2015-07-10 50 views

我刚刚写了一段代码,我很难理解,任何帮助都会非常感激。问题是:为什么在一个稀疏矩阵上进行聚类需要更多的时间,更多的内存和更多的行为,而不是聚集在密集格式的相同矩阵上?Scikit-learn Minibatch KMeans:稀疏与稠密矩阵聚类


  1. 创建一个100K×500矩阵
  2. 飞度MinibatchKMeans估计在矩阵(我们不关心结果)
  3. 显示适合估算器的时间



# -*- coding: utf8 -*- 

import time 
import gc 
import numpy as np 
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix 
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans 
from memory_profiler import profile 

def bench_dense(): 
    print ">>>>> Dense Matrix Clustering" 
    # create a random dense matrix 
    dense_matrix = np.random.random((
     100000, # 100K 'fake' documents 
     500 # 500 dimensions 
    s = time.time() 
    km = MiniBatchKMeans(
     n_clusters=20, init='k-means++', batch_size=100, n_init=10, verbose=1) 
    km.fit_predict(dense_matrix) # cluster the points 
    print "Clustered dense matrix in: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) 

def bench_sparse(): 
    print ">>>>>> Sparse Matrix Clustering" 
    # convert the dense matrix in sparse format 
    sparse_matrix = csr_matrix(np.random.random((
     100000, # 100K 'fake' documents 
     500 # 500 dimensions 
    s = time.time() 
    km = MiniBatchKMeans(
     n_clusters=20, init='k-means++', batch_size=100, n_init=10, verbose=1) 
    print "Clustered sparse matrix in: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 


  • 为什么花〜当使用矩阵的密集表示时,聚类算法收敛40倍的迭代次数?
  • 为什么需要两倍的时间来使用稀疏表示与密集表示进行收敛,尽管执行的迭代次数少得多?
  • 最后,我猜测在稀疏版本的基准测试期间分配更多内存的原因是因为矩阵(随机创建的)不包含任何0,这使得稀疏格式的内存效率更低。我对吗?


>>>>> Dense Matrix Clustering 
Init 1/10 with method: k-means++ 
Inertia for init 1/10: 11546.570096 
Init 10/10 with method: k-means++ 
Inertia for init 10/10: 11554.093346 
Minibatch iteration 1/100000: mean batch inertia: 42.160602, ewa inertia: 42.160602 
Minibatch iteration 2/100000: mean batch inertia: 41.914472, ewa inertia: 42.160110 
Minibatch iteration 977/100000: mean batch inertia: 41.750966, ewa inertia: 41.581670 
Minibatch iteration 978/100000: mean batch inertia: 41.719181, ewa inertia: 41.581945 
Converged (lack of improvement in inertia) at iteration 978/100000 
Computing label assignment and total inertia 
Clustered dense matrix in: 7.363s 
Filename: experiments/dense_sparse_bench.py 

Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents 
    13  33.2 MiB  0.0 MiB @profile 
    14        def bench_dense(): 
    15         # create a random dense matrix 
    16  33.2 MiB  0.0 MiB  dense_matrix = np.random.random((
    17          100000, # 100K 'fake' documents 
    18 241.2 MiB 208.0 MiB   500 # 500 dimensions 
    19        )) 
    20 241.3 MiB  0.1 MiB  s = time.time() 
    21 241.3 MiB  0.0 MiB  km = MiniBatchKMeans(
    22 241.4 MiB  0.2 MiB   n_clusters=20, init='k-means++', batch_size=100, n_init=10, verbose=1) 
    23 405.0 MiB 163.6 MiB  km.fit_predict(dense_matrix) # cluster the points 
    24 405.0 MiB  0.0 MiB  print "Clustered dense matrix in: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) 

>>>>> Sparse Matrix Clustering 
Init 1/10 with method: k-means++ 
Inertia for init 1/10: 11618.817774 
Init 10/10 with method: k-means++ 
Inertia for init 10/10: 11609.579624 
Minibatch iteration 1/100000: mean batch inertia: 42.105951, ewa inertia: 42.105951 
Minibatch iteration 2/100000: mean batch inertia: 42.375899, ewa inertia: 42.106491 
Minibatch iteration 21/100000: mean batch inertia: 41.912611, ewa inertia: 42.258551 
Minibatch iteration 22/100000: mean batch inertia: 41.662418, ewa inertia: 42.257358 
Converged (lack of improvement in inertia) at iteration 22/100000 
Computing label assignment and total inertia 
Clustered sparse matrix in: 14.243s 
Filename: experiments/dense_sparse_bench.py 

Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents 
    27  38.5 MiB  0.0 MiB @profile 
    28        def bench_sparse(): 
    29         # convert the dense matrix in sparse format 
    30  38.5 MiB  0.0 MiB  sparse_matrix = csr_matrix(np.random.random((
    31          100000, # 100K 'fake' documents 
    32 271.0 MiB 232.5 MiB   500 # 500 dimensions 
    33        ))) 
    34 271.1 MiB  0.1 MiB  s = time.time() 
    35 271.1 MiB  0.0 MiB  km = MiniBatchKMeans(
    36 271.2 MiB  0.1 MiB   n_clusters=20, init='k-means++', batch_size=100, n_init=10, verbose=1) 
    37 598.5 MiB 327.3 MiB  km.fit_predict(sparse_matrix) 
    38 598.5 MiB  0.0 MiB  print "Clustered sparse matrix in: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) 



我会首先使用*相同*随机矩阵重新运行此基准。如果不是通过传递相同的矩阵,那么通过将种子设置在每个函数的顶部。 – Andreus


好点 - 完成。我很确定结果会是一样的,但是我得到的结果差异很大,不能仅仅由矩阵生成的随机性来解释(记住有500 * 100K,即50M的随机数为每一步生成......) 顺便说一下,我不想使用_exact_相同的矩阵,因为我想释放两个步骤之间矩阵使用的内存。 –


因此,如果我使用常规(非MiniBatch)KMeans,收敛迭代和性能是相同的,密度为812秒,稀疏为3654秒,这对您的矩阵有意义(您的稀疏矩阵不稀疏,的稀疏编码实质上增加了运行时间)。 – Andreus





我已经收紧你的脚本(在MiniBatchKMeans构造函数中分配random_state以确保“相同”结果),然后开始挖掘。第一次群集重新分配后,您的结果发生分歧。因此,我修改了k_means_.py函数来吐出一些变量。在this line,我添加了这些打印语句“如果n_reassign”循环中:

 print "to_reassign",to_reassign 
     print "np.where(to_reassign)",np.where(to_reassign) 
     print "new_centers", new_centers 
     print "centers", centers[:,0] 
     assert False 


>>>>> Dense Matrix Clustering 
to_reassign [False False False False False False False False False False True False 
False True False False True False True False] 
np.where(to_reassign) (array([10, 13, 16, 18], dtype=int64),) 
new_centers [11 24 33 72] 
centers [ 0.51612664 0.48724141 0.50478939 0.46328761 0.41928756 0.50768023 
    0.48635517 0.48744328 0.59401064 0.55509388 0.33723042 0.37875769 
    0.5366691 0.71604087 0.36911868 0.4626776 0.37506238 0.60670616 
    0.21136754 0.54321791] 

>>>>>> Sparse Matrix Clustering 
to_reassign [False False False False False False False False False False True False 
False True False False True False True False] 
np.where(to_reassign) (array([10, 13, 16, 18], dtype=int64),) 
new_centers [11 24 33 72] 
centers [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0. 
    0.   0.   0.   0.33723042 0.   0. 
    0.71604087 0.   0.   0.37506238 0.   0.21136754 
    0.  ] 


import time 
import gc 
import numpy as np 
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix 
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans as MiniBatchKMeans 
#from memory_profiler import profile 

def bench_dense(a_random_matrix): 
    print ">>>>> Dense Matrix Clustering" 
    # create a random dense matrix 
    dense_matrix = a_random_matrix.copy() 
    s = time.time() 
    km = MiniBatchKMeans(
     n_clusters=20, init='k-means++', 
     n_init=10, verbose=0, 
    km.fit_predict(dense_matrix) # cluster the points 
    print "Clustered dense matrix in: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) 

def bench_sparse(a_random_matrix): 
    print ">>>>>> Sparse Matrix Clustering" 
    # convert the dense matrix in sparse format 
    sparse_matrix = csr_matrix(a_random_matrix.copy()) 
    assert np.all((sparse_matrix == a_random_matrix).sum()) 
    s = time.time() 
    km = MiniBatchKMeans(
     n_clusters=20, init='k-means++', 
     n_init=10, verbose=0, 
    print "Clustered sparse matrix in: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    a_random_matrix = np.random.random((
     100000, # 100K 'fake' documents 
     500 # 500 dimensions 
    except AssertionError, e: 
     print e 
    except AssertionError, e: 
     print e 

我在Win 7 64位,蟒蛇2.1.0 64位,Python 2.7,sklearn 0.15.2,numpy 1.9.0 – Andreus


我打开了[Github上的问题](https ://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/4985) – Andreus


我正在运行Mac OS X 10.9.5 64位,Python 2.7,scikit-learn 0.15.0,numpy 1.8.0,scipy 0.14.0。 当我有时间承诺一点时,我会试着调查一下这个问题。 –