2016-05-20 36 views

我想过滤我的数据,并将所需的数据添加到范围。我已将所需范围设置为空,并在特定列中为特定关键字启动搜索,如果找到该关键字,则会在我的范围内添加整行。 已搜索到列'E'的值“Desired Value”,如果发现整行被添加到PTRange中,它最初设置为Nothing(为空)。VBA中的联合功能

Dim rng As Range 
Dim PTRange As Range 
Dim count As Long 
count = 1 
Set PTRange = Nothing 
Set rng = Range("E2:E20") 
For Each cell In rng 
    If cell.Value = ("Desired Value") Then 
     PTRange = Application.Union(Range(PTRange), Range(Rows(count))) 
    End If 
    count = count + 1 
Next cell 


UPDATE: 初始化PTRange及以下变化




它显示什么样的错误?尝试用联盟(PTRange)替换联盟(范围(PTRange)(PTRange),... –


范围(PTRange)如果这只是PTRange,联盟(rng1,rng2 ....其中rng1&2是范围,PTrange也不会存在于1号通过,所以你必须在第一次设置PTRange = ..... –


'Then'后面缺少'Set' – BrakNicku




首先,我会建议你总是打开Option Explicit特别是如果呼吁Stack Overflow寻求帮助。

Option Explicit强制你声明所有的变量,在这种情况下,它会帮助你,因为你cell作为一个变量,可能会出现模糊。当它未被声明时,它作为一个变体开始它的生命,并且在第一次使用时被定义为特定格式,在这种情况下,编译器将cell声明为Range

它还有助于鼓励更好的编码,并更好地理解代码中发生了什么。要打开它,请在代码窗格的最顶部键入Option Explicit(在任何过程或变量声明之前),同时在VBE(Visual Basic编辑器)中单击'工具'>'选项'并确保'需要变量声明'为勾选。


Dim rng As Range 
Dim PTRange As Range 
Dim count As Long 
count = 1 

'If the range is nothing then it can not be used, it must be started as 
Set PTRange = Nothing 

Set rng = Range("E2:E20") 

'This is where declaring 'cell' would help understanding, it will become a 
'Range at the VBE discretion\decision based on what you are trying to do 
'with it. Even when looking at a single cell, you do so through a Range, 
'it is a reference to one or more cells in a worksheet 
For Each cell In rng ' 
    If cell.Value = ("Desired Value") Then 
     'This will not work for a number of reasons 
     'O- As BrakNicku stated, there needs to be 'Set' at the front 
     'O- This is not remembering the values into the 'PTRange' but 
     ' adding a reference to where those values are. I.e. You are 
     ' not taking note of everybody in the house, but just remembering 
     ' their house address 
     'O- You do not need to put 'Range()' around 'PTRange' as it is 
     ' already a range 
     'O- 'Rows(count)' is not valid syntax and does not pass a range into 
     ' the union 
     'O- 'Union' will put together 2 or more references to ranges, it 
     ' will not put their values in any specific place on a worksheet 
     PTRange = Application.Union(Range(PTRange), Range(Rows(count))) 
End If 
count = count + 1 
Next cell 

希望以上已经知识性和下面是一个例子,一个潜在的解决方案: - 显式的选项

Public Sub Sample() 
Dim LngRow  As Long 
Dim Rng   As Excel.Range 
Dim Rng_Cl  As Excel.Range 
Dim Rng_PT  As Excel.Range 

LngRow = 21 

'Initialise my Range 
Set Rng_PT = Range("E21") '" & LngRow) 

    'Get the search range 
    Set Rng = Range("E2:E20") 

     'Loop through all the cells 
     For Each Rng_Cl In Rng 
      If Rng_Cl.Value = ("Duck") Then 
       'Adds just 5 column and not the whole row 
       Range(Rng_Cl.Address, ActiveSheet.Cells(Rng_Cl.Row, Rng_Cl.Column + 5).Address).Copy Range("E" & LngRow) 
       LngRow = LngRow + 1 
      End If 

    'It is good practice to remove references once you are done with them 
    'This can help with memory consumption/speed and also more serious 
    'memory leaks (and actual stack overflows!) on larger macros 
    Set Rng = Nothing 

Set Rng_PT = Nothing 

End Sub