2016-02-15 47 views




Write a program to manage DVD rental in a video rental store. Create 
an abstract data type that represents a DVD in this store. Consider all 
the data and operations that may be necessary for the DVD type to 
work well within a rental management system. Include a print() 
member function that displays all the information about the DVD. Test 
your data type by creating an array of ten DVD instances and filling 
them using information read from a test input file that you create. 
Display the DVD information. 


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <sstream> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
    string mArrayO[10]; //create array of 10 string objects 
    string filename = "testfile.txt"; 
    ifstream file(filename.c_str()); //// open file constructor because the constructor for an ifstream takes a const char*, not a string in pre C++11 
    // go through array till index 10 
    for(int x=0; x< 10; x++) 
      getline(file, mArrayO[x]); //get line and store into array 
      cout << "Line "<< x<<":"<< mArrayO[x]<<endl; //display 

    return 0; 


Line:0 Lord of the rings|2005|Fantasy|126 minutes|PG-13 
Line:1 Titanic|1997|Romance|104 minutes|R 
Line:2 Shawshank Redemption|1993|Drama|120 minutes|R 
Line:3 The Lion King|1987|Cartoon|84 minutes|PG-10 
Line:4 The God Father|1988|Violence|146 minutes|R 
Line:5 Bruce Almighty|2009|Comedy|78 minutes|R 
Line:6 Spiderman|2006|Action|84 minutes|PG-13 
Line:7 Finding Nemo|2007|Cartoon|87 minutes|E 
Line:8 The Martian|2015|SciFi|104 minutes|PG-13 
Line:9 Insidious 3|2015|Horror|97 minutes|R 



class movie 
    /// These are our methods to get the information 

string getMovieName() 
    return moviename; 

string getYear() 
    return year; 

string getGenre() 
    return genre; 

string getTime() 
    return time; 

string getRating() 
    return rating; 

私人://这是该类的成员。他们将存储我们所需的全部信息 字符串电影名称; 字符串年; 字符串类型; 弦时间; 字符串评分;


bool done= false; // Client wants to continue. 

    while (!done) 
     cout<< "This is a test"; 


    cout<< "Thank you for using the DVD rental management system"; 
    return 0; 

bool ask_to_continue() 
    char again; //using keystroke 
    cout << "Do you need more help? Y or N? " << endl; 
    cin >> again; 

    if(again == 'n') 
     return true; // Exit program 

    return false; // Still using program 








#ifndef UTILITY_H 
#define UTILITY_H 

class Utility { 
    static void pressAnyKeyToQuit(); 

    static std::string toUpper(const std::string& str); 
    static std::string toLower(const std::string& str); 
    static std::string trim(const std::string& str, const std::string elementsToTrim = " \t\n\r"); 

    static unsigned  convertToUnsigned(const std::string& str); 
    static int   convertToInt(const std::string& str); 
    static float  convertToFloat(const std::string& str); 

    static std::vector<std::string> splitString(const std::string& strStringToSplit, const std::string& strDelimiter, const bool keepEmpty = true); 

    Utility(); // Private - Not A Class Object 
    Utility(const Utility& c); // Not Implemented 
    Utility& operator=(const Utility& c); // Not Implemented 

    template<typename T> 
    static bool stringToValue(const std::string& str, T* pValue, unsigned uNumValues); 

    template<typename T> 
    static T getValue(const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder); 

}; // Utility 

#include "Utility.inl" 

#endif // UTILITY_H 


// stringToValue() 
template<typename T> 
static bool Utility::stringToValue(const std::string& str, T* pValue, unsigned uNumValues) { 
    int numCommas = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), ','); 
    if (numCommas != uNumValues - 1) { 
     return false; 

    std::size_t remainder; 
    pValue[0] = getValue<T>(str, remainder); 

    if (uNumValues == 1) { 
     if (str.size() != remainder) { 
      return false; 
    else { 
     std::size_t offset = remainder; 
     if (str.at(offset) != ',') { 
      return false; 

     unsigned uLastIdx = uNumValues - 1; 
     for (unsigned u = 1; u < uNumValues; ++u) { 
      pValue[u] = getValue<T>(str.substr(++offset), remainder); 
      offset += remainder; 
      if ((u < uLastIdx && str.at(offset) != ',') || 
       (u == uLastIdx && offset != str.size())) 
       return false; 
    return true; 
} // stringToValue 


#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "Utility.h" 

// pressAnyKeyToQuit() 
void Utility::pressAnyKeyToQuit() { 
    std::cout << "Press any key to quit" << std::endl; 
} // pressAnyKeyToQuit 

// toUpper() 
std::string Utility::toUpper(const std::string& str) { 
    std::string result = str; 
    std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), result.begin(), ::toupper); 
return result; 
} // toUpper 

// toLower() 
std::string Utility::toLower(const std::string& str) { 
    std::string result = str; 
    std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), result.begin(), ::tolower); 
    return result; 
} // toLower 

// trim() 
// Removes Elements To Trim From Left And Right Side Of The str 
std::string Utility::trim(const std::string& str, const std::string elementsToTrim) { 
    std::basic_string<char>::size_type firstIndex = str.find_first_not_of(elementsToTrim); 
    if (firstIndex == std::string::npos) { 
     return std::string(); // Nothing Left 

    std::basic_string<char>::size_type lastIndex = str.find_last_not_of(elementsToTrim); 
    return str.substr(firstIndex, lastIndex - firstIndex + 1); 
} // trim 

// getValue() 
float Utility::getValue(const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder) { 
    return std::stof(str, &remainder); 
} // getValue <float> 

// getValue() 
int Utility::getValue(const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder) { 
    return std::stoi(str, &remainder); 
} // getValue <int> 

// getValue() 
unsigned Utility::getValue(const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder) { 
    return std::stoul(str, &remainder); 
} // getValue <unsigned> 

// convertToUnsigned() 
unsigned Utility::convertToUnsigned(const std::string& str) { 
    unsigned u = 0; 
    if (!stringToValue(str, &u, 1)) { 
     std::ostringstream strStream; 
     strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to unsigned"; 
     throw strStream.str(); 
    return u; 
} // convertToUnsigned 

// convertToInt() 
int Utility::convertToInt(const std::string& str) { 
    int i = 0; 
    if (!stringToValue(str, &i, 1)) { 
     std::ostringstream strStream; 
     strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to int"; 
     throw strStream.str(); 
    return i; 
} // convertToInt 

// convertToFloat() 
float Utility::convertToFloat(const std::string& str) { 
    float f = 0; 
    if (!stringToValue(str, &f, 1)) { 
     std::ostringstream strStream; 
     strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to float"; 
     throw strStream.str(); 
    return f; 
} // convertToFloat 

// splitString() 
std::vector<std::string> Utility::splitString(const std::string& strStringToSplit, const std::string& strDelimiter, const bool keepEmpty) { 
    std::vector<std::string> vResult; 
    if (strDelimiter.empty()) { 
     return vResult; 

    std::string::const_iterator itSubStrStart = strStringToSplit.begin(), itSubStrEnd; 
    while (true) { 
     itSubStrEnd = search(itSubStrStart, strStringToSplit.end(), strDelimiter.begin(), strDelimiter.end()); 
     std::string strTemp(itSubStrStart, itSubStrEnd); 
     if (keepEmpty || !strTemp.empty()) { 

     if (itSubStrEnd == strStringToSplit.end()) { 

     itSubStrStart = itSubStrEnd + strDelimiter.size(); 

    return vResult; 

} // splitString 


enum ReturnCode { 
    RETURN_OK = 0, 
    RETURN_ERROR = 1, 
}; // ReturnCode 



#ifndef MOVIE_H 
#define MOVIE_H 

class Movie { 
    std::string m_strTitle; 
    std::string m_strYear; 
    std::string m_strGenre; 
    std::string m_strLength; 
    std::string m_Rating; 

    Movie(); // Default Constructor 
    Movie(const std::string& strTitle, const std::string& strYear, const std::string& strGenre, 
      const std::string& strLength, const std::string& strRating(); 

    std::string getTitle() const; 
    std::string getYear() const; 
    std::string getGenre() const; 
    std::string getLength() const; 
    std::string getRating() const; 

    void setTitle(const std::string& strTile); 
    void setYear(const std::string& strYear); 
    void setGenre(const std::string& strGenre); 
    void setLength(const std::string& strLength); 
    void setRating(const std::string& strRating); 

    Movie(const Movie& c); // Not Implemented 
    Movie& operator=(const Movie& c); // Not Implemented    

}; // Movie 

#endif // MOVIE_H 


#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "Movie.h" 

// Movie() 
Movie::Movie() { 
} // Movie 

// Movie() 
Movie::Movie(const std::string& strTitle, const std::string& strYear, const std::string& strGenre, 
       const std::string& strLength, const std::string& strRating) : 
m_strRating(strRating) { 
} // Movie 

// getTitle() 
std::string Movie::getTitle() const { 
    return m_strTitle; 
} // getTitle 

// getYear() 
std::string Movie::getYear() const { 
    return m_strYear; 
} // getYear 

// getGenre() 
std::string Movie::getGenre() const { 
    return m_strGenre; 
} // GetGenre 

// getLength() 
std::string Movie::getLength() const { 
    return m_strLength; 
} // getLength 

// getRating() 
std::string Movie::getRating() const { 
    return m_strRating; 
} // getRating 

// setTitle() 
void Movie::setTitle(const std::string& strTile) { 
    m_strTitle = strTile; 
} // setTitle 

// setYear() 
void Movie::setYear(const std::string& strYear) { 
    m_strYear = strYear; 
} // setYear 

// setGenre() 
void Movie::setGenre(const std::string& strGenre) { 
    m_strGenre = strGenre; 
} // setGenre 

// setLength() 
void Movie::setLength(const std::string& strLength) { 
    m_strLength = strLength; 
} // setLength 

// setRating() 
void Movie::setRating(const std::string& strRating) { 
    m_strRating = strRating; 
} // setRating 



#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "Utility.h" 
#include "Movie.h" 

int main() { 
    std::string test("Hello World How Are You Today"); 
    std::vector<std::string>> vResults; 

    vResults = Utility::splitString(test, " "); 

    return RETURN_OK; 
} // main 



感谢您的深入解释和库。我想知道一些功能如何工作,看不到任何评论,对于我正在做的事情,我有点不适应。我是一名C++编程的初学者,目前我的知识基础略高于 – KingShahmoo


@KingShahmoo上面编写的大部分代码并不需要评论函数或方法做他们所说的。我提供的Utility类中唯一重要的函数是splitString()方法。 –


@KingShahmoo你所做的是从文件中读取一行文本并将其保存到一个字符串中,并且你已经完成了保存在你的数组中的所有字符串。下一步是逐个取出该数组中的每个字符串,并在每次循环中解析该字符串。我刚刚给你的实用工具类将基于分隔文本行的分隔字符解析此字符串。最后一步是创建您的Movie对象并传入所需的数据。 –