2016-12-31 124 views



<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <title>Search for a word in text</title> 


    <form method="post" action="index.php"> 
     <input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Insert the text you want to search in..."> 
     <input type="text" name="find_x" placeholder="Insert the word you want to find..."> 
     <input type="submit" value="Search"> 


     // this just prints out a line used to devide input area from a result 
     $line = "<br>" . str_repeat("___", 40) . "<br></br>"; 
     echo $line; 

     if (isset($_POST["text"]) and !empty($_POST["text"]) and 
      isset($_POST["find_x"]) and !empty($_POST["find_x"])) 
      $text = $_POST["text"]; 
      $find_x = $_POST["find_x"]; 

      // transforms inputs to lowercase so the word is found even if written in uppercase 
      $text_lc = strtolower($text); 
      $find_x_lc = strtolower($find_x); 

      // find length of searched word 
      $length_of_x = strlen($find_x_lc); 

      // variable for offsetting 
      $offset = 0; 

      // prints out all starting positions of a searched word 
      while ($position_in_text = strpos($text_lc, $find_x_lc, $offset)) 
       echo "The string <b><u>$find_x</u></b> is found in your text and it is at position $position_in_text" . "<br>"; 
       $offset = $position_in_text + $length_of_x; 

      // here I want to print the whole text, and wherever the searched word appears in the text it should be highlighted (bold or underlined). I don't know how to do that!? 





你错过了,我说的注释:“波纹管只是一些应该解释什么,我试图做的,我知道,这个代码将不能像这样的工作。” –


我正在尝试打印整个文本,并在该文本中搜索词的每个实例都应该突出显示。 解析错误不是问题。 ( - 1)+ 6 –


你刚刚通过代码快速,没有看到我实际上正在尝试做什么 –



而不是使用strpos你可以使用stripos函数,这样你可以保持大小写也是如此。另外请注意,如果搜索文本位于0位,即while(false !== stripos())甚至可能不会运行,这意味着它位于字符串的起始位置,因此需要检查stripos/strpos是否会返回false(如果未找到匹配,则为false) 。

<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <title>Search for a word in text</title> 


    <form method="post" action="index.php"> 
     <input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Insert the text you want to search in..."> 
     <input type="text" name="find_x" placeholder="Insert the word you want to find..."> 
     <input type="submit" value="Search"> 


     // this just prints out a line used to devide input area from a result 
     $line = "<br>" . str_repeat("___", 40) . "<br></br>"; 
     echo $line; 

     if (isset($_POST["text"]) and !empty($_POST["text"]) and 
      isset($_POST["find_x"]) and !empty($_POST["find_x"])) 
      $text = $_POST["text"]; 
      $find_x = $_POST["find_x"]; 

      // transforms inputs to lowercase so the word is found even if written in uppercase 
      //~ $text_lc = strtolower($text); 
      //~ $find_x_lc = strtolower($find_x); 

      // find length of searched word 
      //~ $length_of_x = strlen($find_x_lc); 
      $length_of_x = strlen($find_x); 

      // variable for offsetting 
      $offset = 0; 

      // prints out all starting positions of a searched word 
      while (false !== ($position_in_text = stripos($text, $find_x, $offset))) 
       $found_string = substr($text, $position_in_text, $length_of_x); 

       echo "The string <b><u>", htmlspecialchars($found_string), "</u></b> is found in your text and it is at position $position_in_text" . "<br>"; 
       // maybe even sanitizing or escaping some of the texts? XSS here 
       //~ $replacement = sprintf('<strong>%s</strong>', htmlspecialchars($found_string)); 
       $replacement = sprintf('<strong>%s</strong>', $found_string); 
       $text = substr_replace($text, $replacement, $position_in_text, $length_of_x); 
       $offset = $position_in_text + strlen($replacement); 

      echo $line, $text;    


hello world HELLO again and good night heLLo 

Search string: 

Expected Result should look like: 
<strong>hello</strong> world <strong>HELLO</strong> again and good night <strong>heLLo</strong> 

伟大的解决方案,它完全符合我的目标。谢谢。 –


欢迎您的光临,但请确保您清理并清除将在浏览器中显示的所有字符串,因为它表明它对XSS攻击开放。 –
