2012-11-15 63 views

你好我已经复制这个FFT实现,但它说什么都没有像系统。 Windows我该如何让这段代码工作?我已经得到了答案,我只是想编辑这篇文章,所以现在对有人来说是有用的。我怎样才能导入System.Windows在C#

来源: http://gerrybeauregard.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/an-fft-in-c/


using System; 
using System.Net; 

namespace FFT { 

    public class FFT2 { 
     // Element for linked list in which we store the 
     // input/output data. We use a linked list because 
     // for sequential access it's faster than array index. 
     class FFTElement { 
      public double re = 0.0;  // Real component 
      public double im = 0.0;  // Imaginary component 
      public FFTElement next;  // Next element in linked list 
      public uint revTgt;   // Target position post bit-reversal 

     private uint m_logN = 0;  // log2 of FFT size 
     private uint m_N = 0;   // FFT size 
     private FFTElement[] m_X;  // Vector of linked list elements 

     public FFT2() { 

     * Initialize class to perform FFT of specified size. 
     * @param logN Log2 of FFT length. e.g. for 512 pt FFT, logN = 9. 
     public void init(
      uint logN) { 
      m_logN = logN; 
      m_N = (uint)(1 << (int)m_logN); 

      // Allocate elements for linked list of complex numbers. 
      m_X = new FFTElement[m_N]; 
      for (uint k = 0; k < m_N; k++) 
       m_X[k] = new FFTElement(); 

      // Set up "next" pointers. 
      for (uint k = 0; k < m_N - 1; k++) 
       m_X[k].next = m_X[k + 1]; 

      // Specify target for bit reversal re-ordering. 
      for (uint k = 0; k < m_N; k++) 
       m_X[k].revTgt = BitReverse(k, logN); 

     * Performs in-place complex FFT. 
     * @param xRe  Real part of input/output 
     * @param xIm  Imaginary part of input/output 
     * @param inverse If true, do an inverse FFT 
     public void run(
      double[] xRe, 
      double[] xIm, 
      bool inverse = false) { 
      uint numFlies = m_N >> 1; // Number of butterflies per sub-FFT 
      uint span = m_N >> 1;  // Width of the butterfly 
      uint spacing = m_N;   // Distance between start of sub-FFTs 
      uint wIndexStep = 1;  // Increment for twiddle table index 

      // Copy data into linked complex number objects 
      // If it's an IFFT, we divide by N while we're at it 
      FFTElement x = m_X[0]; 
      uint k = 0; 
      double scale = inverse ? 1.0/m_N : 1.0; 
      while (x != null) { 
       x.re = scale * xRe[k]; 
       x.im = scale * xIm[k]; 
       x = x.next; 

      // For each stage of the FFT 
      for (uint stage = 0; stage < m_logN; stage++) { 
       // Compute a multiplier factor for the "twiddle factors". 
       // The twiddle factors are complex unit vectors spaced at 
       // regular angular intervals. The angle by which the twiddle 
       // factor advances depends on the FFT stage. In many FFT 
       // implementations the twiddle factors are cached, but because 
       // array lookup is relatively slow in C#, it's just 
       // as fast to compute them on the fly. 
       double wAngleInc = wIndexStep * 2.0 * Math.PI/m_N; 
       if (inverse == false) 
        wAngleInc *= -1; 
       double wMulRe = Math.Cos(wAngleInc); 
       double wMulIm = Math.Sin(wAngleInc); 

       for (uint start = 0; start < m_N; start += spacing) { 
        FFTElement xTop = m_X[start]; 
        FFTElement xBot = m_X[start + span]; 

        double wRe = 1.0; 
        double wIm = 0.0; 

        // For each butterfly in this stage 
        for (uint flyCount = 0; flyCount < numFlies; ++flyCount) { 
         // Get the top & bottom values 
         double xTopRe = xTop.re; 
         double xTopIm = xTop.im; 
         double xBotRe = xBot.re; 
         double xBotIm = xBot.im; 

         // Top branch of butterfly has addition 
         xTop.re = xTopRe + xBotRe; 
         xTop.im = xTopIm + xBotIm; 

         // Bottom branch of butterly has subtraction, 
         // followed by multiplication by twiddle factor 
         xBotRe = xTopRe - xBotRe; 
         xBotIm = xTopIm - xBotIm; 
         xBot.re = xBotRe * wRe - xBotIm * wIm; 
         xBot.im = xBotRe * wIm + xBotIm * wRe; 

         // Advance butterfly to next top & bottom positions 
         xTop = xTop.next; 
         xBot = xBot.next; 

         // Update the twiddle factor, via complex multiply 
         // by unit vector with the appropriate angle 
         // (wRe + j wIm) = (wRe + j wIm) x (wMulRe + j wMulIm) 
         double tRe = wRe; 
         wRe = wRe * wMulRe - wIm * wMulIm; 
         wIm = tRe * wMulIm + wIm * wMulRe; 

       numFlies >>= 1;  // Divide by 2 by right shift 
       span >>= 1; 
       spacing >>= 1; 
       wIndexStep <<= 1; // Multiply by 2 by left shift 

      // The algorithm leaves the result in a scrambled order. 
      // Unscramble while copying values from the complex 
      // linked list elements back to the input/output vectors. 
      x = m_X[0]; 
      while (x != null) { 
       uint target = x.revTgt; 
       xRe[target] = x.re; 
       xIm[target] = x.im; 
       x = x.next; 

     * Do bit reversal of specified number of places of an int 
     * For example, 1101 bit-reversed is 1011 
     * @param x  Number to be bit-reverse. 
     * @param numBits Number of bits in the number. 
     private uint BitReverse(
      uint x, 
      uint numBits) { 
      uint y = 0; 
      for (uint i = 0; i < numBits; i++) { 
       y <<= 1; 
       y |= x & 0x0001; 
       x >>= 1; 
      return y; 

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另外我建议不要如此剧烈地改变你的问题('使用System.Windows'来'我怎样测试这个FFT实现')。如果您有单独的问题需要处理,请提出一个单独的问题。 –


但是我有更早的海报 – user1825357



System.Windows是为Windows Presentation Foundation的命名空间。文章假设你有一个WPF应用程序。如果您没有,可以从File> New Project> ...> Windows> WPF Application从Visual Studio中创建一个。

WPF是一种为MS Windows创建图形桌面应用程序的方法。如果您来自命令行操作系统,您可能更适合制作Windows控制台应用程序。

如果你想学习如何创建一个WPF应用程序,你需要一个WPF tutorial