2017-02-24 68 views

我试图聚集在培训期间没有看到的新数据,只包含测试数据。培训文件有5个类别,而测试数据有7个类别(5 +2),其中2个是新类别。现在,我想运行k-均值来为新添加的类找到适当的群集,或者为它们创建新的群集(如果它们不接近任何群集)。不同的聚类标签


print("Reading training data...") 
#mydata = pd.read_csv('.\KDDTrain.csv', header=0) 
mydata = pd.read_csv('.\PTraining.csv', header=0) 

# select all but the last column as data 
X_train = mydata.ix[1:, :-1] 
X_train = np.array(X_train) 
n_samples, n_features = np.shape(X_train) 
# print np.shape(X_train) 

# select last column as target/class 
y_train = mydata.ix[1:, n_features] 
y_train = np.array(y_train) 

# encode target labels with numeric values from 0 to no of classes 
# print "Encoding class labels..." 
from sklearn import preprocessing 

label_encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() 
# print list(label_encoder.classes_) 
# print 'total no of classes in dataset=' + str(len(label_encoder.classes_)) 
y_train = label_encoder.transform(y_train) 

# n_samples, n_features = data.shape 
n_digits = len(np.unique(y_train)) 

print("Training data statistics") 
print("n_attack_catagories: %d, \t n_samples %d, \t n_features %d" 
     % (n_digits, n_samples, n_features)) 

sample_size = 300 

# Read test data 
mytestdata = pd.read_csv('.\KDDTest+.csv', header=0) 

print("Reading test data...") 
# select all but the last column as data 
X_test = mytestdata.ix[1:, :-1] 
X_test = np.array(X_test) 
# print np.shape(X_test) 

# select last column as target/class 
y_test = mytestdata.ix[1:, n_features] 
# print "actual labels" 
# print y_test 
y_test = label_encoder.transform(y_test) 
# print "Encoded labels" 
# print y_test 
y_test = np.array(y_test) 

n_samples_test, n_features_test = np.shape(X_test) 
n_digits_test = len(np.unique(y_test)) 
print("Test data statistics") 
print("n_attack_catagories: %d, \t n_samples %d, \t n_features %d" 
     % (n_digits_test, n_samples_test, n_features_test)) 

print(79 * '_')

File "C:/Users/aalsham4/PycharmProjects/clusteringtask/clustering.py", line 87, in <module> 
    y_test = label_encoder.transform(y_test) 
    File "C:\Users\aalsham4\AppData\Local\Continuum\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\preprocessing\label.py", line 153, in transform 
    raise ValueError("y contains new labels: %s" % str(diff)) 
ValueError: y contains new labels: ['calss6' 'class7' ]




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我要一个包含训练数据的文件,另一个包含测试数据,测试数据文件有7个类,训练数据文件只有5个类。我想应用k-means聚类来查找这两个类是否与我的模块训练的5个类中的任何类相似。 这是否适用? – Adel


如果你有类,使用分类器,而不是k-means。您的问题错误的工具。并且不要使用KDDCup99数据,这是有缺陷的。 –



作为@ Anony-慕斯已经说了,这不是一个k均值问题。考虑到您想要的课程数量,k-means将找到“自然”分组。一旦你分配这些标签,进一步的更新不再是一个k-均值问题。

