2015-04-29 63 views

我正在使用这个绝对正常的D3代码。D3 - 组合阵列

var width = 960, 
    height = 700, 
    r = 12, 
    gravity = 0.1, 
    distance = 100, 
    charge = -800, 
    fill = d3.scale.category10(), 

     {name:"Start", performer:"admin", status:1, timestamp:"16-Aug-2014"}, 
     {name:"Dept Approver", performer:"admin", status:1, timestamp:"23-Aug-2014"}, 
     {name:"Amount>20", performer:"admin", status:1, timestamp:"23-Aug-2014"}, 
     {name:"Div Approver", performer:"admin", status:3, timestamp:"23-Aug-2014"}, 
     {name:"Section Aprpover", performer:"admin", status:1, timestamp:"23-Aug-2014"}, 
     {name:"End", performer:"admin", status:2, timestamp:"23-Aug-2014"} 

    // the relations shown can be calculated using 
    // formulas from either 1 or 2 other quantities 
     {"source":0,"target":1,"value":1}, {"source":1,"target":2,"value":1}, 
     {"source":2,"target":3,"value":1}, {"source":2,"target":4,"value":1}, 
     {"source":3,"target":5,"value":1}, {"source":4,"target":5,"value":1} 

// create the canvas for the model 
var svg = d3.select("#chart").append("svg") 
    .attr("width", width) 
    .attr("height", height); 

// d3 provides the calculations to animate the model 
var force = d3.layout.force() 
    .size([width, height]); 

// add data, and start the animation 

// add classnames to links for styling 
var link = svg.selectAll(".link") 
    .attr("class", "link"); 

// enable drag of nodes 
var node = svg.selectAll(".node") 
    .attr("class", "node") 

// draw circles 
var circle=node.append("svg:circle").attr("r", r - .75).style("fill", function(d) { 
     return fill(d.status); 
    }).style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return d3.rgb(fill(d.status)).darker(); 

// add tooltip so it shows the unit and formula 
circle.append("svg:title").text(function(d, i) { return "Performer: " + d.performer + ", Timestamp: " + d.timestamp; }); 


// create arrowheads (end markers) 
// three type of styles can be made for each group 
// this feature is not used 
    .attr("id", String) 
    .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10") 
    .attr("refX", 22) 
    .attr("refY", -1.5) 
    .attr("markerWidth", 6) 
    .attr("markerHeight", 6) 
    .attr("orient", "auto") 
    .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5"); 

// attach markers 
var path = svg.append("svg:g").selectAll("path") 
    .attr("class", function(d) { return "link " + d.value; }) 
    .attr("marker-end", function(d) { return "url(#" + d.value + ")"; }); 

// create a group for text elements 
var text = svg.append("svg:g").selectAll("g") 

// create shadow in white 
     .attr("dx", 12) 
     .attr("dy", ".35em") 
     .attr("class", "shadow") 
     .text(function(d) { return d.name;} 

// create name on top of shadow 
     .attr("dx", 12) 
     .attr("dy", ".35em") 
     .text(function(d) { return d.name;} 

// put the symbol, e.g. kg inside the circle 
     .attr("dx", -4) 
     .attr("dy", 2) 
     .attr("fill", "#ffffff") 
     .text(function(d) { return d["symbol"]?d.symbol:"";} 
); */ 

force.on("tick", function(d) { 
    path.attr("d", function(d) { 
     var dx = d.target.x - d.source.x, 
     dy = d.target.y - d.source.y, 
     dr = 0; // straight lines (0=straight, 1=round) 
     // alternatively use dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); for similar arcs 
     return "M" + d.source.x + "," + d.source.y + "A" + dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " + d.target.x + "," + d.target.y; 
     circle.attr("transform", function(d) { 
     return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; 
     text.attr("transform", function(d) { 
     return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; 


// when clicked redraw the diagram 
d3.select("#chart").on("click", function() { 
    nodes.forEach(function(o, i) { 
    o.x += (Math.random() - .5) * 100; 
    o.y += (Math.random() - .5) * 100; 
.link { 
    stroke: #fcfcfc; 

.node text { 
    pointer-events: none; 
    font: 12px Calibri, Arial; 
path.link { 
    fill: none; 
    stroke: #666; 
    stroke-width: 1.5px; 

marker#licensing { 
    fill: green; 

path.link.licensing { 
    stroke: green; 

path.link.resolved { 
    stroke-dasharray: 0,2 1; 

circle { 
    fill: #ccc; 
    stroke: #333; 
    stroke-width: 1.5px; 

text { 
    font: 10px sans-serif; 
    pointer-events: none; 

text.shadow { 
    stroke: #fff; 
    stroke-width: 3px; 
    stroke-opacity: .8; 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script> 
     <div id="chart"></div> 



这两个数组在内容上是完全不同的......如果您要混合不同类型的数据,究竟如何更容易维护? – Cerbrus


感谢您的回复。我正在寻找{source:“Start”,target:“Dept Approver”,执行者:“admin”,状态:1,时间戳:“2014年8月16日”}。那样,节点如何连接可以在一个地方找到,而不是两个。 – kayasa




var result = [] 
for (var idx in nodes) { 
    var link = links[idx], 
     node = nodes[idx] 
    source: nodes[link.source].name, 
    target: nodes[link.target].name, 
    performer: nodes[link.???].performer, 
    // etc... 
