2013-01-23 16 views


  1. 检测表行单击其中,
  2. 遍历表格中的行,并且确定是否该行中有一个输入,
  3. 如果这样做,抓斗,并存储该行
  4. 在文本框和文本区域的值中删除从TDS该行
  5. 中的元素
  6. a ND与存储的值标签替换输入
  7. 然后,在点击行,标签的值存储和
  8. 标签与填充了存储的值


// Detect row clicked and switch that row's labels to populated textboxes for editing 
$('#tblBranchCoverage').on('click', 'tr', function() { 

// When the following is commented out, the inputs work 
// If this block of code isn't commented, none of the rows inputs are editable 
// First set any other rows back to labels if they have textboxes 
$(this).parent().children('tr').each(function() { 
    if ($(this).find('input').length > 0) { 
     // Row has textboxes 
     var county = $(this).find('#txtEditCounty').val(), 
      state = $(this).find('#txtEditState').val(), 
      zips = $(this).find('#txtEditZips').val(), 
      $td = $(this).find('td'); 

     // Clear the cells first 

     // Put the populated labels back in 

// Only run this if there aren't already textboxes in the current row 
if ($(this).find('input').length === 0) { 
    // Get the values of the cells before the row is cleared 
    var county = $(this).find('td.countyCovered').text(), 
     state = $(this).find('td.stateCovered').text(), 
     zips = $(this).find('td.zipsCovered').text(); 

    // Clear the text from the selected row 
    $(this).find('.countyCovered, .stateCovered, .zipsCovered').text(''); 

    // Add textboxes to the cells populated with their respective values 
    $(this).find('td.countyCovered').append('<input type="text" id="txtEditCounty" value="' + county + '" style="width: 111px;" /><br />' + 
     '<input type="submit" id="btnSubmitCoverageEdits" value="Save Edits" /><br />' + 
     '<input type="submit" id="btnCancelCoverageEdits" value="Cancel" />'); 
    $(this).find('td.stateCovered').append('<input type="text" id="txtEditState" value="' + state + '" max-length="2" style="width: 22px;" />'); 
    $(this).find('td.zipsCovered').append('<textarea id="txtEditZips" cols="100">' + zips + '</textarea>'); 

    // Size the textarea to its contents 
return false; 





一个简单的解决方案是将下面的代码添加到代码中。 DEMO HERE

$('#tblBranchCoverage').on('click', ':input', function (event) { 

由于javascript中的事件冒泡发生此问题。 当你点击输入框时,在点击输入后,事件将被传递给父元素。 所以我们只需要停止所有输入控件上的事件冒泡。 event.stopPropagation();将帮助你做到这一点。


谢谢,狼 - 这个伎俩。 – marky


欢迎...快乐编码... :) – Wolf




var editting = false; 

// Detect row clicked and switch that row's labels to populated textboxes for editing 
$('#tblBranchCoverage').on('click', 'tr', function() { 
     editting = true; 
    // When the following is commented out, the inputs work 
    // If this block of code isn't commented, none of the rows inputs are editable 
    // First set any other rows back to labels if they have textboxes 
$(this).parent().children('tr').each(function() { 
     if ($(this).find('input').length > 0) { 
      // Row has textboxes 
      var county = $(this).find('#txtEditCounty').val(), 
       state = $(this).find('#txtEditState').val(), 
       zips = $(this).find('#txtEditZips').val(), 
       $td = $(this).find('td'); 

      // Clear the cells first 

      // Put the populated labels back in 

    // Only run this if there aren't already textboxes in the current row 
    if ($(this).find('input').length === 0) { 
     // Get the values of the cells before the row is cleared 
     var county = $(this).find('td.countyCovered').text(), 
      state = $(this).find('td.stateCovered').text(), 
      zips = $(this).find('td.zipsCovered').text(); 

     // Clear the text from the selected row 
     $(this).find('.countyCovered, .stateCovered, .zipsCovered').text(''); 

     // Add textboxes to the cells populated with their respective values 
     $(this).find('td.countyCovered').html('<input type="text" id="txtEditCounty" value="' + county + '" style="width: 111px;" /><br />' + 
      '<input type="submit" id="btnSubmitCoverageEdits" value="Save Edits" /><br />' + 
      '<input type="submit" id="btnCancelCoverageEdits" value="Cancel" />'); 
     $(this).find('td.stateCovered').html('<input type="text" id="txtEditState" value="' + state + '" max-length="2" style="width: 22px;" />'); 
     $(this).find('td.zipsCovered').html('<textarea id="txtEditZips" cols="100">' + zips + '</textarea>'); 

     // Size the textarea to its contents 
    editting =false; 
    return false; 

