2015-05-09 116 views

我有简单的DateTime课程。我正在比较2个DateTime对象,他们没有正确工作。我试过交换东西,但仍然失败。当我手动输入当前日期时,即使日期相同,也会失败。我必须手动输入日期。谢谢你的帮助。继承人的功能:php DateTime对象比较

function dtcompare(){ 
    //I make the date the same as the current 
    //date and it doesnt echo that its equal. 
    $date1 = new DateTime('5/9/2015'); //a date entered 
    $date2 = new DateTime(); //the current date 
    $mdy = 'n/j/Y'; //the format 

    if($date1 == $date2){ 

     echo "d1 == d2"; //This should be echoing 
    elseif($date1 > $date2){ 

     echo "d1 > d2"; 
    elseif($date1 < $date2){   

     echo " d1 < d2 "; //but this always echos 


function dtcompare(){ 
    $date1 = new DateTime('5/18/2015'); //a future date 
    $date2 = new DateTime(); //the current date 
    $mdy = 'n/j/Y'; //the format 
    if($date1->format($mdy) == $date2->format($mdy)){ 
     echo "d1 == d2"; 
    elseif($date1->format($mdy) > $date2->format($mdy)){ 
     //This will echo if the date is in the next month 6/1/2015  
     echo "d1 > d2"; 
    elseif($date1->format($mdy) < $date2->format($mdy)){   
     //This echos even though it's not 5/18/2015 yet!   
     echo $date1->format($mdy)."d1 < d2".$date2->format($mdy); 


function dtcompare(){ 
    $date1 = new DateTime('5/12/2015'); //a future date 
    $date2 = new DateTime(); //the current date 
    $mdy = 'n/j/Y'; //the format 
    //Using the datetime->format for == comparisons and the other 
    //way for datetimes greater or less than. This works, but I think this is NOT 
    //how this should work though. It feels like a rig for something that 
    //should work one way (DateTime->format() comparison) or another (DateTime comparison w.o format) 
    if($date1->format($mdy) == $date2->format($mdy)){ 
     echo 'date1 and date2 have the same date and time'; 
    elseif($date1 > $date2){ 
     echo 'date1 > date2 meaning its a later date and time'; 
    elseif($date1 < $date2){ 
     echo 'date1 < date2 meaning its an earlier date and time'; 





if($date1->format($mdy) == $date2->format($mdy)){ 
     //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See here, to just compare month, day and year 
    echo "d1 == d2"; //This should be echoing 
elseif($date1->format($mdy) > $date2->format($mdy)){ 

    echo "d1 > d2"; 
elseif($date1->format($mdy) < $date2->format($mdy)){   

    echo " d1 < d2 "; //but this always echos 



$mdy = 'n/j/Y'; //the format 
$date1 = strtotime((new DateTime('5/18/2015'))->format($mdy)); 
$date2 = strtotime((new DateTime())->format($mdy)); 

if($date1 == $date2){ 
    echo "d1 == d2"; 
} elseif($date1 > $date2) { 
    echo "d1 > d2"; 
} elseif($date1 < $date2){   
    echo $date1."d1 < d2".$date2; 

感谢您的回复。我更新了你的建议,但DateTime对象表示较大的日期(5/18/2015)低于今天的日期(5/9/2015)。如果我使用$ date-> format()比较w.o,那么这个相同的比较工作。它不应该以任何方式工作? – Zapp


@Zapp是的只是格式化,因为你想要的日期,然后你可以比较它们 – Rizier123


@Zapp现在更新我的答案。在您的格式顺序有所不同之前,因为它比较了字符串,所以现在只需要时间戳,它应该都可以正常工作 – Rizier123





    //I make the date the same as the current 
    //date and it doesnt echo that its equal. 
    $date1 = new DateTime('5/9/2015'); //a date entered 
    $date2 = new DateTime(); //the current date 
    $mdy = 'n/j/Y'; //the format 

$date1New = $date1->format('d-m-y'); 
$date2New = $date2->format('d-m-y'); 

////echo '<br> --2'.$date2; 

    if($date1New == $date2New){ 

     echo "d1 == d2"; //This should be echoing 
    elseif($date1New > $date2New){ 

     echo "d1 > d2"; 
    elseif($date1New < $date2New){   

     echo " d1 < d2 "; //but this always echos 


如果我使用$ date-> format()比较w.o,这个相同的比较工作。但是,这导致我与==比较原来的问题。它不应该以任何方式工作? – Zapp


php DateTime已经有能力输出unixtimestamp。所以你可以像这样比较:

$early = new DateTime("now"); 
$later = new DateTime("now + 2days"); 

if ($early->format('U') < $later->format('U')) { 
    echo "you'll get this printed"; 

谢谢。我没有使用'U'选项。这是否与其余的比较一起工作? – Zapp