    max-width: 400px; 
    padding-top: 5%; 

#content { 
    margin: 5%; 
/*articles into two columns*/ 

#recent { 
    -webkit-column-width: 200px; 
    -moz-column-width: 200px; 
    column-width: 200px; 
    -webkit-column-gap: 3em; 
    -moz-column-gap: 3em; 
    column-gap: 3em; 
    margin: 1%; 
    width: 100%; 
    overflow: auto; 
#recent article img { 
    margin: 2% auto; 
<div id="content"> 
    <!-- Start content --> 
    <div id="slide"> 
    <img src="imgs/slide.jpg" alt="The University of Arizona " /> 
    <section id="recent"> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent1.jpg" alt="OSIRIS-REx: Tapping Asteroid RQ36" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">OSIRIS-REx: Tapping Asteroid RQ36</a></h1> 
     <p>Asteroid 1999 RQ36 is 575 meters around and passes near Earth every six years. Not only does it potentially house organic compounds that may have been the precursors to life; it could impact us in 2182. The OSIRIS-REx mission, sponsored by NASA 
     and led by Dante Lauretta, Ph.D., professor in the Lunar and Planetary Sciences Laboratory, aims to pay RQ36 a visit to learn more - and bring a sample back to Earth.</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent2.jpg" alt="Ethics and the Bottom Line" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">Ethics and the Bottom Line</a></h1> 
     <p>With media so focused on corporate wrongdoing, it's good to know that the Eller College of Management is taking a proactive route to turn things around. The College's Center for Leadership Ethics has initiated High School Ethics Forums that provide 
     teen participants hands-on experiences for dealing with personal and professional ethical dilemmas. The goal? Ensure ethics are integral part of the next generation's corporate culture.</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent3.jpg" alt="From Fields to Fuel" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">From Fields to Fuel</a></h1> 
     <p>Developing alternative, sustainable energy sources is essential to the future of Arizona, the nation and the world. At the UA, researchers in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are studying how to optimize sweet sorghum as a bio-fuel crop. 
     The work brings together students and professors, government and industry, and represents an education for all involved.</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 
     <a href="#"> 
     <img src="imgs/recent4.jpg" alt="Rodriguez Era Begins" /> 
     <h1><a href="#">Rodriguez Era Begins</a></h1> 
     <p>On November 22, 2011, Richard Rodriguez, most recently serving as head coach for Michigan from 2008 to 2010 and an analyst for CBS Sports, became the 30th head coach of the Arizona Wildcats football team. "I'm eager to get back to coaching and look 
     forward to becoming part of the Arizona family," he says. "I believe that outstanding success is on the horizon for Arizona Football."</p> 
     <a class="readMore" href="#">Read More</a> 






#recent { 
    display: flex; 
    flex-direction: row; 
    flex-flow: wrap; 
    justify-content: space-between; 
    align-items: stretch; 

#recent article { 
    width: 45%; 
    margin: 20px 0; 
    background: #ccc; 

谢谢,这是我最终合作的解决方案。 –


它说我在投票公开前必须有15的声望,对不起:/ –