2013-10-21 97 views

我不知道为什么它说我有一个错误,但这是确切的错误信息”线程中的异常“main”java.lang.Error:Unresolved compilation problem :“Exception in thread”main“java.lang.Error

at org.com1027.cw1.rc00182.Salary.main(Salary.java:8)" 


package org.com1027.cw1.rc00182; 

public class Salary { 

* @param args 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
// TODO Auto-generated method stub 
public double salary; //this is the field I have created within the Salary class with type double 
public Salary() { //this is the default constructor 

public double getsalary() { //Here is the getter for salary class with a return 
    return salary; 
public double setsalary() { //Here is setter for the salary class with a return 
    return salary; 

public int calculateTax() 
    int salary = 16475; //here I am stating the salary using an integer because it is number related 
    int taxSalary = 7035; //here I am declaring the result so I can use it later 
    int personalAllowance = 9440; //here I am declaring the personal allowance is equal to 9440 
    int taxThreshold = 32010; //this is the tax threshold value I have put in for later use when continuing the if statement 
    int lowerTax = 20; //this is the lower tax and because the value holds a decimal I have used a type double. this will come to use when continuing the if statement calculating the tax 
    int higherTax = 40; //this is the higher tax and again used a type double due to the use of a number holding a decimal 
    // above are the 6 variables I have created for the if statement below 

    if (salary > personalAllowance){ //here I am saying if the salary is more than 9440 (personal allowance) then..  
     taxSalary = salary-personalAllowance; //this is saying the salary (16475) minus personal allowance gives the result (7035) which is the taxable salary 
     taxSalary = 0; 

    if (taxSalary < taxThreshold) { 
     taxSalary = taxSalary * lowerTax; 
     else { 
     taxSalary = (taxSalary - taxThreshold) * higherTax + taxThreshold; 




这意味着你正试图运行无法编译的代码,这是你永远不应该做的。取而代之的是先编译。仔细查看编译错误,并在运行该程序之前修复这些错误。 –


看起来像一个介绍编程任务。你的设置和获得的方法是一样的......但修复:) – dspiegs


你错过了关闭'}'类 – Simiil





public void setsalary(double salary) { // setSalary would have been more readable 
    this.salary = salary; 


 else { 
     taxSalary = (taxSalary - taxThreshold) * higherTax + taxThreshold; 

    return taxSalary; // <--- missing a return statement here 

} // < ---缺少类关闭括号。


我真的不知道我在做什么说明说。我做你说的话。从来没有做过编程,所以请不要评论我哈哈 – user2904879




昨天晚上我开始编程之前从来没有做过编程,它使我疯狂,而且已经在使用eclipse。它说我需要包括一个支架,但我不知道在哪里 – user2904879
