2013-06-05 73 views

Iam在Ubuntu平台中是Eclipse的新手,所以我想在Python中编程,但是当我使用Run编译代码时,向导显示并要求我运行为“Ant Build”,还不如蟒蛇,所以当我选择为Ant构建运行表明,这些短信给我:使用Pydev在Eclipse中编译错误


# saytime.py by Bill Weinman [http://bw.org/] 
# created for Python 3 Essential Training on lynda.com 
# Copyright 2010 The BearHeart Gorup, LLC 
import sys 
import time 

__version__ = "1.1.0" 

class numwords(): 
     return a number as words, 
     e.g., 42 becomes "forty-two" 
    _words = { 
     'ones': (
      'oh', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine' 
     ), 'tens': (
      '', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety' 
     ), 'teens': (
      'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen' 
     ), 'quarters': (
      'o\'clock', 'quarter', 'half' 
     ), 'range': { 
      'hundred': 'hundred' 
     }, 'misc': { 
      'minus': 'minus' 
    _oor = 'OOR' # Out Of Range 

    def __init__(self, n): 
     self.__number = n; 

    def numwords(self, num = None): 
     "Return the number as words" 
     n = self.__number if num is None else num 
     s = '' 
     if n < 0:   # negative numbers 
      s += self._words['misc']['minus'] + ' ' 
      n = abs(n) 
     if n < 10:   # single-digit numbers 
      s += self._words['ones'][n] 
     elif n < 20:  # teens 
      s += self._words['teens'][n - 10] 
     elif n < 100:  # tens 
      m = n % 10 
      t = n // 10 
      s += self._words['tens'][t] 
      if m: s += '-' + numwords(m).numwords() # recurse for remainder 
     elif n < 1000:  # hundreds 
      m = n % 100 
      t = n // 100 
      s += self._words['ones'][t] + ' ' + self._words['range']['hundred'] 
      if m: s += ' ' + numwords(m).numwords() # recurse for remainder 
      s += self._oor 
     return s 

    def number(self): 
     "Return the number as a number" 
     return str(self.__number); 

class saytime(numwords): 
     return the time (from two parameters) as words, 
     e.g., fourteen til noon, quarter past one, etc. 

    _specials = { 
     'noon': 'noon', 
     'midnight': 'midnight', 
     'til': 'til', 
     'past': 'past' 

    def __init__(self, h, m): 
     self._hour = abs(int(h)) 
     self._min = abs(int(m)) 

    def words(self): 
     h = self._hour 
     m = self._min 

     if h > 23: return self._oor  # OOR errors 
     if m > 59: return self._oor 

     sign = self._specials['past']   
     if self._min > 30: 
      sign = self._specials['til'] 
      h += 1 
      m = 60 - m 
     if h > 23: h -= 24 
     elif h > 12: h -= 12 

     # hword is the hours word) 
     if h is 0: hword = self._specials['midnight'] 
     elif h is 12: hword = self._specials['noon'] 
     else: hword = self.numwords(h) 

     if m is 0: 
      if h in (0, 12): return hword # for noon and midnight 
      else: return "{} {}".format(self.numwords(h), self._words['quarters'][m]) 
     if m % 15 is 0: 
      return "{} {} {}".format(self._words['quarters'][m // 15], sign, hword) 
     return "{} {} {}".format(self.numwords(m), sign, hword) 

    def digits(self): 
     "return the traditionl time, e.g., 13:42" 
     return "{:02}:{:02}".format(self._hour, self._min) 

class saytime_t(saytime): # wrapper for saytime to use time object 
     return the time (from a time object) as words 
     e.g., fourteen til noon 
    def __init__(self, t): 
     self._hour = t.tm_hour 
     self._min = t.tm_min 

def main(): 
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: 
     if sys.argv[1] == 'test': 
      try: print(saytime(*(sys.argv[1].split(':'))).words()) 
      except TypeError: print("Invalid time ({})".format(sys.argv[1])) 

def test(): 
    print("\nnumbers test:") 
    list = (
     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 20, 30, 
     50, 51, 52, 55, 59, 99, 100, 101, 112, 900, 999, 1000 
    for l in list: 
     print(l, numwords(l).numwords()) 

    print("\ntime test:") 
    list = (
     (0, 0), (0, 1), (11, 0), (12, 0), (13, 0), (12, 29), (12, 30), 
     (12, 31), (12, 15), (12, 30), (12, 45), (11, 59), (23, 15), 
     (23, 59), (12, 59), (13, 59), (1, 60), (24, 0) 
    for l in list: 
     print(saytime(*l).digits(), saytime(*l).words()) 

    print("\nlocal time is " + saytime_t(time.localtime()).words()) 

if __name__ == "__main__": main() 

Screenshot about the Run problem



如果PyDev的是正确的设置,你会'运行方式> Python运行“可用。蚂蚁跑是死路一条...... –
